Rignold update - Warning NSFW image: Hello all... - Couch to 5K

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Rignold update - Warning NSFW image

Rignold profile image
β€’76 Replies

Hello all, sorry for my prolonged absence. An awful lot has been happening in my life and most of it fairly awful.

When I was last here I had just discovered that my wife was having an affair with a work colleague, and then she announced she was leaving me and the kids, on the same day as I found out that my mother, who I have been shepherding through Alzheimer's for the past couple of years had a very aggressive recurrence of cancer and has only a very short amount of time left. As you can imagine, this was quite stressful, and a couple of weeks ago I collapsed with massive heart trauma. Not a heart attack - the reverse in fact, my heart sped up to so fast the rate was not measurable. The result was almost the same though. I did not die, however, or would not be writing this, and no, it was not in any way due to my training regime. I was hospitalised, stabilised, inspected, injected and all kinds of mean nasty ugly things (for all you Arlo fans), and loaded to the gills with beta-blockers, anti-coagulants and stuff. My heart still wouldn't come down below 117 and was as arrhythmic as drunk jazz drummers playing different time signatures in each corner of a room. Obviously I have been banned from running, lifting,exertion etc, and was given strict orders not to let myself get upset or stressed so as not to exacerbate my heart rate. Which was an interesting challenge under the circumstances, but in some ways may have been a blessing as I have had to become very zen, albeit by a somewhat unusual route. I am supposed to go at the end of next week for a cardioversion, to electrically reset my heart - basically getting whacked with a defibrillator to jumpstart me.

However, the good news is, as of yesterdays ECG my heart rhythm is normal again - it appears my heart has reset itself. This was an outside possibility but not something I was pinning any hopes on. Am awaiting confirmation from cardiologist, but fingers crossed. Would be the first good news in a while. If that is the case I will be right as rain again within a week and allowed to get my running shoes back on and lifting some iron again.

In the meantime I have been doing interesting new things. A photographer friend asked me to do a modelling job, which is something I would not have even entertained a month ago, but I just thought... why not? It took my mind off my worries for an afternoon. Despite my woeful loss of gains and patchy chest from all the ECG electrodes, I have since had 3 offers of more such work, although 2 of them from, um, 'specialised websites for men'. I'm not sure a career as a gay porn model is really the direction I want to take my life, I wasn't even aware the term 'DILF' existed before now, but every day is a school day.

Other than that I am doing better. Viewing this all as a massive second chance and an opportunity to reboot my life, even if it is not how I would have chosen it. As you can imagine my children are pretty devastated but we're getting through it all (they dont know about Grandma yet) and will come out of all this happier and stronger. All just a bit day-by-day at the moment though.

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Rignold profile image
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76 Replies
Blackcatowner profile image

Wow Rig, that is a tough time! I don't post much but always read your (very interesting) posts.

Good luck with it all & great photo :)

stecal profile image

Sorry to hear your news but glad your heart rhythm is back to normal and great photo as well.

mfamilias profile image

I'm sorry you've been going through so much :( I think that life has picked on the wrong person though, 'cos you're already back on your feet and fighting. I'm relieved that you've kept your sense of humour despite the pressure - loved the image of the jazz band. Keep up the positive & zen attitude, take one day at a time and hug those kiddies and your mum. The modelling looks promising! Can we have a Rignold C25K calendar?

Bluewings profile image
Bluewingsβ€’ in reply tomfamilias

I'd buy a few copies of that calendar! 😘

pollyp1 profile image

Heavy stuff indeed. My husband went through a similar thing with the heart and he is now fine (although if he ever takes up running it'll be even more of a shock to the world than me doing it!), but I remember it as very scary... I have no words for the rest of it beyond the fact that if I've learnt anything since I started c25k it's that this forum is an amazing place - and they seem to love you!

yatesco profile image

Oh Rig, I have no words. Thanks for your honesty, for whatever it's worth, we are all there with you mate.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

That's a lot to cope with at one time, Rignold , but if anyone can, it's you. You recreated yourself a couple of years ago and will do so again, if necessary. What you have recreated is very photogenic, I must admit! I can't imagine how you coped without running and exercise over the last few weeks, but it's amazing what we're capable of, if we have too. Look after yourself and the kids (and Grandma).

poppypug profile image

I am lost for words .......

Life has given you a kick in the b@@@*@ks and then a karate chop at the back of the neck but you're still here Rig , you're a fighter ! Although in a very Zen like way of course :-)

You look absolutely amazing in that photo and I agree with mfamilias , we definitely need a Rig calendar !

Hang on in there Rig , you're made of strong stuff for sure xxx

B0bP profile image

Jesus mate that's really really rough.

Hang in there and just take one day at a time.

Things will get better albeit probably very slowly and there will obviously be ups and downs on the way, but there will be a time when you look back and see how far you've come and how happy you are.

If there's anything I can do, chat, phone call, meet up for a beer (though I have no idea where you are) please let me know.


PS Even though I'm straighter than a straight thing I'd probably do you in that photo πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduateβ€’ in reply toB0bP

Ha ha Bob !!!!! :-D xxx

B0bP profile image
B0bPGraduateβ€’ in reply topoppypug

Haha, I won't say what my Mrs said when she saw the picture!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduateβ€’ in reply toB0bP

Hmm something like oh the contrast of black and white really works together and the line is very sharp ? Thought so , that's exactly what I thought ! :-D xxx

B0bP profile image
B0bPGraduateβ€’ in reply topoppypug

It's like you were in the room Pops 😏

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduateβ€’ in reply toB0bP

Ha ha , I was Bob, I was hiding behind the curtains :-D xxx

Pushing60 profile image

What a tough time you have had, mentally, physically and emotionally. Glad to read that the cardioversion may not be necessary and you could soon be restarting your fitness regime. Something I suspect will help you through this difficult, heart breaking time of your life.

You've relayed your personal tragedies with great dignity and no hint of bitterness, so many people could learn from your attitude.

So sorry to hear about your poor mum, I have no words that could possibly help, just remember you have many friends in this community who care and are here to help support you.

It's great to see you back, your posts and advice have been invaluable to so many, including myself.

Take care of yourself and those you hold dear.

Great picture by the way.

Tombenoly profile image

I don't quite know what to say that's not inappropriate. Yes you will need your own calendar, and you can join the "DILF" club too. You are strong both physically and mentally and will focus on getting you, your mum and your children through the next few months. No life will never be the same again for you just as we pass through our childhood, teenage years and into adulthood we all evolve and become the person we need to be. Stay calm, mindful and zen like embrace each day for what it is.

aliboo70 profile image

Blimey rignold, thats a shocking amount of horrible things to go through. So sorry to hear this. You are a strong person and you will succeed in coming out the other side, just bit by bit but it must be incredibly hard......

The photo looks great , for some reason I looked at it a 2nd time and saw your nipples as eyes and you 6 pack as a tongue sticking out and now that's all I can see. But my brain is a little bit strange!πŸ˜•πŸ˜†


Rignold profile image
Rignoldβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

funnily enough, the other photo they used, which is a bit more starightforward, is the subject of much debate on Facebook at the moment, where the concensus of opinion is that my mid section looks like a pug or 'Donald Trump as a pug'. Which made me feel so much better about the hundreds of daily situps and pullups etc. I didn't post that one for fear of distressing Poppypug.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduateβ€’ in reply toRignold

Ha ha ! Oh bugger , I'm not on Facebook - Pah !

I'd love to see that one ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateβ€’ in reply topoppypug

I am... and it doesn't.. and I am not too old for this kind of thing, before anyone says it!!!! :)

HeatherGrrr profile image
HeatherGrrrGraduateβ€’ in reply toRignold

Oh come on, you can't say it looks like Trump as a pug and then not share it with us! πŸ˜›

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70β€’ in reply toRignold

Glad its not just me then! I think poppy neeeeeds to see it,and the rest of us! Great shot!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†

HeatherGrrr profile image
HeatherGrrrGraduateβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

Argh, now that's all I can see!!

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRunsβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

Thanks Ali, gave me a legitimate reason to have a second look at the photo...

jojo57 profile image
jojo57Graduateβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

Drat. Thats the image I've got now too! I had a better one before that....

Rig, wishing you all the best with the challenges ahead. Life will get better.

ancientrunner profile image

Gosh Rig that's tough. Hang on in there - and hope that ECG stays steady.


HeatherGrrr profile image

Bloody hell! I'm genuinely in awe of your continued sense of humour and dignity in handling all the shit life is throwing at you right now.

My thoughts go out to you, your mum, and your kids through this rough time. You're obviously a physically strong guy, so you will battle through the health issues, but I'm so glad you're also so mentally strong - hang on in there.

I know I don't know you much on the forum, but I really am thinking of you and hoping for good times for you.

And yes, that photo. Goddamn! πŸ˜‰

OldWheezer profile image

Sorry Rig after all the excellent advice and encouragement you dish out to people on this forum I wish I could find some words you could find solace in but there's nothing there. I just wanted to show my support for you and what you're going through

By the way I'm now having to explain why I've been looking at pictures of a naked man on the Internet. Thanks!

Take care.

Good grief! Completely inadequate but I'm going to say 'it never rains but it pours'! So sorry for what you are going through.

I've been having investigations as my heart was 'slow'. They kept asking if I was very fit; which has caused no end of hilarity.

Hope things get better for you soon. More photos pls or I'll have to hunt you down on facebook and that would make me weird (er)

PippiRuns profile image

"If you're going through hell, keep going" seems like an appropriate quotation at this time in your life, Rignold. Very sorry to hear about your mother. You're too young to lose a parent. Your wife, on the other hand, seems to have lost it herself. Is she blind or something? I hope your cardiologist gives you the go to start exercising again. Maybe punch something if you feel like it. Or run! Good to have you back.

beverleyg profile image

What a horrible set of events, especially sorry about your mum. Just awesome that you have got to the point you have, stronger in the end I'm sure but an awful way to get there.

Strongly suspect your wife will look back and wonder what the hell she was thinking, especially as I think the forum could start a campaign to get you cast as the next Bond.

Keep posting your progress, sending you warmest wishes.

Now I must close your photo before my husband gets home....

melly4012 profile image

Hi Rignold,

I think I may have joined the forum in your absence. As if I wasn't already nervous about making an acquaintance with Rignold - The Legend, I click on your post and then that picture is the first thing I see!! My goodness, I think you have reduced me to a flustered schoolgirl - it's taken me a good little while to get up the courage to post...!

I know that you have been a great help and inspiration to so many people on here and although I don't feel in any place to offer advice, I am sure you are strong enough to get through this difficult time. I think there will be a lot of people pleased to have you back and benefit from your advice here :)

ju-ju- profile image

You are such a fighter... So strong to get through this and so strong physically too... I hope these photos have given your confidance a huge boost... I think you should have your own C25k pin up calendar- and everyone knows gay porn stars look the best!!!

AndyD profile image

Can't even begin to think how you've come through all that.. big respect to you. We all have our ups and downs in life but I really hope that life treats you better from this point on. :-)

IannodaTruffe profile image

I don't know what to say apart from repeat myself....... chill Rigs, you know it makes sense. You sound about as positive as l could expect anyone to be in your situation. You will be in our thoughts.

Sandraj39 profile image

So sorry for all you have been through - but you sound so strong and are obviously a fighter! ( If the man in that photo ain't a fighter, I don't know who is!) Take care.

Blimey! pass me da defibrillator I've come over all funny like! :)

Beccym profile image

What a crap time. My mum had very aggressive dementia, her last couple of years were horrendous, so I understand how hard that is. She also died of cancer.

Keep the positive outlook and keep on running.

useitorloseit profile image

Shit, Rig, what a pile of poop - no wonder you went a bit quiet. Your wife has clearly lost her marbles. Very sorry about your mum. And the heart ... flippin heck. My FIL had that last year, and two lots of restart didn't work, but he got taken in to London and had some kind of laser intervention a few months ago and he's like a new man now (well, he's pretty chipper for a 77 yr old). Hopefully your massive fitness and healthy lifestyle will stand you in good stead.

As to the photo, well that was a surprise. (Ali - I see a beast with two long tusks like a walrus or a sabre tooth tiger!)

jt24 profile image

For fooks sake :(

I don't know how to respond to the amount of varied experiences you're currently living.

You're definitely NOT dead, you're right, there's far too much stuff going on to prove that.

Gay porn has a market! From that post you could also consider writing as a career. How you wrote all that 'with humour' is majorly skillful.

All the best wishes being sent your way x Thoughts with you, your mum and kids x

Shivani05 profile image

Oh Rignold, I have no words...I'm so sorry for all you are going through. One day at a time is all I have to offer. You sound like you are doing ok under the circumstances. I hope you can run/lift soon too. Take care.

samsonandrew profile image

Keep strong mate. Good luck with your future life.

Bundoodle profile image

You are one tough cookie! Love yourself, love your kids and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I predict great things in your future. Sending strength to you and yours.

MarkyD profile image

Desperately resisting the temptation to google 'DILF'. I know where that leads.

Well, Rig. Welcome back. What a ton of tribulations have come your way. But as befits a man who know where his squats are, you've come up fighting and with humour. We're all happy to support you for a change. Do your utmost to spend time with the Riglets, they'll need you more than ever. Does your Mum know you in her lucid moments? I hope that you'll have the opportunity to talk with her in these last few weeks.

You're strong and resilient, but it won't be easy facing these challenges. Take as many offers of support as you can. Be humble.


Just about got my breathe back now! I know there is usually two sides to every story but is your wife stark raving mad! or, er, looking at your picture, the work colleague must be off the scale! i know at least 20 of my friends that would gladly chip in if you feel like going into the time share market! :D

heart felt good luck wishes for the days ahead x

AncientMum profile image

Unlike MarkyD , I did Google DILF. I'm saying nothing though, for fear of incriminating myself....

Flippin' eck Sweetie, life's been a bit of a bitch to you recently. I'm so sorry for what you've been going through and for your poor children too -their mum ups and leaves and then their dad gets proper ill -they must have been beside themselves.

The best I can do is to wish you a period of calm to take stock of your new circumstances, and to allow you to concentrate on your children, your health and, of course, your mum (not forgetting the modelling career!)

Take care m'dear, I'm off to check out Facebook x

Edit: Had to google NSFW too. x

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduateβ€’ in reply toAncientMum

I googled them both as well. How sad is that!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduateβ€’ in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Did you blush when you found out what DILF meant? ;)

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduateβ€’ in reply toAncientMum

Nearly. But we'd better not give anything away. A whole new world opens up!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduateβ€’ in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Haha :D Ain't that the truth. Rig, what have you started.... ?

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduateβ€’ in reply toAncientMum

I'm not sure whether I should be embarrassed or ok about the fact that I don't have to google DILF to know what it means

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduateβ€’ in reply toamateurwriter

Hahaha :)

MarkyD profile image
MarkyDGraduateβ€’ in reply toamateurwriter

You should be ashamed of yourself, at your age !!

(Only joking!)

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduateβ€’ in reply toMarkyD

*slaps myself on the wrist* going to clean my mind out lol

John_W profile image

Hey Rig,

I'm lost for words. To have that much & such intense stuff to deal with at the same time must be massively hard to bear. I'm truly staggered by your post to be honest.

As for the photo, wow! Seriously envious of that physique. Testimony to all your work and dare I say, crazy sh*t you do :-) Puts me in mind of Gut Pearce in Memento which I saw for the 1st time a few months ago.

Anyway, take care, & hope to hear again from you soon,


MotherGoose profile image

Oh my and I thought I had problems. Glad that you are on the mend. Your children must be l relieved as well. When you go through tough times it really does make you look at your life doesn't it? Even if a modelling career wasn't quite what you had in mind, like you said, why not? Life is too short to turn down these opportunities! Hope things improve and you're back running soon.

Really sorry to hear about your tribulations, especially about your mother. OH had a cardioversion 4 weeks ago and is like a new man, but it sounds like you may not need one after all. Awesome photo, TD just looked over my shoulder and said 'He's fit' ! Hope everything come out right in the wash, opportunities beckon....

Irishprincess profile image

Gawd Rig, like your running and training trials you don't do heartache by halves do you? I'm so sorry to read about the sort of stuff you're facing. That's so hard for all of you.

I hope you have friends there who can support you through this and you already know how much your running friends here admire and respect you.

You look amazing btw. All that hard work has paid off!

Oldfloss profile image

Massive virtual hug.x

amateurwriter profile image

Hi Rig,

not sure what to say, just glad you are still here, and you are still here to help your childen get through everything, you are stronger than you probably have thought in the past, both physically and mentally and it just goes to show you are still standing after everything that has happened,

I wish you all the best for the future, fingers crossed the doctor's have great news for you, it can be tough not to exercise but be patient for yourself and for your children's sake as well, you'll be back to running in no time,

So glad you are still here, if you need to vent then don't worry just vent, you and everyone has been through everything with me both the good and the bad and I'm sure everyone including myself will be there for you through the good and the bad days as well,

Take care and keep well,

Siobhan x

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduateβ€’ in reply toamateurwriter

P.S. you can tell you are quite physically fit in that picture at first thought I thought you had uploaded a picture of someone else then realised it was a picture of you, be proud of how far you have come, and the fact that you are still here :)

LisaRose74 profile image

Blimey, what a sh1t time you have had. Life really can be a turkey at times. However I really think you should post a 'before' picture (assuming you haven't always looked like this!), alongside this picture as the NHS could use you to promote C25K. There would be such an uptake in running the NHS's problems would be solved!

LinaLamont profile image

As everyone else has said, I'm very sorry to hear what you've been through but it sounds like you are coping like a champion. keep going!

runswithdogs profile image

Oh Rig. That's a great burden for your family to bear. My thoughts are with you and your kids - I hope you can gain comfort from running and squats again soon.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Just realised I'm reading the posts top to bottom today so wrote on the one above, I am now thinking talking about running is not very helpful. Sorry for that. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good news from the cardiologist. Hugs (((((. )))))) .

Feelingsilly profile image

Holy moly that's a really rough time you've been having there! As a cardiac nurse, I hope you heart stays "reset" and you don't need the cardioversion - keep up your zen-developing skills! Hope you can get back to your running soon though, you're a great inspiration to a lot of new runners! πŸ˜€

So sorry to hear about all your troubles, sending you my very best wishes.

Als_mum profile image

Stay strong. You will come out the other side of this. My thoughts and prayers go with you.

pinkangel16 profile image

Oh no Rig, read this after the second post ( I generally only catch up via the emails). I'm really touched by your tale - blown away by the brutality of your situation.

You're in our thoughts Rig, we're all wishing you the best.

I have a heard condition and have had a pacemaker since age 11. It hasn't affected my life in any way - well other than making it better πŸ˜€ oh, and the cufuffle at the airport. If it comes to you needing one, it's not a problem, I promise.

Take care xx

5kOrBust profile image

Bloody hell Rig that's really shit. There's nothing I can say that can make any of that even remotely better, but please know that I, and many others, are in your corner. Be well mate.


Laureth profile image

Sorry to hear this, try and take time to heel now.

misswobble profile image

Good grief Rig! So sorry to hear of your stresseful life at the moment. If it's not one thing it's another πŸ˜• Coping with any one of those problems would be seriously challenging for anyone, but having them all come at you at once has been a trauma for you hence the heart thing. When my mum was really bad with Alzheimers my back began to conk with the stress. It's like your body closes down as a defence mechanism.

I wish you all the very best Rig and I hope things get better for you very soon. Be patient and just concentrate on what you can do and let other stuff go. Your mum and children need you most. Be good to yourself ☺

I have no idea what a Dilf is but I don't suppose it matters at my age ☺

Old_trout profile image

Oh Rig, that is awful. Never rains but it pours and there you are standing out in the middle of it.

You poor bloke, I am so sorry. As the poet said "this, too, will pass" and it surely will but it must be hard to imagine that now.

I'm so glad that the running has strengthened not just your body but your spirit as well. What a blessing. What courage you have, look forward to better times coming, they really will. Take whatever help is offered though, you need to look after yourself to be there for the children. Heroic as you are, don't overdo it, look after yourself and let those that will look after you

Curlygurly2 profile image

Oh Rig, I missed this somehow....I'm so sorry about your family, it all seems to come at once doesn't it? You are amazing to see this as a new chance, you are awesome! Those are great pics.....

You know, I've been thinking of you, I finally got round to adding squats to my warm up....

Your RunFam loves you Rig xxx

Noaky12 profile image

Just catching up & saw this. Aww Rig man you truly have had some major Sh*t to deal with. There's nothing I can say that will help......

But that pic.... OOOOFT!! & no I didn't have to google DILF & ............. think I'll just leave it there.

Take care big man xx

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