On my way to 10k: I have a bit of a silly... - Couch to 5K

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On my way to 10k

CatRuns profile image
18 Replies

I have a bit of a silly problem. I'm carrying around a load of extra weight, I have been eating healthily since Jan and have lost nearly 5kgs since then. I'm pretty happy with that progress but I'm still obese and a long way to go until I reach the weight I would like to be so I have been exercising everyday and running 2/3 times a week depending on what I up can fit in. The problem is due to the exercise my legs hurt when I run, they feel like lead. It very much feels like a suck it up situation and that eventually the legs will be strong enough/I lose enough weight that will make things easier. Or am I missing a trick?

Any ideas appreciated :) 

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CatRuns profile image
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18 Replies
Neverrunmum profile image

Check out 'Running with Curves' by Jill Angie - books and website with loads of advice and encouragement.

And just keep going, slow and steady - I found the hardest run was the first one, just deciding to do it and getting out the door - you've already done the hard bit, just keep on keeping on!

Good luck with your continuing progress - it's all good....

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to Neverrunmum

I will loo it up, thank you :)

Mysticalmaid profile image

Be careful not to do too much, you can overexercise and tire your muscles out, it does sound like your legs are tired, maybe the first thing to try is to slow your running pace for a few runs?  Are you doing all the stretches after every run?

Maybe build up the exercise on non-run days slowly so you get more rest time, just until your body is used to it, perhaps drop one day and see how it goes?

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to Mysticalmaid

I think you are right, I just need to be careful when planning which exercises to do before a run. For example not do 1hr of Zumba de day before running 5k! It wasn't clever. Thank you.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

You managed c25k with the extra weight, so, in theory you can carry on. The lead legs are a problem though - and not exactly motivational! If 3x a week is a bit too much, maybe replace a run with a walk (or even 2). Walking also builds up your stamina and might not knacker your legs too much. I would stick to a minimum of 2 runs a week though or you might lose your fitness (and 3 would be better, but you're doing that and it's causing problems). I'm quite radical and always walk on my non-running days (it means I get up at the same time every day - at least on work days). I started this whole weight loss business with walking and only started running after about a year. Walking has stood me in good stead and I've had no problems (touch wood). It helped me get from obese to nearly normal (3 stone) and the running has helped with the last few pounds. 

Good luck - hope you get lots of good advice!

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

I've never really got into walking. How much walking do you do? I'm such a slow coach, I'm afraid it won't bring me the results that I might get with Zumba, stationery cycling etc because I'm just such a slow walker. 

I do think the trick is to rest the legs the day prior to a run.  Thank you.

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply to CatRuns

I do a lot of walking. A walk or run in the morning and a longish walk after work. It's a good 70 mins a day on my feet. Cycling and more walking, or hiking at the weekend. If you don't enjoy it Zumba and cycling are probably better though. Hope you find something that works!

Mysticalmaid profile image

Also be sure you are getting carbs and protein at each main meal. I recently found that I had low B12 and this turned my legs to lead weights too, it was very tough.

Realfoodieclub profile image

I would say make sure you have at least two rest days a week.  Do some stretches if you still want to be doing something.  Your body needs to feel like it's being looked after rather than punished all the time.  To get Stregnth for running rest is just as important and the runs.  If your legs are aching all the time it's crying out for a rest day.  It won't make any difference to your weight loss and could possibly help. Even the most accomplished athletes respect rest days, it's how the body really gets stronger.  

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

I think you are right. Listen to the old body! Thank you.

AncientMum profile image

I reckon RealFoodieClub's right Catmay. It sounds to me like those legs of yours need a rest. Sometimes you just have to factor in a very easy week to let your muscles and joints recover from all the hard work you've been asking them to do. Try it and I'm sure you'll be full of beans again in no time 😀

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Agree! Thank you 

misswobble profile image

I agree about the walking!  I started walking to get some weight off and joined a WW class.  I borrowed a dog and headed into the wide blue yonder.  Walking burns loads of calories, and if you do it regularly you will improve your health.  Plus it makes you happy  😊 when I had lost over 3 stones I started c25k and have since shifted another stone and a half just over.   I still walk, more than ever now, ditching the car which I hardly use these days.  Getting into healthy habits really changes your life and outlook for the better

Break the thing down though.  It takes time to lose the weight, get fit, be able to jog round the block.  A long haul maybe but we'll worth it, but you have to,dig in and be up for it.😊

Walking and running can be done slowly.  No need for speed!  Hammering your legs by trying to go too fast is a no-no.  Take care ☺

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to misswobble

I might have to give the walking a go :) thank you!

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Maybe don't do the exercises on the days you run?

CatRuns profile image
CatRunsGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

I'm not doing any exercise on run days apart from stretching :) Sorry I should have explained myself more clearly.

misswobble profile image

I have recorded the calories lost on even a modest dog walk and it burns more calories than a fast 5k! I used my garmin to test the theory ☺

rmnsuk profile image

During the first 6 months of running my legs hurt most of the time. For me it was just part of the exercise. Stretching and warm or cold baths helps. The thing that helps most is miles on the road. For me running 3 times a week was fine so long as I got my rest days. Strenthening your legs will help too, but that means squats and deadlift. If you do go down that road your legs will ache badly the first few times, but it gets better.

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