My first week of a healthy balanced lifestyle has been a wonderful success! It was rough for the first two days due to caffeine withdrawals. I used to drink a lot of coke and energy drinks. I've replaced this by drinking green tea and water, can't get enough of it!
I only started exercising yesterday in preparation for week 2 (which is this week) I feel my natural energy coming back and the cravings for chocolates,crisps etc is starting to go. As a bonus I've lost2 and a half pounds,and I haven't even started exercising yet. I'll be definitely keeping this up as I've noticed I'm a lot happier, waking up a lot earlier feeling fresh and improved performance in work.
Even started to pick up a few items from Holland and Barretts. Never saw that one coming lol!!
Good luck on all your weight loss effort guys. I'll be starting couch to 5k tonight. Wish me luck!!