I'm on week 7 of couch to 5k and did my first 25 minute run. Thought I would not be able to do it - but I did. Yey.
Couch to 5k: I'm on week 7 of couch to 5k and... - Couch to 5K
Couch to 5k

Well done you! I'm only just finishing week 2 so it's good to hear some inspiration to keep me going. I wish I were at your level!
Keep going !
That is the problem when things go well. It is easy to be tempted to go further than where you are at. But DON'T be tempted as the programme is made to build up the stamina, so if you do a programme too far in advance you may be defeated and then that is what can put you off. Slow and steady will get you there. When we start at first it seems such a long way to wk9 but it soon goes over. Keep going and good luck. "you can do it".

Well done Ania, you should be feeling very chuffed with yourself after that !
Its a great programme innit ? xxx
Yes it is - I found it after 6 weeks of running on a couch to 5k 9 week free course which is run locally. A group of us run on a Monday. I've never done any long distance running before, the podcast is brilliant. My son sometimes comes along with me but he says I'm too slow.
Ha ha , ah take no notice of him . Slow is good !
These young 'uns eh , the cheek ! xxx
I thought I'd have a go at week 6:3 just to check out how well I was doing. The today I thought I try the week 7. To be honest I thought I would not be able to do the full 25 minutes, but I did. I did it. It was hard, but my progress has shocked me on how each week or run you really can run quite a bit better than last time and I feel pretty good afterwards. I did have a bit of trouble with my legs hurting in one spell, but now they ache a bit but not at all as much as before thank goodness. 😃😃

Well done, its an amazing feeling succeeding on this programme. I'm only a week in front of you and this forum has kept me going. Its full of the most amazing people achieving the most incredible things and the 'old' ones (like Poppypug) are just fabulous for their encouragement, commitment and kindness to all those coming up behind them. I run with my son sometimes too - he runs much faster and is always exhausted and amazed at my continued success on this programme. You stick to Laura and you'll be graduating in a next to no time.
Buffy , I love ya girl xxx
Thank you, you are very kind * Blush * xxx

Yay! Well done you! Graduation is just around the corner...

I think the hardest thing on this program is getting over that disbelief that we can do this. But the greatest thing is realising that yes we really can Plus all the lovely people on this forum who will encourage you and kick your butt if you really need it. Well done you! Not long to go now...

Yes it's wonderful to know so many other people are on the same journey as you. You are so right once you start running you can't quite get your head around how you can barely run 10 metres to running 25 minutes worth. It's so worth keeping it up. Thank you your encouragment 😀

Really well done, Ania! You're absolutely right, it's great to hear about all of the other people on the same journey and this forum is so amazingly encouraging that it makes it easier to keep going. Good luck with the rest of the programme. I'm starting week 9 tomorrow and can't quite believe I've come this far!
By the way, it's great to have another Parky around here!