Rough winds do shake...: ...the darling buds of... - Couch to 5K

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Rough winds do shake...

Oldfloss profile image
31 Replies

...the darling buds of May; or in this

My wonderful run across Carsington Dam, on Tuesday morning, before the rain arrived, was not to be replicated yesterday morning! After a wonderful day cycling on Thursday, I thought I would take a leisurely ,repeat run, before we headed home.

A quick cup of tea and the obligatory digestive biscuit, then togged up, ready to venture out into the morning sunshine! Earlier than Tuesday, as I woke at 6.15... so headed out quietly, past the silent sleepers in their own tin-tents, and warm-up walk down to the road. A glorious morning, chilly but sunny, and the world to myself, again.

However, I noticed the wind straight away, even in the protection of the trees. I had promised husband, if it was very windy on the dam, and it often is.. then I would not run along it. But, it was the last morning... :) Down to Millfields car park and a quick couple of circuits, to get me going.. then Speed for my dam run...My eyes were streaming, even at this point, as the wind whistled by me, but I headed for the viewing area, did another run around there and off onto the track and the dam.


The wind hit me, as I left the relative shelter of the trees and out onto the dam track. Foolishly, I started to run... the wind was very strong and coming off the water, in almost continuous gusts...which meant it was blowing me in the direction of the grass and back towards the slope which drops steeply down to the road! It was very hard going, very hard, and I really should have turned, as I was getting nowhere... fast. I thought with the podcast and the intervals I could, somehow, run as quickly as I could, and somehow again, get to the other side. However a little like Anniemurph (just read her post on Bridge to 10 K), I had a major technical hitch... Garmin kept peeping at me, my phone and Laura switched to some weird music then back to another podcast... then off. I stopped and fiddled, but with eyes were still streaming and the wind buffeting me madly, no chance. I carried on a bit further; I can only describe it as running yet, not running...fairly difficult to breathe evenly too. I think I read about running against the wind to train, for speed and strength..a bit like weight resistance??? Anyway.. I don't think I was doing very well at it at all :(

I saw a couple of Canada Geese up ahead of me, who appeared to be sheltering under a seat, ( sensible),and thought I would turn there. The water was choppy, just like the ocean, with white foam hitting the boulders on the dam wall...giant white swirls of cloud scudding, and tacking, like yachts across the blue sea/sky. I reached the seat, much to the alarm of the geese, who beat an indignant and clumsy retreat to the water, I sat down and eventually managed to get the podcast back on.. for about ten seconds. gave up at this point and took some photographs.

Pulled my hat down tighter and pulled the zip up on my jacket. The wind seemed to have increased in force, and heading back towards Millfields across the dam, I was struggling to keep on the track and not get blown away! The old story, against you when you are running out, and against you when you are running back!!! Nearing the end of the dam I met a lady walking two small terrier dogs, she was clinging to their leads and almost holding them down. I warned her about the ferocity of the wind, but she said she was heavier than me ( :) ), and carried on. Back to the viewing area where I completed four circuits of it, before heading back along the track to the car park. Looking back at the dam, I could not see the lady and dogs. I am hoping all three survived. Round the car park and then up the hill and back to the tin tent.

I was quite literally exhausted when I reached it. (Partly because of the battering I had received from the wind, and partly because I ran up the hill to the site, because I felt I had not done proper run... !) Yes, I am loopy.. Red faced, windblown and watery eyed. No idea of my distance at all...I had been out for forty minutes.

It was...different! I am not sure whether I felt exhilarated or relieved... probably a bit of both. :)

I think one of my favourite quotes sums it up for me, (altered a bit)...

"One day I won't be able to do this...yesterday wasn't that day."


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Oldfloss profile image
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31 Replies
davelinks profile image

Great floss! You conquered that dam!😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to davelinks

Surely did.... just :)

heavyhorse profile image

sounds a bit wild! Hope your tin tent is in a more sheltered area! Anyway 40 minutes running in those conditions is great, regardless of your distance!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to heavyhorse

It was... very, yes.. tin tent in a sheltered spot... just the dam that is v exposed!

AnsterJ profile image

And I moan about the Scottish east coast wind! Well done on not getting blown across the pond! Haha

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AnsterJ

Yep...not sure where I would have landed :)

Bundoodle profile image

Inspiring! I chickened out of running in the wind and ran up and down the track in the trees. Maybe next time I'll think of you and give it a go.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bundoodle

Ah, go on... you might...just might enjoy it! :)

ancientrunner profile image

Glad you made it back to the tin tent in one piece!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ancientrunner

Me too.... husband may well have been concerned! Hopefully... a quieter run tomorrow :)

LisaRose74 profile image

Ahh the great British weather - hot and sunny a few days ago, blowing a hoolie now. You can't beat it! You did well to take it on, it's often breezy here and it's a constant battle with the breathing.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LisaRose74

Yes... you just have to love it..glorious here in Staffs Moorlands this morning.. just off out now, and looks calm... and sunny... :)

Where are you?

LisaRose74 profile image
LisaRose74 in reply to Oldfloss

I am in sunny Southport, always a coastal breeze (strong wind) here! Off to Oxfordshire tomorrow for a few days, will be running somewhere new 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LisaRose74

Exciting... enjoy.. don't get blown away! :)

OldWheezer profile image

Loved reading about that dam run!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to OldWheezer

Tee hee. Yep, I will no doubt do it again.. we go there fairly often..but looking forward to a quieter run this morning.. back home in my favourite fields. off out now, and it looks calm... shhh!

aliboo70 profile image

Wow what an adventure! You are a strong one and completed what you set out to do, great description took me there with you!😊😆

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Well..not as exciting as some... but exciting enough..

I am heading out now for my Sunday run.. all quiet and sunny... a glorious day.. so, a gentle longish run is in order I think. Over my favourite fields and tracks. A run to take it all in.. :)

Anniemurph profile image

I don't know what it is about the geological formation of that area, but the meteorological conditions seem all out of proportion somehow! When I lived there I used to look across and see white horses on the water - on a reservoir! Not a particularly big reservoir! And I would wimp out and take the dogs under the dam wall, down by the pumping station instead, because the wind on the top seemed to come straight from Siberia :D

What a run, Floss! Well done! You were victorious, never mind the distance, or the technical difficulties. A great post, too :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

It is very odd Annie... we had lots of tech' glitches with our internet as well as phones too!

Yes, the weather was odd and often is... I was going to refer to white horses, but I am sure folk would think I was making it up... ( but there were!)

We cycle down past the pumping station and up over the rickety bridge and round the 'pond', loads of times... I did wonder about running that way, but did not feel too keen on the steep hill down..! I have a vision of going head over heels!

You are right, it was a bitter wind, but in hindsight... ( wonderful hindsight), it was very exhilarating and it did make me feel so very alive!

Off out now, for a quieter run... going to just keep going for a while and take it all in :)

Thanks x

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

On a more important note, have you found the Red Lion in Hognaston? It does great food :D It's a nice little walk from where you are.

Have a great run :) x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

We have... we cycle there, or walk... and have found the food very good!

Thanks you :)

Catch you later x

PippiRuns profile image

You have a way with words. Thanks for taking me on another beautiful run.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PippiRuns

Welcome..just heading out, right now, into the sunshine now, for my Sunday Run...

It is a lot calmer here, in the Staffordshire Moorlands, this morning... beautifully sunny too. I am looking forward to seeing how the fields and tracks look after the sunshine and rain of the last week :) No blustery wind here!

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns in reply to Oldfloss

Off you go. Enjoy!

By the way, reading your posts expands my English vocabulary. Now I know the meaning of "blustery wind".

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PippiRuns

I did...(post later)... and if you continue to read my rambles... you may find words that I use, that are not even in the English vocabulary! :)

secan profile image
secanGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

So did The Bard, and today he is celebrated everywhere... 😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to secan

Well... yes... so, in a few hundred years time... who knows..? As the man himself wrote;

"We know what we are, but not what we may be ". :)

Irishprincess profile image

Floss the dambuster, that's what I'm going to call you now! That sounds exhilarating, definitely a run to blow any cobwebs away. No wonder you were "red faced, windblown and watery eyed"! Fab! 🤗

poppypug profile image

Wow ! Go You Floss !

Well done , running in the wind is tough ! Bet you felt flippin' epic after that !

You are awesome ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to poppypug

I felt.... epic... yes, PP, that is a great word... I did...and so full of life!

I just love running !


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