Hi all.
I completed the C25K programme about 2 years ago now. Was doing really well, running up to 7miles 3 times a week. Then whilst doing a long run in the dales, in very hot weather, for some reason, my trusty trainers began rubbing and I developed a very large blister on the bottom of each foot. As I was in the middle of nowhere and running to meet up with my husband, I had no choice but to continue and finish the run (well, hobble by the time I finished!). I think developing the blisters altered my gait too as I also ended up with Achilles problems. Once I recovered from that, I started building up my running again, only to develop plantar fasciitis - another couple of months before I could get going again!
Whilst building up again, I moved from the picturesque Yorkshire Dales, to the flat fens of Cambridgeshire, and was finding it very uninspiring. On top of this, I lost my trusty running companion when my dog developed cancer of the spine over just a couple of months and very quickly had to be put to sleep.
I lost all motivation for several months, however, had just started getting going again when a trip back up to Yorkshire led to disaster. I was so excited being back and went on one of my favourite old runs. The run was going really well when I managed to fall and twist my ankle really badly, resulting in another 3 months before I was fit enough to start again.
I have recently moved again, to Shropshire, and love the countryside. I am trying yet again to get running and thought I'd restart the C25K programme from week 4 as that seems to be about my current level of fitness/ability. I am still finding it difficult to maintain sufficient motivation to be consistent with getting out there.
I have discovered a local running club which seems good, and will go there once a week.
I also found this forum really supportive and good for motivation the first time I did the C25K, so have rejoined in the hope I can get back to where I was back then.
Very sorry for the long post. I'll try and be briefer in future!