I have certainly lost my motivation I haven't run all week my shifts have changed in work and have just felt so tired and achey all week, weather's hasn't helped either. I am on week 6 run 1 hopefully find some motivation next week as I really want to complete this 😣
Lost motivation : I have certainly lost my... - Couch to 5K
Lost motivation

I've had a bug and haven't run for a week! Sometimes we get off track for different reasons but we are still runners. I will start again on Monday. You have come so far now, it will honestly start to get easier from now onwards. I found at week 7, I thought I could achieve anything and started to actually enjoy running! Julie

Its natural to get tired sometimes. I find every so often I just lose my mojo---when it happens everything seems tough going----then for some reason it just passes.
Have a small break and congratulate yourself throughout for doing 5 weeks of the program.
When you are ready get back into it and finish it---it is really worth it.

Maybe you're sickening for something and your body's fighting it off? I found the thought of the long runs daunting and may have hesitated a bit if I hadn't been made "accountable" by all the people on this forum firing me on. In the end it was fine. Just lace your shoes and get out there, slow and easy. Even if it's raining. You'll have more energy afterwards.
Unless you really are coming down with some dreaded lurgy!

It sounds like you've had a really physically draining week! Shift changes really disrupt people's routines. Focus on resting up and then when you're feeling better, get out there and beat week 6 You're more than halfway to graduation now, and it does get easier.
Take care!
"Action precedes motivation" as the saying goes. I always find the longer it is since my last run the greater the inertia and the harder it is to work up the enthusiasm to get out of the door. However, as soon as I do, and get 10 minutes into my run I enjoy it and wonder why I ever ever felt otherwise. I think e are all the same with this. Even pro athletes report the same thing.

Come on.. you can do this... as long as you don't feel ill, and make sure you aren't sickening for something, it could be just what you need.
You have come this far, would be such a shame to give up now.. come on.
You have to push through the bad days to earn the good days!
Go for it!!!

I guess it depends on whether you're tired and achey because you're not feeling well or not as that can zap your energy/motivation levels or perhaps the change in shifts has messed up your body clock. Otherwise the only real answer is to take a deep breath, put on your shoes and go out the door. Once you start to run again you may find your motivation returns xx