but I crept out of bed and into my running gear. Out of the house by 7.45 hoping nobody would see me in my layers, and I'm sure my hair was standing on end because of how I had stuffed the buff thingy over my head to keep my ears warm. Didn't look in the mirror ;).
I decided to take Laura with me today, and played week 8 for some time-keeping company. Took a different route, trotted off up the hill my husband walks up every day to work, then across onto the Common. It was very misty, should have taken a photo to share but didn't want to stop, Laura told me to keep going so I felt I had to. Julie and her love problems gave me the perfect beat to run to at one point and I felt those happiness endorphins kick in (like the guy who sings about her, I just didn't care about poor Julie ). I kept going and decided to run on for a few minutes after the end of the session before walking home.
About five minutes from home I decided to run again and it felt so good. For some, must be psychological, reason it always feels great to run that last little bit. Ran past the garden waste binmen, gave them a cheery 'good morning' and nearly fell over. Bit of a prance to right myself and zoomed up my own (steep) garden path.
I've been home for several hours and still feel great. And the sun has come out.
Happy Thursday, everyone