So last night I finally laced up my trainers & got out there to do my first run.
Unfortunately this wasn't quite to plan. Plan was to walk 5 mins to the park, run around said park & walk 5 mins back. Unfortunately the park was a little further than expected and run no 1 was suddenly upon me as I walked alongside what is a fairly busy road, confidence failed me & I just walked a bit faster. By the time I arrived at the park Laura was almost onto run 4 so I turned around and went home
On the positive side I didn't run but speed walked the run's so I have started the exercise habit at least. I am going to try again tomorrow (to keep the Mon, Wed, Fri habit) but will be changing clothes at work, driving to the park on my way home and running. At least that way I will avoid the problem of leaving the house again once i'm home.
I am determined, it will happen