So I just did W2r3 and my knees are killing me 😩. I'm wandering if this is normal? I've never really ran before so I'm wandering if it's just my body getting used to this new activity. I really don't want to have to stop running for awhile as this is the first time in my life I've really became dedicated to something. Can I just take a long weekend off and begin maybe next week on Tuesday or Wednesday or continue like normal and go for another run Sunday? Thank you all in advance!
My knees!: So I just did W2r3 and my knees are... - Couch to 5K
My knees!

If you haven't had knee problems in the past then hopefully it is just your body reacting to the increase in activity and should go away with rest. Suggest 15 minutes with the frozen peas, then taking an extra rest day or two. As you run more your leg muscles will develop, which will reduce some of the impact on your knees. You could also look for quad-strengthening exercises. Common sense: don't run if your knees hurt; and if it doesnt ease with rest, maybe see your GP.

These exercises may help you protect your knees by strengthening your quads.
Edit: whoops, wrong link, that's the post-run stretches, this is the knee exercises link.
Have you had your gait analysed to make sure your trainers are right for your running style? don't know if that might make a difference?
If you're wearing an old pair of trainers then the shock absorber in them may be worn out.
Just an idea.

Niggles are to be expected if you're new to exercise, and running in particular. It's your body wakening up. Things are changing! It's a sign
Stick with it.

I agree with checking you have enough support for your arches in your trainers. When I started and my knees hurt (unfit, overweight, body saying "what the hell are you doing" etc) someone on here suggested that when you have your after run shower, let the water run cold and hold it to your knees for as long as you can stand it! Works like magic!!
Good luck!!

Agree with all the other replies. Also I do have knee problems and use additional support. I use KT Tape which works miracles you can buy on amazon and a roll lasts for a good while. Keep going and well done
Thank you all for your advice day they are feeling a little better today but I'm going to a running shop this weekend and going to find someone instore to help me find the right shoes . Again thank you all!!