Completed my first 5k today (a slow 43 mins but still did it!) I found as the sun was shining I got really hot. I've only been jogging since Jan so haven't had to run in nice weather. How do you all deal with the heat when it gets to the Summer? Really don't want to have to go back to the gym as I'm enjoying running outside. Thanks.
Running in hot weather: Completed my first 5k... - Couch to 5K
Running in hot weather

We run early morning or later in the evening.
Thanks, great simple solution. Guess I'll be setting the alarm for 6am in the Summer then eeeeek! Hoping that I'll be able to deal with it better as I get fitter. Thanks for your help. Xx

It's lovely to run in the sunshine - all that vitamin D.
I think we all struggled at times over the summer - you just have to get used to being a sweaty mess! Part of the joy of running outside is experiencing the changing seasons.
I even grew my hair a bit longer so that I could scrape it up off my neck into a pony tail!

Like misswobble, early morning is great and sets you up for the day (even on holiday!) Otherwise, if I have to go out in the sun, baseball hat, sunglasses and factor 50 (as I am very pale). I also have a summer running outfit which is very light shorts and a racerback running top in a 'technical fabric', not cotton which holds moisture. I felt self conscious with the skimpy outfit at first but soon realised no one was paying me any attention.

5.30 in the morning in mid summer is my favourite time to run, with plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast before heading off to work. I can't wait.

Thank you all so much, some great advice. I'm very new to all this so it's lovely to find out your such a helpful supportive bunch! Xx

Any advice from all your experts on sunglasses? I wear tinted all the time, even on a dull day, but can't run in them. Saw some in The Telegraph at the w/e but they were £80!

Early morning is only practical for me at a weekend and I have to run when it's light so I usually end up running at about 4 in the afternoon which can be quite warm. We're at an awkward time of year here (near Beirut, hence my username) where the temperature can fluctuate from day to day by over 10 degrees. What I've found:
Find a route with shade if possible.
Wear a baseball cap, sun cream, sunglasses (the latter help you feel you're a little more anonymous).
Make sure you're hydrated before you leave.
If it's either really hot or you're going to be out for more than half an hour then take some water with you (can be consumed or poured over you as necessary... although that isn't particularly "appropriate" here so I splash it on my wrists).
It's amazing what your body can acclimatise to.

Congratulations on running your first 5k! Wishing you many more and beyond

I am more likely to run in the evening, but i have run pre-dawn and seen the sun come up, which is a wonderful feeling. I have been running at 11.00 pm in the summer months and it's still been light

Earlier and earlier starts for me, I turn into a lobster in the sun.

Earlier starts by preference, late runs if I have to and take every opportunity you can get to run in the rain (I LOVE running in poring rain!).
Baseball cap or golf visor is a must (I cannot run in glasses) and make sure you hydrate before you go out.
I started running when it was cold and did find the first summer hard, but it's true what they say, you do eventually acclimatise.