Just briefly ... Runniversary day for me :-) - Couch to 5K

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Just briefly ... Runniversary day for me :-)

BoPeep9009 profile image
57 Replies

Hello peoples!

I'm not a keen poster as i have little of interest to tell BUT somehow wanted to mark the day before it disappears by telling you all "it's been a year!" A whole year since i ran W9R3 and graduated C25K. Still sometimes can't quite believe it!

Not fast, not very ninja-like, extremely red-faced, sound like a train BUT totally love and get those kicks out of my running. Have managed 5km in 30 and have managed 10km in 60 mins and have pounded out 15km longest but mostly i do whatever takes my fancy either during the day as i'm waiting to run or as the mood takes me when i get my shoes laced up.

I started C25K to be sure i wouldn't ever smoke another cigarette (that's going fine, euuuuuw how could i ever have enjoyed THAT disgusting habit?!?). I've also ditched 12kg of dispensable bodyweight, discovered and fallen for quinoa, chia and Jillian Michaels (well, her training videos anyway!) and developed an interest in technical sports clothes (and resistance training, ie, resisting buying!). My feet and knees and toes cause me no end of troubles, I've fallen over pavements and invisible obstacles at least 3 times, i fractured my wrist on one fall and walked into a glass door cracking my nose after a late run another time.

The most amazing thing though is i started doing this "thing" - right about now a year ago - being a bit of a Formula 1 fan it suddenly occurred to me that the majority of circuits are about 5km. I started plotting routes on Map My Run that looked as close as i could get to the Formula 1 circuit that was being raced at the time. It'll be Silverstone in 2 weekends time and Silverstone was the first one i mapped. My dream was then to run on Silverstone track itself and, as dreams go, this one came true exceedingly quickly because i did! On the first weekend of May this year, which was the anniversary of me stepping out for the very first time for W1R1 with Laura. It was the most amazing Wings For Life World Run (sponsored entirely by Red Bull) and i'm so very very proud of my son who flew over to England with me and also ran ... what a weekend! I've put the post-run photo up because i'm very fond of Mark Webber and he was there running too, though i'm just standing alongside a photo of him from the previous year!

Running is such an amazing addition to my life - following the trip to the WFL race we headed to Spain for the Grand Prix which meant the chance to run along the beachfront in Barcelona and yes, even running on the F1 race track there, though only for a short section and only casually (oh and all the way up the pit lane!).

Better post this before the day is done - my apologies for rambling (i cut it very very short to be honest!!!!) - just wanted to conclude with "I FEEL LUCKY" to be able to run in my own little way and to take even MORE joy from everything because of it. Before i sign off, a massive THANK YOU to you guys on the forum for sustaining the excitement, exuding support and mostly being witty, softly humorous and kind, always kind. You guys rock!

Cheers! Here's to the next year :-) :-) :-)

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BoPeep9009 profile image
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57 Replies
Ejbirdy profile image

Congratulations - your 'slow' times are still far better than my best after a year so be proud

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Ejbirdy

Thank you Ej :-) They're my fastest ever times!!! It's just so not important i've realized ... it's all about the sense of achievement and the buzz and the mission accomplished; for me anyway! :-)

Irishprincess profile image

What a fab post BoPeep. Many congratulations to you on your runniversary and what a year you've had! Some brilliant achievements and then some! And I just love the photo. You look like a pro and so happy! Here's to another memorable running year for you.

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Irishprincess

Oh thanks IP :-) It was one of the best Sundays of my LIFE that day! You see me there, gently holding that crisp in my fingers hahaha!!! Thanks, you too!

Prune profile image

Inspirational! Thanks for giving me something to aim for :)

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Prune

:-) Always something to aim for Prune! You keep at it!

poppypug profile image

Happy Runniversary Bo ! A whole year . Woo Hoo !

You are an amazing lady , you have been a rock to me . Always supportive , kind and so so lovely xxx

Absolutely brilliant post and photo . You are gorgeous and I am so proud of you for keeping off the fags . Well done xxx

Here's to the next year and many more ! :-) xxx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to poppypug

Pops! Time simply flies by doesn't it???

YOU are the rock! And you ROCK!

Thank you, for you too - we'll run along the seafront together here when you've got your flights sorted, one of these days :-) xXx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Oh yes ! I will hold you to that ha ha :-)

Oh I do like to be beside the sea side ! :-) xxx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to poppypug

You'll be needing some memory space on your camera! XxX

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

I'm doing the Manchester Mile next week, he's on his final warning if he messes up ha ha :-) xxx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to poppypug

Quaking in my boots am i and it's not even my responsibility!

Manchester Mile huh? Hope they chose a flat one with no speed bumps!

Good luck for that one Pops XxX

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Thank you xxx should be fun ,plus I get a T shirt , so I'm happy :-)xxx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to poppypug

Pops!!! You're ALways happy :-) XxX

GettingFitter profile image

Well done and happy runniversary to you!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to GettingFitter

Thank you :-)

aliboo70 profile image

yay bopeep! well done on your graduation runniversary! you look So happy in that photo! sounds like a right old year but you've acheived such a lot in that time ANd kept off the cigarettes too! have a word with my bruv Paulb67 when hes back off the IC, he needs to do that(though he has cut down!)

I've been round Brands Hatch in a Hillman imp, very scary and wanted to get out at the first corner, but survived to tell the tale! Bet running round silverstone was great for a F1 fan!

here to another fun filled running year for you :)

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to aliboo70

Hello aliboo and thank you :-)

I WAS happy, top of the world that day!

Tell yr bro to simply not smoke another! He only THINKS he needs them. It's all in his head. Shame he's on the IC tho, hope it's nothing too bad :-(

That sounds like FUN @ Brands Hatch!!! Yes, it was tremendous!

Thanks a lot :-)

Ullyrunner profile image

What a great post - your enjoyment shines through! Here's to the next running year!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Ullyrunner

You're very kind Ully, thank you

:-) It's just so much fun isn't it!

Golddust profile image

What a great year 😊 Well done for staying off the fags , a great achievement .

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Golddust

Yep it's been a cracker!

Thank you, it's proving easy after all, the running and quitting go hand in hand, perfect!

Rignold profile image

10k <60 mins is fast enough for Rock n' Roll, Ms Peeps. More power to your knees. We are not worthy.

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Rignold

Ha! It was probably a once in a lifetime attack that one!

I generally feel like I'm wearing someone else's hamstrings (a shorter person) and fancy a couple of titanium knee replacements so don't tend to push too hard anymore ... I want to be running forever!

#pistolsquat OWCHIE!

Reidy profile image

Wow! No other words to add.x

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Reidy

:-) :-) :-)

Vixchile profile image

I am raising a virtual glass of bubbly to your first runniversary!! 🎉🍸

Many congratulations. Sounds like a fab year and lots of exciting running places. It's great that you have combined your running with your love of F1, mapping out routes in shape of Circuits is fab. 😃 well done on giving up smoking and 12kg is a fab weight loss!!

You have shown everyone here great support and encouragement!! Here's to another fab year of running 🏃and I hope there was a slice of cake to celebrate.

P.s hopefully another year of running without incidents.

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Vixchile

Thank you Vix :-)

I think the last girl standing at WFL was running in Santiago!!! Fancy that!

Those bubbles are going down beautifully for a Thursday morning! Cheers!

Not cake, a gentle 6km along the coast path into the sunset revelling in being able to overtake meandering tourists at will these days!

A bit less pain and drama would be appreciated!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Well done for being strong and turning down cake!! The costal run sounds the perfect way to celabrate your runniversary. Enjoy that fresh air - In santiago we are sat under a thick layer of smog!!! When will it rain????

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Vixchile


Yuk to the smog ... Hope that's not going to stop you training? Can't be easy running through a thick, chewy cloud :-(

Re the cake: I'm no angel Vix. I baked at the weekend for Dad for Father's Day ... #lickslipsslyly :-)

Hoping for rain to clear your horizon xx

R2d2_vegas profile image

What a wonderful story. Happy Runniversary!! I look forward to echoing a very similar story in about 49 weeks time.... ha ha. A very big WELL DONE YOU!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to R2d2_vegas

Great name! Thank you! Looking forward to hearing ALL about YOUR running year too!!! All the best :-)

AncientMum profile image

Bo, how on Earth did I miss your post about running Wings For Life?? What a fantastic race to be part of. I can't tell you how jealous I am. Come on 'fess up. How far did you get before you were caught? :)

Many many congratulations on your runniversary. You've really incorporated running into your life, haven't you? Your casual mentions of 5k, 10k and 15k, quitting smoking and the impressive weight loss (not to mention loving quinoa), are all testament to a lady who's completely changed her life over the past year. So very well done, Sweetie. Keep running, keep posting xx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to AncientMum

AM hellooo!

You didn't miss a post, I didn't post :-)

Remember my BIG plan to cover a quarter of the course? Seemed so do-able in those fresh early post-grad days? Hmmm, reality check!

After 2 test 10km races here I knew I'd be lucky to get to 10 in 69 mins ... So I clocked 9.42 km of sheer delight round the circuit and off into the pretty English countryside with a wheel to heel sprint-off at the end with David Coulthard in his Discovery! He and his co-driver leaned over and called out "Well Done" with thumbs up as they inched past and it was fanTastic!!! Everything it promised! I could ramble on for hours and hours about it :-)

We're going to do our best to do it again next year and obviously 19km is my target! You'll be better next year AM, love to see you there :-)

You're very kind ... And quite right! XxX

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Can't believe you didn't post!! That race was a fantasy for loads of us. You did well to get to more than 9k before you got caught. Better luck next time. Hope I'm there to join you and Frocky :)

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to AncientMum

Yeah I know but I'd wandered off and hadn't checked in here for ages and I didn't want to bleat on too much cos I knew the race had broken a few hearts etc etc etc ....

Still there's always the next one! I'll definitely get a bit further if I've got you guys to chase HOORAH!!!

Totally brilliant event!

See you there with your brand new ankle :-) xXx

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done Bo. I have just racked up my second year running and I can tell you this running thing just keeps on delivering wonderful experiences and memories alongside the other obvious benefits.

Keep running, keep smiling.

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you Mr Trufffe!

It's literally "opened the door" to a fresh new world for me! No end to the possibilities!

You too, Oh Wise One!

Bazza1234 profile image

As somebody who is at a similar stage to you -- I have come up against a bit of a problem regarding "what to do". Since graduating, I followed two plans for a 14K "race" and a 10K "race" - and right now I have a plan before me (already started ) for a HM in a couple of months time. But I don't think my heart is in it - and I am finding that I am not really interested in running "races" or trying to improve "times" .

SO -- what kind of running are you doing during the week?? Slow and easy ?? Mix it up a bit?/ Do you follow any kind of programme?? Etc

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

Hello Bazza!

You're probably still in post hols blues mode!

Well, I followed as closely as I could an Asics HM plan building up to my "highlight" event in England. So was doing all those easy runs, tempo runs, build ups etc etc. Immediately after the race we went to Barcelona and I so enjoyed running gently about the city streets and the seafront.

Since then, we've been back 6 weeks, I've based my exercise on core and leg and general strength and cardio trading (using programmes on You Tube) and heading out 3 or 4 times a week for a run ... The runs HAVE to make me happy!

I'm influenced on WHERE I run according to the parental taxi duties I have on various days; WHEN I can run by work hours; HOW LONG I can run by all those other demands on my time. Last night for example I gave myself a treat and drove to the seaside for a gentle 6km. On Monday my son had training at a school with a 400m track so i did intervals there to amuse myself. Sunday remains my long run day and I take advice from this forum, you included; long slow steady. Tomorrow I'll have time between work and taxiing so I'll either take a hillier route or do something on the track again ....

Actually Bazza I bought a heart rate monitor watch yesterday because of you! It was only €30 and is my One Year present. I'm going to try some of that stuff I've hopefully absorbed from you by osmosis re: working heart rates!

Hope you settle yourself into a happy routine soon.

Happy Runniversary, Bo!

I'm very jealous that you did the Wings for Life. I looked at it but then chickened out of entering. I then spent loads of time watching it online and wishing I'd entered. Definitely one for next year!

My husband's claim to fame is that he has shaken Mark Webber's hand ... better than mine which is meeting the Green Cross Code man when he came to my primary school :D

Fab photo and well done on great times and ditching the fags!!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to

Oh thanks Frocky!

It was the most wonderful day at Silverstone. You can pre-register NOW. They'll tell you as soon as registration opens. No chickening out! No reason! Its a race where absolutely everyone wins. The ultimate personal challenge. After this first exposure I'm so ready to return and bust my gut to achieve more. And such a brilliant cause too, a glorious goody bag and T shirt plus ALL the entrance fees are donations (good old Red Bull)

See you there next year! Am VERY humbled yr husband has shaken Aussie Grit's hand ... Top bloke he is :-)

Think I met Tufty! The Green Cross Code guy subbed out as the Jolly Green Giant sweet corn guy didn't he? Claim to fame right there!

in reply to BoPeep9009

Pre-registration complete :)

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to

FanTastic job yippeeeee! You won't regret it :-)

misswobble profile image

Wahay! Well done Bo! Time flies when you're having fun doesn't it

I gave up the fags, booze and kerapp food too and never regretting any of it for a second. Doing C25k is like being thrown a life line I think. Getting off the couch and moving our butts is such a great carry on isn't it.

My niece will be at Silverstone! I am looking after her dog for her while she's there

She was at Barcelona recently and I had the dog then too. You get the picture

She went to Monaco as well! I get some goodies out of this so it's good news. I don't just get to scoop poop.

Enjoy the racing. I hope you manage to get a run done!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to misswobble

MissW? Am I your niece??? Are we on a TV show???

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to misswobble

Seriously tho I thank YOU as you're one of my quietly inspirational people ... Sorry that you're hurt at the mo but you'll soon be back on form again. Meanwhile those dogs are going to get their socks walked off I fear! XxX

misswobble profile image

Peers closely at your pic. No, I don't think sooooooo. She does have a tan though. It's all them holidays! Wear something distinct Bo and I'll look out for you on the telly.

misswobble profile image

Her dawg hates going for a walk. He tries to slink home the little horror. I had big dog yesters but being as how my leg is rubbish he didn't get his usual 15 k slog. Still, he wanted to loaf on my sofa by the fan as he was too hot to walk, which doesn't happen here often! I have another little dog that I'm helping my next door neighbour with but it's not going very well as he peed in my husband's loafers, and my cushions, so has blotted his copy book already. He is a little beauty though and is destined to be my running pal once I'm fit. He is used to running apparently having previously being cared for by a marathoner. The dog is actually in rehab. Not sure why as he's an angel compared to my last Jack Russell

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to misswobble

You're so funny! Dogs everywhere! Your husband ha! What a nightmare having your socks soaked in dog pee from your own shoe in your own home #poorguy

catchmeifucan profile image

Congratulations BoPeep, for someone with "little of interest to tell", was a damn fine read as it happens. Here's to many more years!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to catchmeifucan

Oh thanks you! That'll do me now for another half a year or so! Most kind, cheers for that :-)

Anaverageman profile image

this was BRIEF? wow hate to read a LONG post! congrats though...

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to Anaverageman

Oops! Probably just as well I rarely inflict a post onto the forum ... Thanks though :-)

Anaverageman profile image

not in the LEAST! All contributions read happily/ worthwhile im sure..

ju-ju- profile image

hooray..well done you and what an amazing journey :)

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks juicyju, the New Year has begun :-)

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