When I started C25k I briefly looked at all the weeks ahead and assumed week 5 gave you a choice of runs. Now I realise my delusion as I face the reality of W5R2 tomorrow and the dreaded W5R3 on Monday. I can't run for 20 minutes! I've only just managed the five! How did you all get through it?
Week 5 fear: When I started C25k I briefly... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 fear

Don't worry about the 20 minutes. Put all of your focus on getting R2 done, I suspect you will be surprised on how comfortable the 8 minute stints are if you just take it easy ans slow it right down.

I won't lie, I didn't find W5R3 easy but it was transformational! If you follow the program, you will manage it too, like so many other people have managed it before you and many more will manage it after you

w5r3 is as much a trial with your mind as it is with your legs and lungs. Many people do it 5 minutes at a time. 1st five should be easy, 2nd five - half way, third five is maybe the hardest, last five and your there. Just remember when you get to the point you want to give up ask yourself - can you still breath? Do your legs really hurt? if the answer is no and no. then carry on.
Hi Notoldyet, I understand your doubt but honestly you can do it, I don't know how it works it just does! I've just completed that run and believed it was a fluke so just to be sure I did it again-a week later! Go for it .
Good luck xx

W5R3 is the biggie....there is no getting away from it, but we, thousands of us, have all got through it. Look at what you have achieved so far. You managed your last run, so believe in yourself and the programme and move on. It prepares you, and so by the time you get to THE BIGGIE, you will be ready. This one teaches you just how much you are capable of and also how much of running is in the mind.
Do not fear...that is just negative. Tell yourself that you have done all groundwork and calmly accept the challenge. Start slow, stay slow. In preparation do lots of vigorous facial stretching, otherwise the post run grin can really hurt........for days!
Good luck!

I remember the anxiety, thought about it almost all week leading up to W5R3! Could I really do it? No way! The jump seemed huge. All I can say is, follow the plan, go slow and if not sure slower still, just keep moving and you really can do it I arrived home like Rocky, punching the air! My hubby thought I'd lost the plot
good luck!!!

If it was easy, you wouldn't have the sense of achievement when you do it
Go slow and steady, break it down into sections...I can remember my smile growing the closer I got to the end...like northernspirit, I punched the like a loon when I did it good luck!
Don't think of it in a negative way, running should be enjoyable. Listen to Laura and she will get you through. Just think of the sense of achievement once you have completed it. Good luck and enjoy
Feeling your pain due to do mine on Sunday or Monday managed run 2 but 8 mins is def near my max ... All we can do is give it out best shot try not to think of the time and sure we can always repeat if need be GOOD LUCK

Well, W5R2 done and it was fine, thanks all for the good advice on slowing it down. Combination of excitement (!) and dread for tomorrow but I will drag myself on for as long as I can and see where that gets me.

I did W5R3 today was dreading it all week the posts on here helped me so much!! I realised that for me it was a mental challenge more than a physical one. I really enjoyed the run even sped up for last minute and at the end I felt less tired than W5R2 ! I am now on a total high and feel like I have got to tell all my friends ! I am amazed I did it, even as I started I was thinking 'I can't do this' but was actually quite easy once I had motivated myself !