Towards the end of last April when I was 3 weeks in to C25K and looked like the bottom right picture - ugh! I decided, in a moment of madness, to have a crack at the Oxford Half Marathon.
Back pain interfered with my running but I still Graduated. Meanwhile, I sought professional help for my worsening back problems which had caused me to miss out a chunk of the H/M training.
After my second session of Physio, I was graciously allowed to do 5 sessions of 1 minute running and 4 minutes walking but the following day whilst standing up in the bath I fell cracking 3 ribs on the bath side.
Altogether, I'd missed out on 2 months of a MyAsics H/M plan but I managed to cram a couple of longish run / walk sessions in before the event.
I wanted to:
1. At least have a go - well, I'd paid for it hadn't I? -
2. I wanted to finish,
3. To finish within the 3 1/2 hours allowed,
4. Not to finish last.
I'm glad to say I achieved all 4.
On the way round my Top caused not a little hilarity and one wag pointed an accusing finger at my abdomen exclaiming, "Too many Baltis".
At one point there was a Morris Side and I couldn't help breaking in to a poor attempt at a Morris Dance as I passed but it fell flat, I guess dozens of previous runners had done the same and it was wearing a bit thin by then.
So, 6 weeks and one day after I started C25K I completed a half marathon and the following morning my legs have hardly any stiffness at all, in fact I even pondered a short run!
Top Left: Yours truly overtaking Superwoman - is she looking at my bum? (Photo by Barry Cornelius)
Top Right: Sprinting the last 30-40 yards to catch up with the big fella.
Bottom Left: Tee Shirt, Bling, Goody Bag and Contents (still uneaten)
Bottom Right: The old Balti.