Help! I started couch to 5K just before xmas and got up to week 7 and then I started to get pain in my big toe joint. Anyhow, took myself to get a new pair of trainers (fitted properly etc) and promised to resume the program once the bad weather had passed. Anyhow, May arrived and I'm now back up to week 4 but sadly the toe pain has returned... to the point where I've been reduced to a limp when walking! I do know that I've got genetic bunions which I've had from birth yet they've never been an issue before. Has anyone else experienced similar and if so, overcome it? I've booked an appointment to see a chiropodist but I'm guessing they may just say to give up the running but I'd really like to continue with it if I can Any suggestions/ideas welcome, thanks in advance!
Toe problems :-(: Help! I started couch to 5K... - Couch to 5K
Toe problems :-(

They might give you some orthotics?? Let's hope they have the answer 👍

No suggestions, but just wanted to say that sucks. I would have recommended a podiatrist but I guess a chiropodist is good as well. I'm no expert. But please do let us know how you're getting on.
I take a daily omega 3 fish oil capsule every day without fail. I find it keeps the pain at bay. I have this prob with my right big toe. It's fine as long as i don't forget

You have my sympathies Deb. I'm getting lots of pain in my big toe at the moment after breaking my ankle in February. My physio says it's something to do with adhesions on the tendons that formed when my foot was immobilised. He's done some really painful massage with what looks like a small steel spatula - agony but it has helped a lot! Hope your chiropodist can help
That sounds painful but hopefully it'll make it so much better in the long run. I've been looking on the internet and there are a few toe stretching exercises I thought I could maybe have a go at when the pain starts to ease of a bit. Hope you feel better soon

Running has been ok for my toe. I was concerned as it's been dodgy as long as I can remember. As long as i remember the daily omega 3 capsule i am just fine. Forget it and my toe is painful. I use the tesco ones but the seven seas ones are better i think as they are guaranteed from clean seas, apparently ☺
I'm definitely off to Holland and Barratt tomorrow for some fish oils - hopefully that might be enough to stave off the pain. Thanks

You haven't broken that toe or damaged it in some way in the past. I was having problems with my big toe last year when I tried C25K last year around week 4. I went for an xray on my toe turned out I had bone spurs which I later had removed as well as mild arthritis. Make sure you go see your Doctor and get it checked out as soon as possible especially if you find you have slightly limited movement or swelling in it.
I think I'll do that too. I'll see what the chiropodist says and then if it doesn't improve I'll see what the Dr says about it. I do remember dropping a wooden bench onto my toe when I was about 7 years old but it hasn't been an issue since up until now so I just assumed it was to do with the bunion thing. Guess it could be linked but that was well over 30 years ago so I would have thought it would have been issue before now but I guess it could be a possibility - funny how things come back to bite you later on in life!
Have you been to see them? Did you find out what's wrong and if they can help? X
Yes, I went and they had no idea! In fact, the only advice they wanted to provide, was to not do any jogging/running as that's what causes the pain. Wasn't quite the answer I was searching for. I'm going to ask one of my colleagues at work if he knows of anyone good with feet and sport problems (he does lots of running so he might know someone) I really don't want to give up on the jogging as it makes me feel so much better and it's something I can manage to fit into a busy work day. Will let you know how I get on x
I've had big toe pain in the past and fixed it with a few different things, including patience (took months to heal), orthotic insoles (but be careful - these aren't necessarily useable in running shoes, better to get correctly fitted running shoes) and hamstring stretches. I found out that basically your hamstrings connect to your toes via the back of your ankles and the soles of your feet. Big toe pain can be to do with tightened muscles pulling things slightly out of kilter, and it definitely felt like that was the case with me (although not necessarily the same for you...). There's loads of hamstring stretching exercises out there but this is the one that helped me the most: you basically stand on the stairs holding the banister and with your heel hanging off the edge of the step. You gradually shift your weight backwards over the heel until you feel everything stretch down the back of your leg. Then to shift your weight back forwards you lean on the banister and use your other foot which is fully on the step. It's important you don't just lift back up with the stretched foot because you might strain something. I find this exercise really gives some relief so maybe give it a try. (I think there's a name for it, someone on here might know what that is...)