It seems as if I may as well start training for HM distance. 3 days off after my last run of 6k and was struggling to find my mojo. Today I decided to go for a long slow run and it really does do wonders for me. It was a very foggy run but so good to be out. Ran along the edge of the straits for a while, very still and quiet, and then headed away from the coast and up Cichle Hill, which is, I think, the steepest hill I've ever run, steep even for driving up. Short walking break after reaching the top and then carried on uphill and into the country lanes. Foggy and still all the way with buzzards aplenty and lambs huddling by the hedges, birds diving into the hedgerow at the slightest sound. I did have to pause for a while and wander into a gateway to get sight of the standing stone and saw two lovely little partridges. Then on down the hill and crossing the main road to continue through the country lanes and then back down towards the straits, listening to the gabbling of the geese on the foreshore. Decided to take the steep shortcut back to the home stretch and realised that the last time I did that hill was before I graduated and it really wasn't anywhere near as difficult as I remembered it and at the end of a long run too so it shows how we improve over time. So back home to discover I'd done 15k. Running really is good for the soul.
Increasing distance: It seems as if I may as... - Couch to 5K
Increasing distance

Oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely lovely ! Scenery, wildlife, and a great distance.

Oh Hil I do love reading your posts, they're so evocative of the beautiful place where you live. If anyone can do a HM its you, because if you can run 15k including massive hills, then 13miles is well within your grasp.
So glad you're finding solace in your running, and hopefully some joy too xxx

how lovely. Really inspiring running. I'm waiting until tomorrow. I'm still only on 5k. Maybe I'll try a slightly longer run one day soon.

brilliant, sounds like a gorgeous run and your training is paying off now....well done xx

Wow Hilly ! Thats amazing , Well done you xxx
I hope you are finding comfort in your running
Big hugs for you (((( )))) xxx

Fabulous post Hilbean - sounds a beautiful place and a fabulous run

Sounds absolutely great Hilly. Restores the soul - so glad you are getting out there and finding comfort in your running. X

Sounds very peaceful and lovely. And 15k! I think you were meant for distances my dear.... Glad to hear you are nourishing your soul.

Nothing quite like a long slow steady run. No pressure and time to appreciate the natural beauty around you. Sounds wonderful.

It sure is! ☺

Wonderful images Hilbean, sounds perfect.... 15k done, wow! Hope you had a treat afterwards
Well done you for getting out there xx

That sounds a beautiful run hilbean and what a fab distance too! Yes I agree running is good for the soul especially with all the wildlife and spring flowers around. Am thinking of you and pleased you've been able to get out running. xxx

You are a complete inspiration, Hilbean. Wonderful post x

Well done - sounds glorious. Xx