Mad March Movement Quest Wk 3 - Feel free to j... - Couch to 5K

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Mad March Movement Quest Wk 3 - Feel free to join. (19 jan-1March)

Realfoodieclub profile image
33 Replies

Hi and welcome to the Mad March Movement quest week 3

I have decided that this forum is just the sort of place that keeps giving. I spent a wonderful day yesterday meeting up with some of the members doing the Winter run. Just like on here everyone was lovely and I had a great day.

I have never seen a proper race before as my Tri was very staged and lots of people had left before I started. Yesterday it was amazing to see so many runners in one place. as I was stood on the finish line waiting I could not help noticing how many people looked so comfortable after their 10km. I am still at a stage where I am bright beetroot. More training needed I Think.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.


























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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33 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well I just managed to finish Jantastic last week, but it was by the skin of my teeth. I crashed and burned after two 10.5km runs. I will not be trying to increase it to 14km this week. I am not going to beat myself up about it. The next seven weeks of the plan are about pace and they are nearly all 7km runs so I will take that time to gradually increase my distance in my own time. I know I can do it, just not in Asics time frame. The more I run the more I learn about myself.

GoogleMe profile image

A mixed bag with my progress this week. First off, I achieved 200 out of my planned 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity. At the beginning of the week I did a 5k run, second best time. But I wasn't very well afterwards - it was mostly on trail surfaces (hence the good time) and the harder surfaces have a worse impact on me. I really didn't want to miss my swim but just did half the time/distance. Did a little bit of a run round the field whilst it was snowing heavily - my walking boots are Vivobarefoots so not really very different. other than that, lots of walking because I haven't been able to or wanted to get the car out.

But no longer yoga session. Still haven't cracked fitting that in reliably, and a bit wary as I think part of the problem earlier in the week was due to a session last weekend, despite it being very gentle. Really enjoying mudra meditation as it gives me something to do with my hands.

Discovered I could return to a MOOC I'd had to abandon and have really enjoyed catching up on that, although again, a lot of cognitive effort earlier in the week had adverse effects.

Like RFC, it is important to pace myself, more is not necessarily better.

Tomas profile image

I thought I had signed up to the quest, but must have just thought about it. Anyway, I'd like to join please.

As for this last week, it was a bit of a mixed bag. Had a long day in London but managed to get home in time to cycle to a swimming lesson (two birds with one stone there), but then on Thursday/Friday I was in Bridgend and didn't get any exercise in at all. Stayed at a hotel with a pool so I had brought swimming trunks, but the pool was "under maintenance" when I got up early Friday morning. Bah, humbug!

Managed to complete my Jantastic ambition with a long run on Saturday, and then spent Sunday thinking about all the c25k'ers doing the London Winter Run.

For me the focus and theme for this quest is about sustainability. I do want to push myself, and I need to push hard to get ready for the events I've signed up to later in the year. But it has to be a sustainable push that I can carry on for 9 months (or longer, thank you very much), not just for a few weeks. I hope that I have managed to strike the right balance so far.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Tomas

I know you signed up last week. I put your name down. For some reason if I go into the post today all the posts have been deleted and this time it was not me. The site is very glitchy at the moment.

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Realfoodieclub

I looked at the Week 2 post at the weekend for a catch up and it showed 0 replies !

I went back and checked a few times...always the same.

Checked yesterday...they were all back LOL :D

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

No worries RFC :)

Slookie profile image

Got a good hefty dose of the husband's manflu (sharing is not necessarily always caring) so bunked off for the latter part of last week and probably won't get out early this week. Will be cheering all Questors on from under my hankie though.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Slookie

Me neither Slooks :-(

Still suffering from dodgy hip , tried to run on it yesterday to give it a little test drive, but it was agony and I had to stop.

Hope you feel better soon Slookie and Good Luck to all fellow Questers :-) xxx

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to poppypug

Oh no, that's miz-making :( Hope the hip can be sorted out soon Poppy.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Slookie

Thanks Slooks xxx It will , by hook or by crook .

Im not taking it lying down ( well , more in a slightly crooked to one side way :-D ) xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to poppypug

Oh no poppy. That's s**t! When are you next seeing the physio? xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

I haven't seen one yet Princess. Money's too tight to mention at the mo'. I'm waiting to hear from my Doc about my X Rays and where I go from there . This too shall pass n' all that xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to poppypug

I'm thinking of you. You'll get back to it stronger than ever. xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you Princess xxx

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to poppypug

Chin up Pops ...hope you can get this sorted out soon x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Thanks Carole,

Oh Ive just read that youre on the injury chaise longue too ! Hope you get sorted soon , take care xxx

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to poppypug

Actually,just back from first run in 3 weeks and feeling ok so far,took it quite easy though ...a gentle 5.2 K with a few walk breaks...but I'm so relieved to have started again .

Thanks for your good wishes take good care ....I'm sure you'll be back to form soon x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Oh that is good news Carole, you have come through with flying colours , fab stuff ! :-)

Long may your recovery continue !

I will get there Carole, thanks .

I like to quote Winston Churchill in times like these

"Never, never, never give up " :-D xxx

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Slookie

Get well soon ,Slooks x

misswobble profile image

Thank you RFC!

Still running 3 or 4 times a week and in training for a 10 k race in March. Doing a fitness challenge using Jillian Michaels exercise DVD's in a 30 day thing, to get me fitter and keep my weight down a bit as I do like my grub!

Runs going ok but still one behind because I missed one somewhere along the line. Must have been any icy, snowy pavement day but I'll get it done this week

Irishprincess profile image

I got my 3 runs in last week, with 2 in the sun! One just over 5K, another just over 6K and I managed the 10K yesterday in the colder British weather! Lovely!

Did one gym session but no pilates. Must do one this week and get back into a proper routine now.

Good luck all questers and have a great week.

christian1 profile image

I managed my three runs this week - even though one of them consisted of running up and down the stairs as it was too sleety and icy to venture out!

The horrid weather also meant I have not completed my B210K run for the week.

AngieS profile image

Fairly good week for me. I'm continuing with my RunEngland 10K training plan and managed 7k this week in 45 mins - my longest run so far, so I'm pleased with that. Still finding the interval runs hellish, but I guess they are supposed to be challenging! I've managed to fit in a yoga session on each of my rest days, which was one of my goals, but I think I may have overstretched slightly as I have a slight ankle twinge when I point my toes. Fortunately it doesn't seem to be causing any problems when I run at the moment.

I've enjoyed reading all your inspirational posts from the London Winter Run - think I'll be making chocolate cake at the weekend!

Anniemurph profile image

I thought I had signed up but must have missed it, so please could I join halfway through?

Mind, there's not much to report. The snow and ice took out the first half of the week. I'm recovered from the op now so went for a short run in my shiny new shoes, which were to replace the shiny new shoes that gave me bad hip pain. Unfortunately, the new new shoes also gave me hip pain. I really don't understand this but I will take them back to the shop, with my original shoes, and explain that the old ones are like slippers and that the two pairs they have suggested are just not right. There must be a pair of trainers out there for me, surely!

And I had Winter Run envy :D it was fantastic reading everyone's preparations, all the excitement and build-up - and then to see all the photos and to read all about everyone meeting up and the fantastic time everyone had. I wished I'd been there. Next year!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Anniemurph

Hey often do I seem to post right behind you ? :) Really hope you get your shoe probs sorted ...that is so frustrating .

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

I know you signed up last week. I put your name down. For some reason if I go into the post today all the posts have been deleted and this time it was not me. The site is very glitchy at the moment.

Carolecal profile image

Hi Rfc ...aka cake baker extraordinaire ! ...the Winter Run reports have been so inspiring to read must have been great to be part of it .

Sadly, sitting on my backside and reading about it just about sums up my activity for the week as I've still had problems with my right side and the pulled muscle(s) .I'd tentatively hoped to get out last Thursday as it really seemed to have settled down the few days before,but Thursday was a weather day from hell and no way would anyone in their right minds have ventured out so hibernation continued.

I am cautiously optimistic that things have improved enough to attempt a few short ones this week...keep everything crossed please.

Sympathies from the sofa to Slooks and Pops xx

Happy running everyone ...take care out there :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Thanks Carolecal. Hoping to take the lungs for a test drive by the end of the week if the snow goes away. Looks very pretty though and, if there had to be a week on the ninjacouch I suppose this is a good one.

Hope your muscles are back on form and your right side is behaving itself.

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Slookie

That's the up and enjoy :)

Feel so chuffed as I had my first run in 3 weeks at lunchtime...and all good...touch wood :)

Thanks for your good wishes Slooks ....and I hope the ' test drive' goes well !

folkieboater profile image

One and a bit for me last week!

Work and travelling home got in the way of the early part of the week.

Headed out of the marina Friday morning expecting the towpath to be less icy, but no. Not wanting an impromptu swim I turned for home so only half a mile done.

Made up for it with a 10k on Saturday morning.

Well done everyone else and take care those on the injury couch.

ajwyld profile image

3 short slow runs last week - was all I could fit in, but am pleased I did it. Hoping for a more normal week this week ! (2 short runs on working days, plus a longer run on Saturday morning.)

I had a great week last week, my longest run ever of just under 9K, very pleased with that! This week so far has not been quite so good, chickened out after only 3K on Sunday as the weather was evil! It's very slippery here today too, so tnried the "Speed" podcast along the river but didn't really do very well...It's looking much sunnier out there now so hopefully it will thaw and go away! If it's fine enough on Saturday I'm gonna give ParkRun another go, Madge50 has offered to meet me and hold my hand!

Fitfor60 profile image

Been sort of mixed week On plus side finally managed a proper swim session - only one but it's a start. But eating everything in sight so not happy about that . Jog scotland leader suggested we have ' lighter' week as part of HM training so only 2 runs and each about 1/2 normal length. Felt funny and really wanted to run more.

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