Very strange experience during Week 1 when I felt that I was completing the run very quickly...seemed to be finishing the podcast about half way through the allotted time.
Devastated, I was convinced my metabolism had degraded dramatically since my attempts 2 years ago meaning I was so slow that I was running about a mile in total with Laura.
Hmmm...Laura, yes, chirpy dude is Laura, speaks nice and quickly, like me, feel we have an affinity, she just cracks on and gets things done, like me, no nonsense.....
Oh what an admission to follow fellow troopers! Checking the foggy screen of my iphone armband sometime in Week 2 I noticed a little rewindy type symbol that said 1 and a 1/2 next to it? You get me? Oh the shame. I have been loving Laura at time and a half.
Husband unsympathetic as I had been crowing about the ease of the program. Now I realise I had been running for half the time-ish I was supposed to.
Husband thought idea of the dreadful pace of the dreadful music making me run like Benny Hill was hilarious.
Can I cite Laura and iphone as co-correspondents in a divorce case?
Soldiering on at normal speed end of Week 4 and actually feel quite reasonable.
Cat x