I'm starting the couch 2 5k week 5 on Friday I'm looking forward to it and I've enjoyed the first 4 weeks. but I struggled with the cold weather this morning but I'm not put of by that because I'm enjoying what I'm doing. yer sure I'm eating better but I'm not losing as much weight as I should be so should I be doing exercise on the days in between the NHS podcast?
Couch 2 5k: I'm starting the couch 2 5k week... - Couch to 5K
Couch 2 5k

Hi David, pleased to hear you are enjoying the programme so far and that you're making good progress. You can do exercise in between your running days but it should be low impact. Cycling can help your knee strength, swimming and yoga are good for general flexibility. I'm sure others will have more suggestions !

Thanks for your advise I will take it on-board and see what happens

It's very common in The first few weeks of the program not to lose as much weight as you thought. As you go through you might not notice the difference in The scales but look to your clothes they should start to fit a bit better as you tone up. If you feel fit enough to do something else in between go for it but make running your priority until you graduate. It all comes together in time. Happy running.

I think it's ok to do exercise on the other days so long as it's not running. Swimming is a good option as is gentle walking and resistance work. I really wouldn't worry about weight - if you focus on improving your fitness, you will tone up and look better even if your weight doesn't change much. Over time you will probably see it fall.
Thanks very much for the advise

Really good luck - glad you're enjoying it. Stick to what Laura says, she's fantastic. My 24 year old son has just started running too - about 7 weeks ago - and is astounded at his progress. Slow, steady and regular. (I haven't lost any weight - just changed shape!) The weight loss will come with a change of attitude. Its a brilliant programme - well done you - and keep posting, its great for morale.

I ran an event recently when a far better and wiser runner than me told me that once upon a time he thought he could eat anything he wanted and he could run it off. He found he couldn't. That confirmed my own experience. I run about 20k or so every week and after two years of Weightwatchers and 18months since I first started C25K, I still have to be careful about what I eat (and drink!). What I have found though, is that sensible eating combined with my regular runs keeps my weight in check. Neither on their own is quite enough.