Any idea why the insides of my knees have started to hurt? I went out on Friday and did 5k and for the first time in a year of running my knees started to really hurt after the run. They haven't been quite right since so I've rested since Friday but they didn't feel too bad today so I've just been out again for another 5k. Just got back and they are really hurting again. I'm sat here icing them but no idea why this should suddenly start happening. The pain is on the side and the bottom of the knee cap on the inside of my legs. My route is the same and shoes etc haven't changed. Any ideas?
Why have my knees started hurting?: Any idea why... - Couch to 5K
Why have my knees started hurting?

Knee problems do suddenly come on for no apparent reason, but it's usually one of two things: doing too much or not enough rest between runs. Or the running shoes. Perhaps your running shoes need replacing (probably do, if you've been running a year). Sorry to hear about this, and it sounds like you're doing the right things with ice etc.
There are a lot of runners on this site who will be able to tell you more because I know a lot have suffered with knees. I did suffer a little bit myself recently but cut my running down to once a week and I've been doing specific exercises in the gym to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Anyway, things seem to have improved.
Good luck, and keep resting for now x
Thanks for this. Specific exercises sound good, I'll look into those. I did wonder about the shoes but didn't run much over the winter and I'm sure I'm nowhere near wearing them out but maybe I should get them checked out. Thanks again.

Maybe gait analysis would be an idea, I've just changed my running style so that I land mid got instead of heel striking, mind it's killing my feet

I would check your shoes first if I were you. I was getting achy knees and painful soles on my feet sometimes. Then I started to take more notice and realised it was only when I wore my older shoes, the most comfortable ones which I kept for off road and wet days. When I checked how far I had run in them it amazed me to find it was over 500 miles and added to that was about another 150-200 miles of walking. Time to invest in a new pair! Experts suggest replacing every 500 miles or there about.