Hi I'm doing another couch to 5k programme, on the last week but just can't keep running. My lower legs start hurting and then feel like dead weights. Think I'm going to go back a couple of weeks and just restart longer runs. Have also begun calf exercises. Any advice on how to keep going thanks
Hitting a wall : Hi I'm doing another couch to... - Couch to 5K
Hitting a wall


Try to keep your back straight and relax your lower legs when you run. That way you need less energy to keep going.

We all swear by the lovely Laura, grim music and all! The music is a rite of passage. Does your program speak to you? Laura is really encouraging and daft as it is, it feels as though she really is watching you and encouraging you.
Just plod one foot in front of the other, don't try and stride too far ahead short steps are fine, the speed comes later. Remember your muscles have to develop and strengthen with this new exercise so be sure you have your recovery days. Sometimes going two days rest instead of one makes all the difference. I thought my legs would never lighten up, I thought I must be deformed or something! I can't pinpoint exactly when it was that they stopped being so leaden, but it does happen, and well before you get near week 9.
Good luck!

I didn't use Laura either, but the slow down advice is good, Maybe you need a couple of days rest too, Its a big adjustment from never running to 3 times a week so sometimes an extra day or two off lets your legs recover properly.