So I did it half an hour ago I finishe my 20 min run, I been lying on the grass ever since with the dog laying across my chest I think she was just checking for a heart beat as nothing this red has ever lived! I went slow and in 5 min chunks the worse bit was the 3rd chunk and all I could think was I m over half way through I m not going to waste this and do it again. If I m honest it was hard, a challenge but ok and I ve not run that long for about xxxxxx years. I was on my warm down walk and two ladies came out of a house obviously going for a walk/jog/run who knows. I said I ve just run for 20 mins all excited and one said well Done even if it's only 20 mins. I said 60 seconds was a challenge 5 wks ago to which she replied you ll be doing a 10K next you can do a 10K in 45 mins even at a really slow jog........ Now I can probably at the moment do 5K in 45 mins so how slow am I! My excitement in managing my 20 mins was some what deflated after that conversation!
It's only 20 mins she said!: So I did it half an... - Couch to 5K
It's only 20 mins she said!

You just did 20 minutes you Legend!! Just because others can run a marathon in the blink of an eye does not diminish that. YOU did this today and that is something to be proud of. I burst in to tears after I had done mine I was so happy. Celebrate and be proud of your success and keep on running 🏃🏃🏃

It is a huge achievement. Don't let anyone take that away from you! Boy I was so chuffed when I made it through 20 min. It definitely wasn't easy and I felt a mile high. I just ran a 10k last weekend much slower than 45 min and it didn't feel like a slow jog to me. Take all that with a grain of salt. Your dog knows what you've achieved. So cute - your dog listening for your heartbeat, haha. Gotta love dogs. They're not smart alecks.

Well done to you. Great to hear you ignored the gremlins and had a shot at it- and did it!

Well done, you! 20 minutes is brilliant and the highlight of the programme. As for calling running 10k in 45 mins a "slow jog" I think they were winding you up. Or being very bitchy. Don't let them get to you - you're fantastic!

Yea what do they know

Ignore the conversation.. you did brilliantly!
Red is totally the new look for the Summer, and your dog sounds like a useful chum to have!!!
What you do not know is, after they turned the corner, they went to the nearest cafe and at drinking hot in the sun and then jogged slowly back!
Well done you... onwards and upwards..

Yaaay!! Well done you!

That's a milestone run! Well done ☺

Well done!!!! Keep going, your will keep getting better and better! And you will be able to do 10k, a bit odd to say under 45 minutes is a slow jog though! I agree with Oldfloss, they probably went round the corner for a frappuccino or some such thing! I managed it on a treadmill once when I was 25kg less in weight and training for months and months and even then I nearly died Now I'm very slowly trying to get back there but I don't think anyone who has done it would say it was a slow jog.. Maybe Mo Farah would call it a quick jog and get away with it

Average Time
The average time for runners to complete a 10K race generally falls between 50 and 70 minutes. The median time for American 10K racers in 2012 was 55:52 for men and 1:04:37 for women, according to Running USA. A 1:02 finish in a 10K race, for example, requires a pace of 10 minutes per mile. Extremely fit runners can run 7-minute miles or quicker, while weekend joggers might fall in the 10- to 14-minute range for their miles.
I think they are yanking your chain.

Then forget the conversation and focus only on the elation of having completed your first 20-minute non-stop run.
Even because, whatever other people might say, 10km in 45min is not a "slow jog" so the lady must have had some pretty peculiar ideas to say something like that.
So ignore others; what matters is that you did it and you are happy with that... and your dog has still a owner. 😜 😄
For your reference, the fastest non-elite runner at the Great Manchester Run (10km) completed the course in 57min 28sec.
This should reveal you how much those two ladies know about running...

There will always be people who run faster than you and people who run slower! There will also be people who like to put other people down or make snide comments to make themselves feel better (not saying that's what they were doing but it could have been). The chord from Baz Luhrmann's Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen struck a huge chord with me.
Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind
The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself
I've remembered and applied it to all walks of life but it couldn't be more relevant to this particular journey we're taking! That's why I love this forum - because no one seems to be competing with anyone apart from the version of themselves which did the previous run! Well done on your fantastic achievement today!!!!!

Brilliant run, well done, 'nuff said.

Really well done, that's a huge milestone.
For what it is worth, not even Mo Farah does 10K in 45 minutes in a "slow jog".

Fantastic achievement !!! Well done , don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle !
This is a major milestone in the programme , be very proud of yourself . You have every right to be !
Congratulations ! xxx

That 20 minutes is about you, not anyone else. It is a brilliant achievement and something you should be proud of. Keep going and you will transform your life, but l hope always remember to support new runners.
Keep running, keep smiling.