Hello all, any tips for legs that feel like dead weights and pains that run up the front of your shins.... I am at week 4 and struggling
New to forum and relatively new to running - Couch to 5K
New to forum and relatively new to running

Hi there. As you have started doing more and more running you need to look after your body by doing some stretches before and after your run. I use these exercises and do them at least 10 minutes before I go for my run.
Also make sure that you are drinking some water before your run so that you dont dehydrate on your run.
Thanks Mbardon, that is really helpful. I just do the 5 minute warm up and have never stretched at all! It seems quite obvious really but I just keep focusing on the app and getting through!
I never stretch before a run. I would never have done the programme if it had asked me to do that. There's a body of thought that it is actively unhelpful to stretch *before* exercise. And I have noticed that my running relatives who used to do all that stuff I found so off-putting have stopped doing it before running themselves. I don't stretch afterwards either but interestingly if I skip the 5 minute walk at the end for some reason I do feel very stiff and feel in need of a stretch (so obviously I don't do that!) I don't know what happens if I skip the 5 minute walk at the beginning 'cos I've never done it! I do stretching (yoga) at other times. Other folk consider stretching indispensable so suck it and see.
Oddly enough I suffered with very painful shins for years and running has pretty much cured them. *But* running on tarmac is a good way to bring it back (so I almost never do it, being lucky enough to have other options for surfaces) Does sound as though new shoes might be in order for you.
I'm definitely going to do these, though not sure I'll ever touch my toes lol. My first few runs I suffered with shin pain, but to be honest I sometimes get these in the summer wearing sandals. They seem to have gone for now but I have calf pain at mo so it may be masking it. I'm only on week 2 so I think you're amazing to get to week 4 😀

I had pains like this when I started. By strengthening your calf muscles (with exercises, stretching and running!), these will gradually go away. Do you have good shoes? I changed my shoes during week 5 and the difference was very encouraging! Also try to land very lightly on your mid-foot without creating too much impact for your calf muscles during your runs.
Thank you ViaM, I do land on my mid foot when running. I have the same old trainers that I have had in the back of the cupboard for years, it may be time to think about a new pair, and stretching, which I have not been doing. I think I feel a bit self aware but if it means less pain...
thanks for you help!

I've always done nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/... and never had a prob. Good luck with the next few weeks. I bought new shoes in wk 5.

Thank you Buffy007, I think this is the way forward! If this doesn't work I will look into new shoes too.
Thanks for all your help and support!

I just tried "heel to buttock" couldn't reach my foot and pulled a muscle in my thigh!

Oh no that's awful!