Feeling really positive having completed week 2 and survived. I really thought it would be being out of breath that would be the problem but so far this is all ok.having done yoga for about a year I also thought my muscles would work ok and not ache too much-fine again. What I didn't realise was that the old joints seem to be seizing up especially my left knee which is creaking and stiff.just before my run today I bashed my ankle on the sofa and thought nothing of it ,now that has seized up and I am hobbling around.feeling slightly disappointed that I feel injured already.with yoga I never once injured myself.hope running is for me because I am loving it apart from feeling like an old lady!
Week 2 done feeling great but ouch!: Feeling... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 done feeling great but ouch!
The yoga is a great cross training exercise and will stand you in good stead. Balance work is great for runners. You will ache for a bit if you just started but hang in there. Have your rest day and you should be good to go after that. If not, take another day before heading back out
Go slowly when you do go back out. No need for speed for this programme
If it is stiff and just achey then it should improve over time and is nothing to worry about unduly. A full blown injury tends to involve sharper, more severe pains.
Running is a high impact activity and it will take some time for the joints to adapt.
Unsuitable footwear is a common culprit for all sorts of problems.
Thanks I am hoping it's just a case of getting used to it.never believed I could run to the end of the drive let alone for 90 seconds.last run when I was at school over 30 years ago.no wonder my joints are complaining!
I only ever went to one yoga class, and I couldn't move my neck for six weeks after! Running is much safer, imo!
Lol I hope that to be the case. I always feel well stretched and supple after yoga.a bit achy perhaps but not as decrepit as I feel today!
Reason I have taken up this programme is to improve my cardio fitness. ATM not finding the cardio side of it a problem but my knee joints feel hammered 😞