Hi anyone got any advice for my first half marathon in four weeks I scared
Half marathon: Hi anyone got any advice for my... - Couch to 5K
Half marathon

1. Get a couple of long runs in and then give yourself two weeks taper
2. Focus on havng a good time at the race and don't worry too much about speed
3. Enjoy the sights, the sounds, the whole experience
4. Bring gels or wine gum bears (or both)
5. Bring an old long sleeved top to wear while you wait for the start,and then discard it when you get warm
6. Have fun and don't worry about anything else than enjoying it
Hope you have a smashing and fun race!
I find in a HM it's only the second quarter you need to focus on. The first 5k goes by pretty quick in the general jostle and bustle of the corwd and you just get carried along and find yourself at 5k before you really know it. Just make sure you dont go out too fast. 5k-10k is the bit you need to get your had down and concentrate on running at your pace, not trying to keep up with runners passing you or thinking too much about the distance, just 'be in the moment; and take in the sights and enjoy yourself. As soon as you pass the halfway mark you get a huge confidence boost, as it is all downhill from there on in (even if it is uphill). Every k you click off is one closer to the end and they start whizzing by. the last quarter is upon you before you know what's happening really and at that point you're home free, it's just a 5k, you can envisage it as your usual route and the corwds are cheering and BAM! you've done it!
You probably will be fairly tired by this point but the last k and a bit you suddenly find untapped reserves of energy and it flies by.
Important to remember is to keep walking around once you have crossed the finish line, to cool down properly, get some food into you within 20 mins or so of finishing, STRETCH!!!! and to spend the rest of the day beaming like a nutter and share pics of your medal on here and on social media and with everyone you know because you have just achieved something really ace.
Thank you

I totally agree with everything that has been said. Enjoy it and don't panic. If those little doubts creep in before your event day push them away they have no power if you ignore them. You've done your training get ready to reap your rewards. Have fun.

Everything said here is all very true. It is a truly epic experience and one you will treasure I'm sure.
It's all been said in any race I like to count down and visualise the distance in terms one of my regular runs. I give the runners nicknames too it helps pass the time 😊