Running on holiday?: I've just started the C25k... - Couch to 5K

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Running on holiday?

katielauren89 profile image
19 Replies

I've just started the C25k (completed second run of week 1 this morning) and feeling pretty pleased with myself so far! I was wondering if anyone has managed to continue with it when on holiday? I leave a week today for a couple of weeks (going to France, lots of baguette ahead... eek!) The last thing I want to do is ruin my holiday by trying to stick to a diet, but I thought a bit of exercise might help with damage limitation.

I'll definitely swim every day if the weather's nice but what does everyone think to keeping up the C25k? We're staying on a campsite which is quite hilly but has lots of tracks (possibly for runners!) I just don't want to lose my progress!

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katielauren89 profile image
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19 Replies
AndyD profile image

Running can tend to become a way of life and for me my running shoes were the first thing I put in my suitcase! If you can run on holiday to maintain your plan and fitness then that's good... but from personal experience... location, heat and humidity can be a problem. Saying that, if you are able to swim and exercise a bit then this is better than lying on the couch/sun bed for a few weeks and wont make you feel so guilty about the baguettes!

katielauren89 profile image
katielauren89 in reply to AndyD

Thank you, it's good to know I'm not being silly by wanting to exercise on holiday! Family have been wondering if I'm losing the plot a bit but, for the little amount of running I've done so far, I've really enjoyed it. Hurrah for baguettes!

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate in reply to katielauren89

Don't forget to spread some pâté on it ... and a glass of red

AvatheGardener profile image


I was on holiday in France for my Week 4 run 3 and Week 5 runs 1 & 2. went out and ran them early morning before the heat- and people- really got going. an awesome sense of achievement. I had only got my relatively heavy goretex trail shoes- wore them on the flights- would have been better with actual road running shoes but it was still amazing. Great way to see the village, too :)

Good luck and enjoy your holiday whatever you choose to do :)

katielauren89 profile image
katielauren89 in reply to AvatheGardener

Hello! That's really reassuring, thank you. I definitely agree with running first thing in the morning! I wouldn't want to become a spectacle for people just wanting to enjoy their breakfast without me thudding past every few minutes! Did you find that there were many other runners around?

Thanks! :)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardenerGraduate in reply to katielauren89

Hi, there were NO other runners- apart from my friend who is a 'proper runner' who I was staying with- and she went out with me for two runs- lots of gremlins shot down in flames there! But, no hecklers and the drivers moved kindly out the way. Just stay safe and enjoy it- it's part of your life now and instead of gremlins to put you off there should be lots of voices in your head wanting to keep going- at least that's what I found 😀

Rignold profile image

If you are on W1R2 you probably aren't going to be set back too far in your progress tbh, but on the other hand if you are doing C25k to bring regular exercise into your lifestyle, why stop when you're on holiday? A holiday offers a great opportunity to carry on in fab surroundings.

Likewise wth food: trying to stick to a diet should not ruin your holiday, because you should never be 'on a diet' anyway. If you are changing your lifestyle to eat in a more healthful way then there is no reason why you can't do that on holiday as well.

katielauren89 profile image
katielauren89 in reply to Rignold

That's a fair point but for me just lacing up my trainers and starting the whole thing is progress! I would definitely like to make this a regular thing.

I changed my eating habits a while ago, the exercise is really to encourage more weight loss. I'll give it a go!

Rhedwr profile image

Stick with it... saves sliding back on your progress.

I holidayed in Wales, on the coast, in torrential rain, and the highest tides of the year. Unsurprisingly, I got very wet, but I really enjoyed having a new route available, and lots to look at. I'm all about distraction!

Keep going, and build on your very big first step of getting started.

Have a fab holiday!

RibbleLady profile image

I ran on holiday, using it as a way of getting hubby out to walk a route with me before I then ran it. I definitely felt that as I had committed to doing it then I should try and complete the weeks as set. I even did the dreaded week 5 run 3 on holiday turf! Mind you I don't have kids etc that need my attention - just a supportive other half.

Go for it - it will become part of your holiday memories! Good luck.

catchmeifucan profile image

Oh yes, definitely take your running gear. I was on holiday in Portugal a couple of weeks back and what with the 'all inclusive' style of holiday made sure I got out running several times to counter some of the excess. But apart from that it was a great way to discover the local area and feel much more part of it. I ran before breakfast to beat the heat and there were lots of others with the same idea.

I also take my running gear whenever I'm away from home on business too, so again a great way to see what's around rather than just the inside of a hotel or meeting place. So far that's meant running in places as diverse as Miami to Aberdeen and the great thing is it's all free!!

AnnieW55 profile image

Pack the gear, intend to use it but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen. My gear is the first thing in the case. Spent 2 weeks in France earlier this year and found some lovely routes just following my nose. Didn't come across many other runners but we were off the beaten path. Admittedly I didn't have to worry about children as it was just the two of us but if you can get it the extra 'me' time can help to make your holiday. you never know, you might inspire other campers to run/open up conversations.

Enjoy your holiday food! If you gain weight on your holiday, just get back in track as soon as you get home, don't delay.

Whatever happens - have a wonderful time.

lag57 profile image

Definitely take your running gear otherwise you will get there and wish you had! I have run on several holidays and love running different routes - some of my most enjoyable runs have been on holiday. The one time I forgot my running shoes was in New York and I watched on enviously at the people jogging in Central Park, so never again - now I make sure I pack my running shoes! Have a great holiday and hope you find a flat route at least!

nhs2015 profile image

I just came back from a seven weeks camping holiday and was running as much as possible three times a week. It was enjoyable and I found that I could enjoy my holiday better after a good run. Now I am going overseas for five weeks and I will try to do a few runs. I am not too sure how or if it is wise but I will try to work it in my early morning schedule. My intention is to sample all the good food and wine of where ever we will be so a few runs here and there will be a necessity. 🍷🍷🍷🍷

Northernspirit profile image

Definitely!!!! Pack those trainers 😊 !!! You want the option to run. I've really benefited from running while we've been away this year. It's kept me feeling positive, helps if you think you'll indulge (and you must, it's a holiday!), and I really enjoyed it! Running in new places, great memories now back in the UK some of the music I listen to takes me right back to my holidays - 😀😀😀 what's not to love?! My family also think I'm bonkers but what's new?

Curlygurly2 profile image

Oh yes, you'll see stuff you never would otherwise!

Sharonb9999 profile image

I agree with the others - take your stuff. Running in different surroundings is great. I ran the streets of Budapest earlier this year & I'll be running along the coast of the Red Sea in December. Even if you don't do the planned runs you'll still have that great post run smug feeling ☺

DownNotUp profile image

My most memorable runs are the ones I did on holiday during the programme. I ran round a campsite and had to do quite a few circuits to get the 30 mins in. I had to go round again afterwards just to chat to all the nice folks who'd taken an interest in my progress and explain why I hadn't stopped to chat. It was lovely. I also did another run just up and down the road outside. It was raining hard when I did that one and I didn't want everything thinking I was a mad-woman running in that weather.

Redfraggle1 profile image

I was heading to the end of week 7 when I went away to Cornwall..we stayed in St Ives and I ran 3 times in the first 10 days and nothing after that for the rest of the fortnight. It was hot, it was very hilly but I can now say I've run in my most favourite seaside location (been visiting since I was a few months old)

I wrote on here that I was having a disaster and worried about losing fitness etc, so did a couple more runs...and was then sick! I didn't run again after that til I came home again, gave myself a really good break...

Am now at the end of week 8, about to embark on Graduation week....

So, what I'm saying is....take your trainers, take your running gear and go run! Enjoy the different view, the different surfaces and don't worry about anyone else...

Good luck x

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