Encourage one another...: ...and build each... - Couch to 5K

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Encourage one another...

Oldfloss profile image
38 Replies

...and build each other up.

Not a post of my run on Monday, that joy comes later...maybe :)

There seems to be a whole load of folk graduating this very week, (some have already), and I just wanted to say to all of them, Well Done or a huge, Good Luck.

I have been spending far too much time, over the last few weeks, reading lots, and lots of posts, and have made a whole bunch of new friends.

Lots of thoughts, have been resonating with me, also, about the whole Couch to 5K programme.

People running with and against all manner of difficulties and obstacles, some of them totally life changing, and the range of amazing strategies , skills and tactics, they adopt to achieve their goal.

It is as we all know, an incredible programme., but the myriad skills we, as runners, have, develop, and enhance simply astounds me.

The self management and organisation of ourselves, and our running, throughout the programme, is amazing; but it is the way in which support is given freely, and constructively to others which is so impressive.

We support, sympathise, empathise, encourage, cajole, persuade, and even give the odd gentle shove when required. All these skills might prove enviable to a psychologist, yet we demonstrate them to, and with each other on a daily basis!

This programme, obviously, as we know, linked with the NHS, should in my view most definitely be offered through GP services, to folk, as a possible therapy/aid/ remedy, for any number of the ills associated with the strains, stresses and unwelcome burden of certain chapters in our lives.

It is wonderful.

I have my daughter and son in law to thank, for persuading me to set out on this journey, and my message to anyone, even just beginning to think about taking the same journey is...do it. :)

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Oldfloss profile image
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38 Replies
Returning2Run profile image

Love this post and here's to your daughter and son in law for getting you started on this journey, because I love coming on here and reading about your runs and love and admire how in the moment you are to remember such beautiful details to recount to the rest of us. Living in the concrete jungle as I do, it is heartening and joyful to feel closer to nature vicariously :-) so thank you floss.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Returning2Run

Here's to them, a.though at times I was not always thinking that!

So glad I take you with me on your runs..but hey, think of the wonderful, not fierce, creature living in your concrete jungle..I'm sure there are a few monkeys, the odd friendly snake, and maybe a few exotic birds? :)

Returning2Run profile image
Returning2RunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

There are definitely monkeys! And many wily, if not friendly, snakes. But just found out today that we're going to have enough money to move house next month, so goodbye city and hello civilisation ;-P

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Returning2Run

That is brilliant...hope it goes well! 😉

GoNaNa profile image

I absolutely think you have made a significant observation and valid point. Last year my GP made a referral for a 12 week free membership of a national slimming organisation. Yes the group was supportive and yes I got something out of it but it gave me no where near the feel good factor and the health and wellbeing results I have experienced from under taking c25k. I also know that I will for as long as I can stay tuned in! I love this and I cant say the same for dieting!

Oldfloss I wonder if you truly are aware of what an amazing person you are. You truly have a wonderful gift of connecting with people.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to GoNaNa

Not amazing at all..just a weird old thing who lets her words run away with her.

You are doing so well, and that is amazing, also, that you are getting so much out of this and succeeding in your goals. Long may it continue, for both of us :)

Tomas profile image

Totally agree with everything you say.

There are lots of new peeps at various stages of the program , it is great to seeandcread of all of their journeys, as each is individual and special to them.

I remember all the feelings and elation at succeeding along the way and at graduation and still now.

Well done and enjoy it all to everyone :D

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

And so say all of us Rob! :)

sparky66 profile image

I had just commented on a post of how the c2 5k together with this forum is so amazing.. .. each is amazing in thier own rights.. but together.. well that's where the magic lies!! Fantastically put oldfloss ( wise one ) x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to sparky66

Read your post:)

We really do have the power... singly... impressive, but together...awesome! :)

sparky66 profile image

Ps... w3r3 in.. amazed by myself..encouraged by you all ... THANK YOU X

Ullyrunner profile image

I think you express the wonders of this programme very well Old Floss. Not exaggerating to say that it can be life changing.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

You know me, they should have christened me Rose.. as in Rambling.

The whole programme has been and is amazing!

Irishprincess profile image

You are spot on floss! But you word it so beautifully. And this is a richer place for you being here.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

And you Lovely Lady...so glad you're back on that path to wellness again x

Neverrunmum profile image

Since I started C25K i haven't been able to be anything other than enthusiastic about it - in fact I'm in real danger of becoming a running bore! The upshot of all this is that one of my close girlfriends and two work colleagues have already started the programme and two others (a mother and daughter combo) are planning to give it a go too. Looks like I will have company when I complete the programme and progress to the local Park Run! Can' t believe that I have inspired others to run, something I have strenuously avoided for all my previous 53 years, it's completely bonkers!

The support on this site is fantastic, long may it continue.

HelsbelswhatamIdoing profile image
HelsbelswhatamIdoingGraduate in reply to Neverrunmum


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Neverrunmum


The whole thing is infectious, in the best possible way :)

yamiskoi profile image

I couldn't agree with you more, Floss! This plan has really helped me to cope better with my anxiety and depression, and I know it's improved the mental wellbeing of many others, too. I'm not only fitter but more confident and feel like I'm doing something meaningful with my time. But I was amazed at how supportive this forum is. I always imagined sporty types - including runners - to belong to this elite club who are a bit like jocks who've forgotten what it's like to be a newbie, so they pick on people who can't do as much as they can. This forum is really the opposite of that, we're all inspiring and supporting each other.

You put it much better than I just did, but yeah. Totally relating to this post.

in reply to yamiskoi

You put it very well too :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Total ramblings.. always had random thoughts, whizzing around... have to get them out there..my husband is used to it.. 43 years of it..eeek!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to yamiskoi

Totally agree with you, and you are doing amazingly..just been reading your post:)

Unlike so much of the gubbage on Forum sites,out there, folk here are pleasant, not back biting, not judgemental and certainly never unkind...

I said to someone in a post, just now... just think if we get together, we could change the world!

Running-scared profile image

Super post Floss, you are so eloquent and so very right. C25K provides so many with a new lease of life and everyone would agree that this forum makes the experience and the journey so much richer and more precious - people like you, rare pearls, inspire us every day. Thank you Floss :) x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Running-scared

Don't it just make us feel good? trouble is I feel like I am much younger than I am, most days, and often try to do silly things!!! Still, while I can..I will!

We are so strong together...it feels like we can literally move mountains :)

You folk are the inspiration, families, work, busy lives.!!! It keeps me going reading your wonderful posts and adventures.

I am more like an oyster.. wrinkled and funny :)

sparky66 profile image

Gosh ..how amazing is the support on here!! Better than any pill pep ever known.. luv it!!! Inspire the inspered! Thought for the night x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to sparky66

Love it... Inspire the Inspired..I will borrow that please!

poppypug profile image

Hear , Hear Dear Floss !

You put it all so wonderfully and I totally agree with everything you have written .

Yay, Go us ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to poppypug

Go us indeed PP..we totally rock!!!!! :)

jt24 profile image

Well said :)

My mental health has improved as significantly as my physical health and that's just over seven or eight weeks or so. (I'm on week 4 repeating because of a slow start and a gap lol!)

So glad I found this forum, it's boosted me no end to connect with 'real' people.

I know that actually when you scratch the surface most folk are 'normal' and 'real' underneath but I have a feeling that c25k attracts the slightly self doubting non-gym bunny types. Well, that's how we start anyway!

I love that the programme is actually working and it is free with no-one really benefitting from it but me :) Yeah, ok, hopefully saving the NHS some costs in the long run but no-one profiting by getting me to do something 'faddy'.

I'm glad you're seeing the benefits Floss, KEEP GOING!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to jt24

Brilliant reply... that is so great!

You are doing well and that is amazing... together on here we do make a real

difference...its fantastic!

We are all unsure to start with, well most of us, but how quickly we respond to the care and nurture shown on this site..long may it continue!!! :)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Dear Oldfloss - spot on as usual and beautifully put. I too am spending far too much time on this forum, but I can't wait to read the next posts of all those friends I've made since starting this journey. And seeing others coming up on W2 and W3, wondering when the running bug will work it's magic , encouraging them until they too are hooked, loving their runs, amazed at what this programme does with our bodies and our mindset.

Every time I run now I think of the others just behind me and feel accountable to them. "I can't let Nat down, I have to finish this run" was a thought I had in W6, or "I really hope PumpKim gets a treadmill or sorts her running schedule, she's doing so brilliantly". You're an amazing lot!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Aren't they just amazing.. you too!

The whole Forum is addictive, just like the running, but in a good way...:)

I feel responsible too, really get bothered if |I forget to respond to someone's post.. and try to keep up with them. :)

Faceless yes, but fantastic friends :)

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

It is a generous community. I've seen that people here are very generous with their time, advice and support. They genuinely want everyone on c25k to succeed and it is a great thing to be a part of.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

It really is.. I am sure if we all got together we could change the world..or at least a little bit of it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

It certainly is.. thank goodness folk love us enough or we love ourselves enough to take that first step!!

saul01 profile image

Such a lovely post Oldlfoss and yet so true.

It becomes an amazing journey for all of us. This is what I had to say on a different post yesterday

"It's amazing how we all start this program, thinking the end of the world is here and by the end of it, have caught the bug, have a real sense of achievement and met some really cool/nice/brilliant/supportive (list goes on) people on this forum!!"

I would also like to say thank you to all who have helped, supported, and guided me on my path to right righteousness.. :-)

Oldfloss profile image

Totally right.. go you, and go all of us!

We totally rock! :)

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