So as soon as I step out of the back door it starts snowing. Just my luck!
I carried on anyway, no excuses. All went well. Nothing to complain about, apart from numb cold fingers, so far so good.
I've moved since the last C25K attempt. Moved house, general body movement not quite as rare. A new area then. A new route! On a recent reccy I found a great traffic free road. A gated, traffic free road. Quiet, secluded and according to the sign Private! Access only! Guard dogs! There's a fancy electric gate but also a smaller freely open-able gate for pedestrians or c25K-thletes. The lane is tree lined, broad and follows a small river. Crossing the river once over a wide wooden bridge. Idyllic and pretty flat too, rising uphill slightly towards the end where it leads to a large reservoir.
I'll risk the private signs and guard dog threats then. Its now my route. Private enough so I won't get laughed or pointed at and private enough for me to gasp out loud the London Marathon theme in in slo-mo as I triumphantly, arms in the air fashion, finish a 60 seconds plod.