Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and have just completed wk 7 of the c25k, yes it is hard but the sense of achievement at running 25mins non stop is great. My question is about controlling breathing - at the minute I must look to others like I'm about to have a serious collapse when I'm running, I breathe rapidly and have difficulty establishing a good rhythm, I'm sure I'm not the only person who's experienced this so I just wondered how long it has taken people to really feel that there breathing is controlled and what tips can you give me to improve my own in the coming weeks/months. Any advice would be gratefully received.
About to start week 8: Hi everyone, I'm a newbie... - Couch to 5K
About to start week 8

It's really hard to control your breathing and I find as soon as I think about it, my breathing goes to pot. If you can distract your mind it helps a great deal. Try to solve a problem you've been needing to think through, or post graduation try an interesting podcast. It'll get easier the more you run.

You will settle into your own pattern but it takes time. Forget any notions of nose breathing - I know Laura recommends it but we don't want you to pass out!
Some people find counting steps in and out helps. Belly breathing is supposed to help but takes quite a bit of concentration.
I find distraction is a good technique but slowing down is the best strategy of all.
Keep going!

It isnt easy I agree, and I am an asthmatic and have struggled on and off since I started running. The best tip I can give you is to relax your shoulders, breathe into your belly and go slowly... its not a race!

I am at the same stage as you, just completing week 7. In the early stages I struggled with my breathing, and worried about counting steps, or breathing through my mouth too much. I found if I don't think about it, as the others say, it is a lot easier. If I am running by myself I listen to the radio to distract me. As soon as I start thinking about my breathing, I lose it! Good luck with week 8.

I have asthma and gave up trying to 'breathe right' a long while ago (relatively speaking of course) I might get around faster or be able to go further if I managed to train myself to 'breathe properly' but it would not be worth it to me - I need to keep this fun on some level and getting too intense about meeting 'requirements' would turn me right off
As long as I feel like I am not about to get dizzy or anything I just keep on plodding on while giving my impression of an overloaded Clydesdale

Thanks everyone for the tips, I guess it all just takes time, I think the distraction advice is the way to go, I have just started listening to music during the longer runs and if nothing else it blocks some of the noise of my heavy breathing out. I think until that magical controlled breathing comes my way il just have to keep rocking the fairy elephant look a bit longer.

well done you've past the hard bit. I don't think about my breathing because as soon as I do I lose my rhythm. I also cannot breath through my nose at all, Not much help but it shows you are not the only one

Well done for getting so far! You're right, the sense of achievement is amazing! I don't really have any advice for breathing but just wanted to say hi and welcome!