hi, before I took couch to 5k. I did indoor excise and losing weight at the same time. Since july last year I have lose 4 stone. I decide to to change my excise to running, has it got my out of house. But since I have been doing it I have put a couple of lb on. I don 't seem to lose it at the moment . Has anyone experience this ? I still stick to my diet has I only got a stone and half till goal.
WHY AM I NOT LOSING WEIGHT?: hi, before I took... - Couch to 5K

Isn't it frustrating? I lost 2 stone before starting running and graduated from C25K 30 weeks ago and haven't lost more than a couple of pounds while running. I would love to know too. Whatever though, we have lost a significant amount of weight, our heart, lungs legs are fantastic aren't they, our confidence and mental health vastly improved.
I need to reduce my bread, stick to my calories and keep moving. Well done u, fantastic changes and great determination. Julie
Yes I experience that, but I'm told its because you develop muscle which weighs more. I lost 4.5 stone but cant shift that little bit more
I had the same problem. I thought I was losing weight as my face was much thinner but it didn't show on the scales. I also was told it was because you are developing muscle. However, I am much fitter now than I was 9 weeks ago !

I lost no weight at all but came down a dress size as I toned & my body shape changed. ☺

Its sometimes worth relooking at your diet, you may need to eat more to lose weight! Or look at your diet and try and add some complex carbs if you arent taking some already.
Your body might also be used to doing the types of exercise you are doing now, maybe try some weights exercises, ie compound stuff for core strength.

These comments are quite right, you will be losing fat and gaining muscle, as well as your shape improving. And much better than appearance your health will already be hugely better. Hang on in there, unless you are eating a lot too much your weight will start to creep down again. Well done and good luck.
Thanks you all. May be I should get my tape measure out and measure the body and see if any change over the weeks I love running . When I am out they I feel free.😊

Lots of reasons for the weight issue, and loads and loads of info about just that, on-line.
My weight went up at the start of Couch25K, then I lost half a stone... settled now at a comfortable 9 st 4 lbs...
I take advice from my daughter too, she always says,forget about the scales, it is about how you feel? Are you comfortable with your body ?
Do you want to lose the weight, or do you have to lose weight for a special reason... just wondering

I've lost no weight since I started running but my shape had changed.
I follow Joe Wicks ( the body coach) He does a whole lean in 15 on Twitter and Instagram...he has a diet/exercise training plan.He calls scales the naughty step and his advice is to take full length photo and see how your shape changes and not how many pounds/kilo you loose.
Congratulations on being fitter.

I found that doing the programme as your only form of exercise isn't enough. If I mix in a swim and a class a week as well, that's much more effective. If you haven't got loads left to lose it will inevitably be more difficult. Keep a (very honest) food diary for a week and then review your eating. That might help? Hope you get on okay.
Until you are doing long, slow runs i.e. after graduating you are not really burning that many calories/fat during the programme, it's hard work and a learning curve for your body. You will change shape, for the better, during it though.