Getting harder: Hello there. I am new to this... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Getting harder

11 Replies

Hello there. I am new to this forum but I have just completed my 5th week of Couch to 5K : 20 min of continuous running!

Much much harder than the previous week. I feel I need to repeat week 5 to be more comfortable for week 6 as now it becomes steeper ...

I am too much overweight (euphemism really for being already obese) and my feet are really hurting now, far more than the legs, which are surprisingly responding to the effort and the long run but the feet are really killing me.

Also I have noticed I have not lost a gram in weight despite my increased level of fitness... is that common?

Kind regards

11 Replies
Jacqui-fit450 profile image

Week 5 Run 3 was an epiphany moment for many of us. The sense of achievement I felt on completing that was huge... and my motivation to keep going with C25K. If you survived, I say continue to week 6 (which actually feels easier at first) and trust in the programme.

If your feet are killing you, you may want to get some decent running shoes and have your gait checked by a proper sports shoe place. The difference between a cheap and cheerful pair of trainers and decent running shoes with shock absorption, gel or boost or wide fitting to suit your needs (or even elastic laces to take the pressure off the top of your feet) could solve your problem.

I didn't join this forum until about week 6, but I'm glad I did, it helps.

I weighed 17.10 when I started week 1 and dropped to 16.4 by the end of week 7. I'm only 5'2" (in all directions). Amazing to think that I was trying to jog carrying the additional weight of car tyre just a few weeks ago (or 20 guinea pigs, or two medium bowling balls). It may help you to lose weight by keeping a closer eye on what you're eating. I started C25K at the same time as logging all my food and exercise on - it makes you much more accountable for what you consume and ensures that you keep to recommended guidelines. If you keep within your calorie guide AND increase your exercise the weight should begin to drop away and running will get easier.

Keep it up. Week 6 Run 1 seems pretty easy after Week 5 Run 3. It'll build you back up and you WILL be able to handle it. Good luck, and keep us all posted with your progress. :-)

in reply to Jacqui-fit450

Thanks Jacqui. I am 46, 160 cm tall and 100 kg. I am concerned about my weight and crappy state of fitness and would like to do something about it before hypertension, diabetes and depression catch me inadvertently sitting on the couch. You feel you carried 20 guinea pigs, I feel I carry a 40 kg pig inside my belly all the time (my "ideal weight" is less than 60 kg). You cannot believe how supportive your words are to me. Many many thanks.

PS I got new Asics... the old Nikes were too hard on my feet.

C25K here I come, whether you like it or not.

Jacqui-fit450 profile image
Jacqui-fit450Graduate in reply to

I have asics gels. They haven't given me any problems. I've not had a proper gait check yet. Just done my week 9 run 1. Went way beyond the 30 minutes and did 49 minutes. Stunned at how much stamina I have now (and that was after doing 30 minute free step aerobics on the wii, 4 minute virtual park run on the wii, walking half an hour to the swimming pool, swimming for 2 hours, and walking half an hour home). My most active day ever! Lost another three lbs in the last week (23 lbs down since starting C25K now).

Just think, in a few weeks, you too can be this sickening! :-)

lou122 profile image

well done, i am just starting week one, from experience exercise alone improves health and is always worth it but does not necessarily make us loose weight. Concerning your feet, is it your middle toes that get a numb feeling first and then the pain starts, if so it could be Mortons Neuroma, you need to referred to orthopaedics foot clinic and they regularly inject your feet with steroids, it works for me. good luck with your continued running. I can only run one minute at moment so 20 minutes is an achievement, i would just keep doing 20 mins for few weeks if i was you, until you feel you can do more.

in reply to lou122

Thanks for the answer. No, the feet pain is like an elephant steps on me every time I put the foot on the floor. It must be my weight (100kg).

Not a Morton's neuroma, that's for sure.

jt24 profile image

Welcome :)

If you completed the 20 minute continuous run then I wouldn't repeat. Move on to week 6 as it's a return to run/walk and prepares you for the end of the programme.

I think a gait/shoe analysis sounds the best idea, you don't want to be in pain and definitely want to stay off the IC (injury couch).

From the start to week 5 I lost around 4lbs. I was following a healthy plan but the running was increasing my appetite so I was definitely hungrier and struggling not to eat too much!

What you will find though is that your shape starts to change and you will appear 'slimmer' despite the scales. My weight loss has kicked in a little again post-grad as I'm completing long runs.

Good luck :)

Bundoodle profile image

Hi! Just a quick reply re: the lack of movement on the scales. I am on W7 and my scales have barely moved but I feel sooo much better and the bits that wobble wobble less than they did 7 weeks ago. Scales don't tell the whole story, your body does. Good luck!

Tombenoly profile image

I am way too heavy to and although I am on wk 4 and very slow I have nt lost any weight but have noticed a subtle change in body shape and my lungs feel really " clean"

misswobble profile image

It's only week 5. Losing weight takes time. At this point you aren't running for very long so don't be surprised that you've lost no weight. You will though if you keep going. If say "if", but I'm sure you will now you've started and got to week 6.

Week 6 is a toughie but once done you will feel such a sense of achievement you will hardly recognise yourself.

Just go nice and steady. If you go slowly you will finish the session. Slow running is less strain on your legs and feet.

Do you have running shoes on? I know it sounds obvious but not everyone does when they first start C25k

I came to C25k as a weight watcher. I still am and go to class most weeks. I have lost nearly five stones with a combo of healthy eating, walking and running. It works but you have to stick at it. The effort is worth it though

in reply to misswobble

5 stones!!!! You are officially my super hero, Miss Wobble!

I have just purchased a pair of Asics Nimbus 18.... The previous trainers were heavier and harder in leather (but not cheaper!).

Thanks for the support!

misswobble profile image

Those shoes should be fine for you as they have plenty of cushioning. I think they are one of those most cushiest in fact. Get some running socks too if you haven't done so already.

4 st 7.5 lbs to be exact

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