My big old sturdy treadmill burnt out last week so bought a new compact one. I cant run on it!!!! Gone from 30 mins to 5. Its small & narrow & my legs turned to jelly. Dont undrstand at all. Has anyone else experienced this???? Any advice please??? Dont say run outside as my confidence wont allow that.
Need help please: My big old sturdy treadmill... - Couch to 5K
Need help please
Send it back? I'm a fellow treadmill runner. One day I'll be ready for outside but not today. I suppose it depends where you bought it from. Do you just have to 'break it in'? Sorry it's not much help!
Doodles - if you can run for 30 minutes then you are definitely up there with the rest of the outside runners. Is there a beginners running club anywhere near you could join to banish your confidence sapping gremlins?
Try an early run-walk from the program? That's what I do every time I need to regain my place.
I suppose they could a bit like shoes, one size might not fit all. Is it possible for you to send it back? If not try to gain your confidence with some fast walks on it and build up as you get used to it. Maybe ask someone else to try it as if it's faulty a second d opinion might help, good luck.