And this is dedicated to...: First run in a week... - Couch to 5K

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And this is dedicated to...

Oldfloss profile image
21 Replies

First run in a week, this morning, after managing to get caught by the lurgy monster...again.

Like a few other folk on here , whilst being on the IC, I have spent far too much time reading other posts.

After doing so, I find myself feeling humbled, in awe, and a tad ashamed of my own moans about feeling unwell.

My spattles with the Bronchitasaurus seem nothing, compared with other folks problems.

They run , under so much duress ,in spite of personal illness, physical or mental,family illness, family loss and any number of issues in between.

They run , they post, they motivate, they inspire.

So... though I did not cover any great distance, nor achieve any great speed,this run, for what it is worth, was for you all.

Staying at Lady Margaret's Park CC site in Chirk, Wales this week. Felt pretty rough since illness struck again, after last Thursday's run, so apart from some brisk walks, and a cycle ride of about ten miles on Tuesday, no running.

But, this morning, after reading a couple of incredibly inspiring posts last night, I decided, still a bit crocked or not, I needed to get out there and have a try!

An absolutely glorious morning, an ultramarine blue sky, white clouds and not too cold, in fact a balmy 3 degrees; so clad in my funky leggings, out I went. Folks all asleep tucked up in their respective tin tents, a quiet, brisk walk out of the site and straight along the entrance road to the magnificent white gates of the Park. I wanted to take a photograph before I started my run. Sunlight glinting on the white rails and the intricate carved, metal figures, hounds, hinds, and huge flower starbursts.

I made my way to the back entrance of the Park. the gates opened at seven, and headed off up the slight hill. Sheep grazing quietly in the early sunshine, as I took some photographs and then finished my warm up walk. I had decided to do Stepping Stone this morning, a nice easy start to get back into the swing. Laura's friendly voice quiet, in my ear as I started the first run. No real problems at all, very surprisingly; I expected to feel a bit rough, especially after a coughing fit in the early hours, but with my Buff pulled up over my mouth it seemed fine.

Moving steadily, very steadily uphill towards the huge Oak lined back Park drive, I was able to hear the birds singing.... and that was all.

There is a very quiet drone from the Chocolate factory in Chirk itself, but I am used to that, and it is so low as to be almost inaudible.There are lots of trees which have clearly come down over the wild winter months. Giants, laid low by a might far greater than their own.

I was keeping in time with the pace changes and finding that just the act of being outside again, made me feel so much better.

Turning slightly towards the castle, I started up and between the line of Great Oaks. Having only ever cycled or driven down here previously, nothing prepared me for the overwhelming sense of magnificence, grandeur and history of those ancient trees. I was quite literally dwarfed by them. Huge, huge trunks, moss covered and deep bark ridged, massive, weighty branches stretching in raised salutation to another morning. Beyond, stretching towards the Castle rise, fields and woods, more ancient oaks lying on the ground, broken by the force of nature. The sheer size of the trees, their trunks, their branches was almost unbelievable. Thoughts of the people who planted them, lines from poems, from verses, learnt as a child, muddled and confused, filling my head.

I ran to what I think was a gatekeeper's house originally, before I turned back. Paused to take some photographs and then off again.

My running, in accordance to Laura's well remembered words now, was light and quick,breathing smooth and even, head up and running tall.

Goodness it felt amazing.

I repeated the run between the Oaks three times, from end to end of them, simply because I did not want to leave.

It sounds silly, but I was aware suddenly of a strength and a warmth eminating from them, a warmth which seemed to fill my body and my very soul with some intangible power. I know I am, as many of you know, prone to flights of fancy, but this was very, very real.

Almost forcing myself away, I carried on, now, back down the hill again, the sun warm on my face and my heart light.

The sheep had moved further away and took no notice of me, not even pausing from their breakfast. Back down, over the cattle grid, back along to the gates, one last look ,turn and along the entrance road, with a final burst before reaching the site gates.

Full of the sights of the morning, I walked back to our own tin tent, to regale my husband with photos and tales of fallen giants and healing trees.

What a run...I took thoughts of many of my friends here, old and new, on the run with me, in my head and my heart...I wish them and those they love,health and healing...

"Mother nature has the power to please, to comfort, to calm, and to nature one's soul."

How true.

Written by
Oldfloss profile image
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21 Replies
B0bP profile image

Glad to see you back running Floss.

Your posts are so descriptive I almost feel I was out running with you.


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to B0bP

Thanks Bob...sometimes, it just all comes together.x

useitorloseit profile image

Blimey! I wish I had such inspiring runs! Off in our caravan at the weekend ... I may just pop my running kit in my bag ...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Hope you packed them... it adds a real something to the caravan/motorhome bit.

Cannot wait to run in France in the Summer! :)

GoNaNa profile image

Spiritual and just beautiful. Only someone with a kind and caring soul could write like that.

Thank you l

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to GoNaNa

I try to be both of those things, struggle sometimes, but age has helped with my shortcomings!!!

It was a beautiful run and it was spiritual too, in the deepest sense of the word :)


Sandraj39 profile image

Always enjoy your musings and reflelctions Oldfloss. Glad you are back out there.🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sandraj39

Well, you know me... just pours out when I get those feelings :)

Great run and so glad to be doing it! :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

What a beautiful run Floss. So at one with nature and your surroundings. Thank you for taking us along.. I think I will be venturing out in my running shoes tomorrow (after 5 days on the ic with a lurgy)... as your post has inspired me.

Lovely photo. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks you... you will find it such a relief to be out again! Take it steady though :)

Funnily enough, I really, really did feel part of it all yesterday... quite magical.

Enjoy your run too! :)

A wonderful post Lady Floss, you inspire us all xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Thanks, but I think we all inspire each other, in so many ways.

It is a joy to be part of all this. :)

mudrunner profile image

Wow, what an inspiring post! Thank you.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to mudrunner

You and everyone on here are the inspirations...

I am so glad to be part of it :)

Irishprincess profile image

Gorgeous post and photo floss. I'm so glad you managed a run in Chirk although you're still not 100% by the sound of it.

I loved reading about your experience with the trees. I've often thought that if trees could talk what tales they'd tell!

Have a lovely weekend. x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Hi you..

Yes, it was super, and you are right.. a bit coughy this morning...!

Those trees are quite something, we are cycling up there today and I am going to take more photographs. :)

Really enjoying your gym adventures and your posts too!:)

aliboo70 profile image

That sounds lovely oldfloss, glad you are feeling better. It sounds so tranquil and soothing. I love old trees, infact you may have inspired me to take George dog walkies to our local woods, there is an amazing clearing there with some trees that are just enormous, it's just like the sort of place you would expect fairies to play! And as it's sunny and i have a day off it's very tempting! Enjoy the rest of your break!

Ps I had a dream last week that you were at our parkrun, you had mid length light coloured hair in a ponytail. Would be spooky if this were right!!😕😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thank you...!

It was pretty special. You head to those woods, go quietly and take a little gift to leave for the fairies.. :) So odd, because we used to do that when my girls were small... we used to make tiny tunics with leaves, and then leave them tucked under other leaves!!!

We are cycling today, and I shall do another run in Lady Margaret's Park tomorrow morning before we leave.

Wish I was on your park run.. I would love to have a go at one, but too afraid of looking a chump!

Spookily indeed, I do have mid-length hair, more mousey than light, although in France it goes blonde! Currently scrunched in a pony tail whilst typing..are you hiding behind these trees :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to Oldfloss

I had a lovely round trip from home to the woods and back, took about 1.5 hrs and you know what, i didnt see anyone else i there , which is unusual! And on the way back to the road I saw a lovely red squirrel jumping from tree to tree! Lovely sunshine and birdsong too......

George now flaked out sunbathing!

My dream image was very vivid! Would be strange if your image matches up!and you would 100% not be a chump at parkrun! I just received my 50 tshirt in the post yesterday!😊very inclusive and friendly from the 3 different ones ive been to!

Enjoy your cycle x

and run!😆

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Sounds amazing.. and a red squirrel... ? Wow!!!!

treat to, to have it all too yourself and George!

Well maybe, if I can find a run near me, I could go along and take an initial look..!

Cycling was lovely today, not far, only a few miles; and I am hoping, not too cold tomorrow for a run...! :)

Running-scared profile image

Ooh Floss, have been missing your beautiful run descriptions :) Sounds very special and if trees could talk, they'd be musing about Fairy Feet Floss and how she brightened their day I'm sure. You take good care of yourself though, don't want that lurgy clutching you back. x

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