Today was my first run since graduation on Monday and my last one before my first Parkrun on Saturday. 4.5k in 38:03 this should result in a 42/43 minute 5k. This will give me lots of time before my 74th birthday in December to get sub 30 minute. Onwards and upwards and what does'nt kill you makes you stronger. Good luck to all of you in the London Marathon.
Last run before Saturdays Parkrun: Today was my... - Couch to 5K
Last run before Saturdays Parkrun

Good luck for your Parkrun! total awe Patrick... you are amazing!

Patrick you are an inspiration! 😃

I hereby name you Patrick Fantastic !
Well done , and Good Luck for Parkrun . Enjoy it ! xxx

Sorry for the slight slip that is 38:03 not 28:03 I wish!
That is impressive Patrick!

Hey, congratulation on your graduation. You are doing so well.
enjoy your first parkrun Patrick they are lovely friendly events I am sure like me and many others you will find your times improve at parkrun just running with others seems to draw it out of you so that 30 minutes 5Km won't be too far away.

I did my first post grad run yesterday also and after reading your post maybe I will have a go at park run too - what's the worst that can happen?
Great stuff Patrick, you are an inspiration.

well done Patrick on your graduation, I have done 4 park runs now since graduation and found my times improving even though its a few seconds, running with others helps me to pace myself and to overtake anyone is an absolute dream , but to see the results every Saturday really encourages me to keep running, and smiling,