Managing the jogging but relax more by breathing through my mouth! Any tips on engaging nostrils please? I have tried but I tense up!
W5R1 breathing tips please: Managing the jogging... - Couch to 5K
W5R1 breathing tips please

Morning ! I would stick with the mouth breathing if that's the most comfortable option for you . There's lots of us mouth breathers on here !
I never mastered the art of nose breathing either and it's not being a problem at all regarding my running xxx

No, I never managed the nose breathing either - although it's better if there are lots of bugs about!
The important thing is to breathe! It can help a bit to slow down. Just do what feels right!

Another vote for mouth breathing! Hasn't held me back at all and many very experienced runners mouth breath too! Hope this reassures you🙂.
I often wondered about the obsessive advice about Nose Breathing ? good posts here. I think if nose breathing works then fine. If it doesn't just breathe through your mouth. I have trouble getting enough draft through my nose. Sometimes , not just me, 1of my nostrils becomes blocked for periods perhaps a week and just can't breath through it at all which doesn't help. Apparently some people have a permanent blockage of a nostril.
Don't worry about it. I've made great progress without any help from my nose !

I have been running for 3 years and I cannot breathe through my nose... I'm asthmatic but I do think it's tricky for anyone!! I would go with what feels comfortable for you...

Yes, know the feeling. I just can't get enough air in when trying to breathe through nose. I do try to breathe out really deeply to get the bad stuff out. Not sure if this is in anyway scientific tho.