"Illness be gone" Quest wk 3 - Feel free to join - Couch to 5K

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"Illness be gone" Quest wk 3 - Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
29 Replies

Illness be gone Quest week 3

I hope everyone is is doing ok and those who are still on the IC couch are making progress.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run.

























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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29 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I've had a good week, managed to get a swim of 50 lens in and a 8km casual walk with hubby. Yesterday I went out for my run and it was sooooooooo different. I have been reading a book about heart rate training for running and all about what bpm it should be for most of your runs. So I have been getting all the Information this week and my first run was a easy 10 km run. Now I thought I had been doing easy runs but I have found out that I was going too fast. I have found on recovery runs I have to slow my walking down too. But the weird thing is I ran more. My time for a 10km was 10 min slower. I have a feeling this is going to make a massive difference to my running. I think it's going to be a case of watch this space. Wishing you all a happy healthy week.

ajwyld profile image

Only 2 runs again last week which is getting to be a habit - and not a good one. Tuesday I did Speed while youngest was at his music lesson which was good. But the rest of the week I had a bunch of extra stuff that go in the way.

Saturday I woke up not feeling majorly keen to go out and not really wanting to spend more than an hour - also the weather was vile. But I dragged myself out of bed and decided that since time was short I whould include a hill. Ended up doing a bit over an hour to do 7km but was very proud of myself for running up the dreaded hill, and felt much better after the run than before. Run was basically 15 minutes to bottom, 20 minutes up, 15 minutes down and then 15 minutes home. Found a route that didn't mean running on the cycle track on the main road and took it slow and steady. My legs definately felt it later in the day though ! (havent synched the run yet with Garmin, but I did about 3/4 of the same route a few weeks back and the ascent was 100m, so I'm happy with that).

Coming week is also going to be a challenge running wise as I have a 2 day business trip Tuesday and Wednesday and I'm also aiming to finalise my dissertation for a degree I'm working on outside work. (I work and study half time each). But I think running may be needed for my sanity, so plan is to do something short around teatime today, and then run on Thursday then Saturday...

Anniemurph profile image

Well, I managed to get out for some running while I was away - running in Utrecht, hooray! It was beautiful, sunrise by the canals. I covered around 7,5k although that was because I got lost as well :D However, for the rest of the day I walked... and walked... and walked. According to my phone, which has a rudimentary step counter and km measurer, I covered a whopping 21 and a bit km! My feet were so sore afterwards. That included going up the Dom tower which is 465 steps, so I had a good workout there as well :)

Back to normal this week, already feeling like hibernating because of the cold and the forecast is for some snow midweek but I will try and get out there for a run at some point.

Happy running everyone and illness begone to all those on the IC x

ridingstar profile image

Good week for me 2 x 5k continuous and 1 x 13k Galloway ( I am loving Galloway 60/30 for longer distances and my time is pretty much the same !) fingers crossed that I had all the illness in January I don't want anymore ! Happy running everyone ! :)

slhenry77 profile image

Count me in!

I have been running 3 times a week for the past 6 weeks since recovering from an ankle injury. Joining this quest gives me the extra incentive to keep running! Managed a long run of 8.8km last week, mainly because it was snowing hard and just so beautiful to be out in it! This week is going to be tough as my boyfriend is visiting and it will be extra difficult to drag myself out of bed in the morning! Fingers crossed I'll still manage 3 runs though.

Irishprincess profile image

Can you add me to this quest please RFC. Although I'm not running at the minute I need to keep my fitness up so this will be a good incentive!

I've been to the gym 3 times last week and did weights, lots of strength work and cycling. This week might be a challenge as my mum is coming over to stay and I obviously want to spend all my time with her. But she's not an early riser so I might be able to get out and work up a sweat before she's awake!

Good luck to all questers and to those of us on the IC keep moving as much as you can!

folkieboater profile image

Last week....well where do I start...

Firstly apologies to those of you on FB who've already read this - but I'm quite chuffed!

Tuesday was a nice morning so I set off to do a bit longer than my previous longest distance of 13.1km. Started off with 10/2min run walk intervals. All good till about 12km then too many hills got in the way. Reduced to 2/1 and carried on, aiming for 15km. That came and went and got near home at just under 20km. Carried on upa and down the road to 21.1 - HALF MARATHON!!!!! Time 2:22:12. Happy bunny... ached the next day though :)

parkrun on Saturday was second fastest ever too.

And to top it off I finally have a physio appointment for Wednesday too look at my knee :)

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to folkieboater

Holy moley!! Well done! That's inspiring. :)

folkieboater profile image
folkieboaterGraduate in reply to runswithdogs

Thank you. Probably (definitely) broke all the rules but hey, that's what I do best 😱

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to folkieboater

Wow, that's impressive - congratulations! And a great time too :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Glad you have done this. Last week got out for my three 30min runs. I'm pleased to say I have just completed my first run of this week. 5k Inc. Warm up/down. Actual time running 37 mins. Ran up a steep slope today that I walked up last Friday.. :) next run Wednesday.

runswithdogs profile image

Last weekend was good. I met my quest goal of having my farthest run ever - 13.35k using a run-walk.

I followed that immediately up with a lame week of one lonely run that was a little over 3 k and one gym session. I'm not sure what my hang-up is these days, the weather has been very good. Perhaps just too busy with school and work, but that shouldn't be an excuse.

Happy questing everyone.

parseraisin profile image

Hi everyone, it looks like the week went well. I loved reading about the experiments with heart rate and run/walk, two of my current obsessions (partly theoretical, I have no way to measure HR at the moment).

I was away last week and sadly was not able to swim a cimento - the sea was too rough until the last day of my visit. I consoled myself with two long walks (around 4 and 5.5k) and a few sets of squats, jumping jacks and tricep dips. Those left me so sore I was ashamed. I ran 5k on Sunday when I returned, and it felt so good! My stress level almost immediately plummeted.

This week I (hope to) start the 10k training plan, which means 4 runs - 2 of three miles, one speed day and one four mile. I also aim for a bit of strength and to stretch with more regularity.

Have a good week, everyone!

lizziebeth57 profile image

Managed 4 runs last week, all varieties. Slow longer run; fast (for me)5k; hill work with some of my jog scotland group which resulted in my running my longest distance yet - 12k! I also did one of Davina fitness dvd's, which worked up a good sweat! No yoga class for the next couple of weeks so I'll make an effort to work out to my yoga dvd at least once a week.

Still not been for that swim though. Happy questing everyone and I hope those of you sick or on the IC are moving towards good health and fitness!

misswobble profile image

Glad to see I'm in RFC! Just the kick up the bum I need. Feeling way below par at the mo but I am getting the runs and fitness in they're leaving me knackered and I've been going to bed! Not like me at all but I blame the ear infection and associated wobbliness. As soon as the drops go in I feel like poo, and the seasickness feeling starts up. Bah!

Still training for a 10k race at the beginning of March. Lots of planned fast runs which I could do without while feeling so crap, but I've sort of done them to a fashion. Better today though, but so scrappy cos of all the traffic and folks about as it's half term.

Bit sad as I've returned my Kinvaras which have sprung a big hole! I can't get a replacement though, despite the shop agreeing that they're below standard, they can't help as they can't get any more. Offered me my money back but I'd rather have a replacement. Asked them to send them back to me as I got a whopping blister this morning, running in my under-used Nike racers. Tut

So, running 3 times a week, doing some Jillian Michaels workouts to boost my body strength. Eating well - a bit more protein - as I've been flagging somewhat I think


Coddfish profile image

I knew I had missed one of my swims thanks to my long weekend away, but I managed the second swim, plus two good runs. I decided not to do parkrun last weekend, because Sunday had a better weather forecast. Sunday's run found me running east to west along Southsea prom whilst the Portsmouth coastal half marathon was running in the opposite direction. An odd experience I perhaps would have been better avoiding, as I almost got knocked over a few times. Not by the runners but the watchers on, stationary or walking backwards and with cameras, dogs on lead etc. Ho hum. All back to normal this week.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Run two of this week done and dusted.

Before it started raining... 35 min running. Felt good, that starting off slowly now leaves plenty in the tank. :)

poppypug profile image

Oooh I nearly missed this !

Got 2 runs in last week Zombies, Run Mission 3 (5k and a bit ) and then Mission 4 on Sunday ( another 5k and a bit ).

I revisited Week 9 Run 3 with Laura tonight . The first song that came on was, yes youve guessed it - Julie Ha ha . You and Julie, You and Julie tra la la .

The music is quite good on Week 9 in a funny sort of way. I had someone warbling " I wont let you fall " which was very apt as it was icy tonight and then what sounded like a load of Russian Cossacks chanting . Hmmm, I dont remember that first time around !

Slimming World is going brilliantly. Ive dropped 12lb since starting the last week in January ! Not one biccie, piece of choc , sweet, or cake has passed my lips since then . .Been eating lots of fruit , veg, lean meat , fish and I feel great ! I was awarded Slimmer of the Week last night at the meeting and given a sparkly sticker to put on the front of my book , plus a basket ( well , a carrier bag ) of fruit ! I was choked !

I was ready to launch into a full Oscar awards type acceptance speech, until hubby gave me a dig in the ribs cos I was waffling ! Ha ha !

So I am a couple of pounds away from being Diet Pug- Slimline version :-)

Thanks for putting this up again RFC ,and lots of healing and soothing vibes to a very crowded IC, another day closer to recovery.

Have a great week y'all ! :-) xxx

Maxiscot profile image

It was zombies that led me to couch to 5k as I couldn't even jog. Will be going back to it when I hopefully graduate

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Maxiscot

Its really good isnt it ? Im hooked !

Ive got lots more Missions to do and Im only on Season One ! xxx

Maxiscot profile image

Me too. I am season one. Looking forward to getting back to it. I think I got to mission six. Have you done the one with the little girl?

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Maxiscot

Baby Molly ? Yes , her and her father got rescued on Mission 4 . That was the last one I did. Hmmm, I am very suspicious about the father to be honest , maybe hes a Zombie, or even baby Molly . Eeek ! :-) xxx

Maxiscot profile image

Ooooh I know. I wonder if he is a spy from the other town. Looking forward to getting back to it!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Maxiscot

Tee Hee, I know ! You dont know who you can trust :-) xxx

GoogleMe profile image

Lovely to read about other people's successful weeks. Mine was distinctly limp really in terms of running and weight loss and swimming.... only made 10,000 steps once (university visits are good for steps!)

I'll have better to report for Week 4 though.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Third run of the week this morning. Im definately getting stronger. Ran up a steep slope and recorded a good time.


Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm sitting this week out, my wobbly disc is having a wobble...haven't run, or walked for that matter, for a week. It's getting better, maybe tomorrow...

dagshar profile image

I am very late in commenting on the previous week....I can't remember all the details, but it did culminate in my final long run for the half marathon training. I was meant to do 19k, but took it to 21.4 :-) Legs felt not too bad afterwards and even the next day I was mainly just really tired. Good to know I can do it though.

pot58 profile image

Not doing too well..been ill and so have n't even got out the house...hope everyone is going well..

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