Arctic winds? Pah!! I laugh in the face of arctic winds!
I graduated last September, days before being diagnosed with a chronic bowel disease, which arrived with a side order of chronic fatigue. 4 months of total and utter exhaustion, joint pain, rubbish sleep and reduced working hours left me pretty despondent, it has to be said. I believed iI'd never run again.
But I started running again 9 weeks ago and today I (re)graduated at Parkrun, with the biggest smile on my face and a heart fit to burst! My lovely friend ran with me, to help keep me going, and I told her the aim of the day was to make 30mins non-stop. We did that, then after a quick review of the situation we decided that we'd just go a bit further.... until we NEEDED to stop, rather than WANTED to.
Well, you guessed it - we ran the whole 5k!! It was slow, but it was a steady pace, and it means that I know that my body is capable of 5k - I just need to work on my mind now.
Mighty chuffed! 🏃🏻😃