How have others settled in?: Hi my name is... - Couch to 5K

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How have others settled in?

VanessaJo profile image
12 Replies

Hi my name is Vanessa. I've just completed week 2 and about to start week 3. I am very nervous about the two sets of 3 minutes, how have others found it? Is their a particular week for anyone that was a 'WOW' moment and if so, why?

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VanessaJo profile image
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12 Replies

Every week achieved is a wow moment! I think week one was the hardest followed by week 5. I had to repeat runs in both of those and wondered if I'd ever complete so yes a real wow!

But having finally graduated tonight five months after starting I can tell you that is the most amazing WOW ever!

VanessaJo profile image
VanessaJo in reply to

WOW congratulations on graduating!! I often imagine running continuously for 30 mins as my motivator especially when I struggle with 2 at this moment in time. I cannot wait to be in your position. Thanks for saying you had to repeat some weeks, really helps to know others have found challenges along the way!

in reply to VanessaJo

Loads of challenges! But trust the programme and hang in there. It really works. I couldn't run the eight one minute runs when i started five months ago. Then injured myself in w5 and had over two months off starting all over again . The trick is to GO SLOW!! You will soon be an addict.

Giddykipper profile image
GiddykipperGraduate in reply to

Well done hilary😀Fabulous 😀

McFitty profile image

Hi Vanessa, Believe me, every week, I was convinced I'd never manage the next one! I think everyone has different weeks that they find particularly hard and for different reasons. Often it's just as hard mentally as it is physically, as the gremlins (as we call them) do their damndest to convince us that we're not capable. I had to repeat a couple of weeks (one of them more than once). My first wow moment was joining this forum and realising I wasn't the only one who felt nervous, scared and incapable! Every person on here has been exactly where you are and felt the same trepidation.

The beauty of this programme is that it works! It works by not only increasing your stamina and ability to run, but also your confidence in yourself. This forum is also the most positive and encouraging place and I could not have got through without the support and advice of the amazing people on here. If you don't quite manage a run, don't give up, class that as a practice and try it again.

It took me 12 weeks to complete the programme and from struggling to complete 60 seconds of running, I can now run (albeit slowly) for 30 minutes non stop. And you will be able to as well. It wasn't until week 7 that I actually believed it was possible.

The best advice I can give is to start SLOW and keep it slow. How slow? If you can run slower, then you're going too quickly! You will know when you're ready to up the pace a little.

Good luck with the programme and come and post on here often with questions, or to let people know how your runs have gone. Everyone here will be right behind you, willing you on. :)

VanessaJo profile image

Awwww Thank you - that was such a lovely motivating post, it's so great hearing from honest graduates and I feel really inspired now to tackle week 3!!

Songfish profile image

Well done on your progress so far! My wow moment came this week (w4 r1) when I realised I was enjoying the run sections much more than the walking & in the 2 x5min sections I got in the flow & consciously thought 'I can run!!' I had the biggest grin on my face I prob looked a bit crazy but I didn't care. Keep up the good work :)

secan profile image

My "WOW" moment was W5R3, the first non-stop (20-min) run in the programme: I think that is the moment when many of us stop thinking "I can do it" and start realising "I am actually doing it, I'm running!".

The hardest run was W3R1; there is the first 100% increase in the running stints (from the 90 seconds of W2R3 to 180 seconds), which was tough especially from the psychological point of view. Good luck with it and, although it is easier saying than doing, try to remember it is mostly a mental barrier; if you believe you can do it, you will do it. ;)

McFitty profile image
McFittyGraduate in reply to secan

Hadn't ever thought of it like that before. The fact that week 3 is the first 100% increase in running. Week 3 run 1 and in fact week 3 in general, I found really, really hard. Now I know why!

Curlygurly2 profile image

Week 6 was my problem, like a lot of people doing the programme. Week 5, that 20 min run was my wow moment, when Laura tells you you are a runner now. Hang in there you'll get that moment too xx

Bluerockdragon profile image

So far, my wow moment has been week 5, run 1 - it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Tomorrow is week 5, run 2, so I'll see if pride really does come before a fall.

Keep going VanessaJo :-), if you stick with the programme you'll really feel the benefits. I'm feeling the best I've felt for years (not counting the occasionally dodgy back, shoulder that needs another cortisone injection and 4 blisters caused by wearing heels while out shopping at the weekend).

melly4012 profile image

Trust in the programme - it will prepare you for each run! I remember looking at each next week thinking "how will I manage that?!" but I did and you will too! The programme is magic and you will get through. If you don't manage to complete all the running sections then you just repeat that run again before moving on and if you complete a run then you move onto the next one. :) Trust in yourself, trust in the programme. You can do it! We're all here supporting you :)

My wow moment was running outside in Week 7 as I'd been doing it on a treadmill up until that point. I was so nervous and self conscious to go outside but I loved running outside and haven't touched the treadmill since!!

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