The final run of the program was the hardest one. I fight demons in my head in the first part of the runs which want me to stop and then when the half way point is there I know I can do it because I got past that point. I got my breathing wrong today and was struggling for the whole 30 minutes but I was determined to get to the end. Last year I got to week 8 and had to stop and see a physio as I had plantear fascitis. Almost a year to the day from that first appointment, I can honestly say that I've got to the end of the program. Well, nearly at the end of what I want to do. Next week, I am going to do my first park run. I have two runs next week prior to it, so that should really deal with the breathing issue. We all have one poor run and the last one on Couch to 5k was mine......
Week 9 Run 3...I got there in the end... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 Run 3...I got there in the end...

May I ask what you mean by getting the breathing wrong? What do you do with your breathing? What is the aim? Just curious...
Normally, I don't feel so out of breath but this time I was struggling more than on the previous two runs. It was, for me, a run where I felt like I did not control my breathing which meant that I was gasping for air and therefore ran slower than the previous runs. I hope that makes sense.
Usually gasping for air means running too fast. The technique for checking we do not run too fast is keeping a pace that allows us to have a conversation whilst running. Do you think speed could be the issue?

Well done!! We all have bad runs. Shame it was your graduation one but never mind. You've still done it and I bet the next one is brilliant!!! Go and get that badge!!!

Awesome!!! Congrats!!!! 😀 what an achievement!!!!
I hope to be there in 3weeks time (fingers crossed)
Congrats again, and good luck with your park run!

But congratulations ! - you should feel very proud particularly as the last one was a struggl.

Well done and congratulations.
Bad runs go with the territory and getting through them is worth twice as much as the 'easy' ones.