Anglesey HM Race Report: What an amazing day... - Couch to 5K

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Anglesey HM Race Report

hilbean profile image
45 Replies

What an amazing day this has been for me and thank you everyone who has supported me, here, on FB and GarminConnect. Apart from the 5K RfL last year this is my first proper race and I felt so very nervous about the whole affair. I've only ever done one Parkrun and although it was good I like running alone with the freedom to go when and where I want, so the thought of running with so many people felt quite daunting and I was very grateful for the company of one daughter and 2 yr old grandchild to the start line. I dutifully placed myself somewhere in the middle between the 2 hour and 2.5 hour flags as I was hoping to finish in around 2hr 15mins. Off went the starting gun thingy and we slowly started edging towards the start line. Said 2 year old immediately threw a strop as I set off because she wanted to run with Grandma! :o But soon all was left behind and the shuffle turned into a jog as we set off over the bridge. The air was cool and the sky full of grey cloud but it was the most perfect day for running. The start was slow and there were so many people running together that there was very little room for manoeuver down the narrow streets at the start. Once out onto the open road things became a little more relaxed and off we headed to Beaumaris. There was a clear view across the straits to the snow capped mountains and I was so pleased that all those people who had traveled miles to come here could at least see how beautiful it is here today. For a short while I ran alongside a lovely lady from the Wirral while we had a bit of a natter. Such a pleasant diversion. For me this was a perfect opportunity to run along this route as it's certainly quite treacherous when there are cars on the road so although I know it so well it was lovely to be able to run it without the need to flatten myself against a wall or zig zag across the road for the sake of visibility (only done twice on a quiet Sunday morning!).

Before I had even reached the halfway point a young man came flying up in the opposite direction as if he had wings on his feet. Such a determined look on his face as his lovely long stride carried him past us like a whirlwind. I was awestruck! I later found out he finished in 1:09:43!

So on past the beautiful Beaumaris Castle where I got cheered on by a friend I haven't seen in years! Then turning up the hill to do the loop back towards Beaumaris again. Lovely to see flocks of birds twisting and turning low above the water and an unseen sun casting a light on the mountains so the white tops shone out to give a most stunning view. I do so love this place :) Amongst the sounds of feet on the road and the sounds of people breathing I felt myself carried along by this tide of humanity, t-shirts depicting the many different causes close to people's hearts. On past the gothic towers of Plas Rhianfa with the smoke breathing dragon and onto the home stretch. The jingling of those little blue cow bells was getting louder as was the cheering, searching for familiar faces in the crowd and an overwhelming feeling crossing the finish line. Yes! So, so totally on a high!

Unofficial chip time is 2:02:20 so way better than I had expected. Plus I got a 10K PB of 56:44. Still grinning, still amazed and finding it hard to believe.

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hilbean profile image
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45 Replies

Nice write up and great achievement, a most worthy cause.

Sandraj39 profile image

Massive congratulations! What a fantastic achievement and super quick time! Completely inspiring! Lovely pic and bling - you look so happy☺!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks! Still smiling today and still can't quite believe it! :D

Noaky12 profile image

What a great run report & what an awsome achievement.

Congratulations Hillbean ☺x

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Noaky12

Thanks xx

runner56 profile image

A great report hillbean. Almost felt that I was running that with you :)

Well done 👍

nhs2015 profile image

Oh wow, I love your post. I was with you all the way in my mind. What a beautiful run. And a medal! Very nice. I do 5k in 38 or 39 minutes so how amazing to me is your PB of 56.44 for 10k.

Great picture. Good on you hilbean

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to nhs2015

I can't quite believe any of it! I really never expected to be carried along by the tide like that. I suspect going back to my normal runs won't be anything like that fast lol :D

Thank you!

Awww absolutely brilliant hail , so pleased for you , a great run and a superb time plus a 10k on . Outstanding day I would say :D

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to

Absolutely! And on mother's day too so had a lovely box of chocolates to celebrate :D

Oldfloss profile image

Beautiful post, beautiful photograph!

Well done you... all your efforts have paid off and in such a beautiful area!

The run sounds to have been amazing, I have a lovely image of you running and your grandchild running after you :)

One of my friends was there watching too..she has a house on Anglesey.. she said it was amazing.

After that run, no wonder, you have such a lovely smile...

hilbean you are an inspiration!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks! I've been grinning like a fool ever since :)

Slookie profile image

I just passed by Healthunlocked to find inspiration to restart the C25K and yours was the first post I saw! You have obviously been sprouting wings of your own during my skive/absence - what a post! What a result! How inspired am I? Enough to get those blimmin running shoes back on. Thanks H.

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to Slookie

Come on Slookie. Shake a leg. How did you fall off the wagon?!

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Yoo Hoo Useit! Wuzzn't my fault, someone undid the wing nuts on the wheels. OK, it was my fault and I might have been negligent vis-a-vis the wing nuts, but they are tightened back up now.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Slookie

Aw Slookie! How did that happen? You were one of my inspirations when I started out on the programme in the first place! Deffo get those shoes back on girl! :D

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to hilbean

Ooer, no pressure then! Looking forward to tomorrow's trot though.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Slookie

;) Have fun :D

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Slookie

Slookie! You naughty runner you! Get those shoes on now - out the door with you! Missed you! XXXX

goonkeepgoing profile image

Wow wow wow! So amazingly well done. You make it sound a breeze and your time was awesome. Fantastic stuff!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to goonkeepgoing

Thank you!

Frank-ntj profile image

Fantastic Hilary and great post as usual. You have every right to feel pleased with yourself that's a great achievement, is a marathon within your sights now? Nice piece of bling you have there. Hope your legs are not giving any problems today, well done!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Frank-ntj

Thanks Frank! Legs have been absolutely fine today. Woke up with a sore throat though :( But I've still been wandering round with a stupid grin and a dazed look on my face I suspect! ;)

You look so happy! What a wonderful picture :) Massive congratulations again, Hilary. You legend! xx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to

Thanks Caz :) xx

Irishprincess profile image

Wow hilbean! Just wow! That sounds a gorgeous run and what a time too! You must be chuffed to bits with that. Beautiful photo and I love that top. Go girl!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

I am unbelievably delighted! Never would have dreamt I could do that! The top's a cycling top. I really like them because they have pockets! :D

misswobble profile image

Aw well done Hils!!!!!! Awesome! Absolutely awesome. What a time!!! Not that that matters but I bet you're chuffed all the same. Woohoooo!

I would give me eye teeth to have run that! Hmmm, mind whirrs.

Rest up this week then Hils, with some good grub at your disposal as I dare say you'll be ravenous 24/7. You'll not stop smiling for a month!

That's made my day that has. Thank you xxxxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to misswobble

Deffo still smiling MW! :D Made my day too ;)

Lavender1962 profile image

Congratulations! A beautiful write up and great photo. A half marathon is an accomplishment to be proud of. It sounds like such a lovely place.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Lavender1962

Thanks. It is absolutely beautiful here but I live here so I'm totally biased :D

aliboo70 profile image

Wow hilbean!what a great time for your 1st HM! Just brilliant and so glad you enjoyed it!that finish line in sight is quite something isn't it! Very well done and great run report 😊

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thank you!

Tomas profile image

Amazing result, and well deserved for all the hard work you have put into the preparation for this race. Well done, you've done us all proud!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Tomas

Thanks Tomas. I have you to thank for that too as I took on a lot of advice that you have offered on this forum and it really helped me plan my training. :)

poppypug profile image

Absolutely brilliant Hilly !

Many Congratulations to you, what a fantastic achievement ! You describe it all so wonderfully, I could feel myself saying " Come on Hilly ! You can do it , Come on !! " whilst I was reading it .Ha ha !

Lovely photo and get a load of that bling !

Well done , you are amazing and an inspiration to us all ! xxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thanks PP! How're you doing? I've missed seeing your run reports so I'm guessing your on the IC? Hope all is well with you xx

poppypug profile image

Morning Hilly ! I am pleased to say I am not on the IC - Hurrah !

I don't get on GC much due to my Garmin forever playing up -Pah !

I'm still out there running my little legs off :-) xxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to poppypug

Oh that's excellent news :) The running not the Garmin obviously xx

pinkangel16 profile image

Brilliant, I'm so pleased for you.

Currently having laptop problems so not able to go on GC (part being delivered and brother poised to mend!).

This is a massive thing and I'm delighted you had such a great time 😀🏃☺🎉 xx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to pinkangel16

Sorry! Doing a bit of catch up here! Hope your laptop is fixed soon.

And thank you. I really felt quite nervous about running with all those people but it was a fantastic experience! :D

Curlygurly2 profile image

I am so proud of you! What a result! Absolutely fantastic! Thank you for letting me be part of your journey, your run reports are always fab xx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Aw thanks Curly. I certainly wouldn't have come so far if it weren't for you lot sharing it with me xx

AncientMum profile image

Finally managed to track this post down. Many many congratulations Hil, this really was a superb run, you must be delighted. It's a beautiful photograph too- definitely one for the mantle piece. Well done :) :) :) :) :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Thanks AM. Doing a bit of catch up here! I'm still smiling about it a week later! :)

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