Hi guys, Feeling very determined and going to "jog" Walk home from work this evening even though it pouring rain, even though it means leaving my belongings in work i still want to feeling really good mentally and s tad sore phyiscally, MY QUESTION is when i do the jog minutes I'm only making it to 45-50 seconds before panting and slowing
I'm determined to keep it up but is anyone else like tis or can everyone jog the full minute.. i hope it dons hinder me as the jogs increase in time next week.. thanks x
W1R3: Hi guys, Feeling very determined and going... - Couch to 5K

Congratulations on starting the programme! Just slow it right down for the whole minute, the important thing is to get to 1 minute without stopping. Good luck!
Well done for starting the programme and it's a great idea to combine your runs with travelling to and from work. However I would advise that you repeat week 1 until you are able to do the full 60 seconds jogging before you try and move on otherwise you will find it very difficult. Honestly, its better to start with a really solid base otherwise you'll find it too hard. Good luck !

I hadn't thought of repeating it to be honest until last night reading through the comments and realised its a common thing.. I'm excited to repeat it now I've mastered jogging to the full minute.. thank you so much for the encouragement and reply.

As already said, slow then slower. At the moment it's time in the running action rather than speed. it doesn't matter if walkers overtake you. You can work on speed when you graduate if that's what you want to do. And don't be afraid to repeat a week if you don't feel ready to move on. To show you it can be done, I did week 1 (or my version of it) for 7 weeks when I started and in April I'm doing my first 10k event. So you will get there.

Nice and slowly does it! You need to build up to running for a minute at a time before moving on to week two. Don't worry, a lot of us started out just like you. You will get stronger.
Good luck!
thanks so much I'm all set now to repeat week one, I finally made it to a minute last night on the 3rd attempt..but i got there.. so thrilled that repeating it and doing it at my own pace is an option i would not have known without help from here. all set to do week one again and nail it ! thanks again

The answer to your question is that it WILL get easier! Most people find the early weeks especially difficult. I did. Last Friday I completed the programme and graduated. In nine weeks, I went from struggling with the minute jogs to running 5km, and for over 30 minutes non stop. That's the same story for virtually everybody here.
Have faith, keep going.
well done on starting - ive just started my third wk1. i can complete them now but im really slow and still have heavy legs - after advice on here im repeating again. distance wise the program takes me 2.5km in total thats how slow i am. stretching after has helped my achy legs too.
good luck - keep at it xx
Thank you SO much everyone.. I DID IT! I made it to 50 seconds then 55 seconds and on the 3rd jog and there after I hit the minute.. i fist pumped the air and everything (embarrassing) Thank you all fir the advice.. Been really working on the stretches i know how important they are now butt is a bit sore today OUCH! as per advice I'm going to repeat week 1 maybe even twice as the kind encouragement on here suggests its at my pace.. thank you all again

That's brilliant! You are doing the right thing to repeat the week I think but you will be amazed at how well you progress.

Well done.
If it's any help it took me 3 weeks to be able to do wk 1 and last week I ran (shuffled) for 20 minutes on wk 5, day 3.
It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there, getting there is what matters.
Stick with it.