Happy tears: Hi I'm Zoe and I've been lurking on... - Couch to 5K

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Happy tears

31 Replies

Hi I'm Zoe and I've been lurking on these boards for a while now, I have attempted c25k several times and never passed week two but this time my heads in the game and I have just completed week 5 day 3, I cried tears of joy when I'd finished, it was an amazing feeling to jog 20 minutes straight (I could have gone longer) and trust me when I say I'm a 'big' girl and never in my wildest dream would have thought I'd do it. So to anyone struggling or thinking of giving up, DONT if I can do it anyone can

31 Replies
GettingFitter profile image

Fantastic well done Zoe. W5R3 seems to be the biggest challenge and you've done it. I never understood why but it was great to get it out of the way and get the gremlins out of your head. Good luck with week 6 not long now and you'll be graduating

in reply to GettingFitter

Thank you, I tried not to think too much about it as it would have put me off. I just got on treadmill and started counting to 1200 lol, she had finished before I got there so certainly could have gone on. Feeling awesome, onto week 6.

hi Zoe, welcome :) and very well done , this program is really a life changer :) the hardest part is taking those 1st steps and starting, this is also as much a mental challenge as a physical one .

everyones story is different and everyone here is here to support and ecourage you :D keep at it and keep posting :D

in reply to

Thanks Rob, I've found that it's mostly a mental battle for me so I'm dealing with that one (quite well I think ☺️) as I go along.

in reply to

you are doing so well Zoe, it is such an amazing feeling to do that 1st 20min run :D just take week 6 steady it has cuaght some out after week 5 :)

I will thanks for the warning

Vixchile profile image

Well done Zoe! Reaching w5r3 is a massive achievement we all know it so well. It's great you never gave up, you are at the half way point youshould be able to see that light at the end of the tunnel now. Keep going, your doing great!

Hi Zoe, that run definitely the toughest one to overcome, mentally - and you did it! Congratulations :)

Keep this one in mind when you're building up over the next few weeks. If you can do this, you can do those too! Well done :) xx

Miss_slinky profile image

Well done Zoe - that's amazing!! I've got that run at the start of next week and the fear is already there. Probably be the same as you though. To be honest I nearly cried after finishing week 1, run 1 - as I was soo proud that I'd got out the flat and done it. It sounds completely daft, but for me it's a mental battle as much as physical! You should be really proud of yourself and it's onwards and upwards!! Go girl! :)

Thanks guys, the support means a lot I'm welling up again :). This comment thing keeps cutting half my comment out grrr x

Jo55 profile image
Jo55Graduate in reply to

Snap. I Get most of mine deleted. Congratulations and good luck with the rest

Jo55 profile image
Jo55Graduate in reply to

Snap. I Get most of mine deleted. Congratulations and good luck with the rest

S_J_B profile image

So pleased for you. Week 5 run 3 feels like it would be impossible when you look ahead but you've done. Keep going strong x

misswobble profile image

Good for you Zoe! Never quit ! Finish those sessions if it's the last thing you do. You'll never regret it. This is life-changing stuff it really is but you have to keep pushing. You have to get out there even when you feel you can't be arsed. Force yourself!

Have fun! Whatever the weather. It's great being out for a run. We all probably dreaded it at first but you soon get to love it.

5kOrBust profile image

If I was wearing a hat I'd doff it to you! Brilliantly well done. I'm a couple of weeks behind you so still have that challenge to come, but with the support from on here and the lovely Laura I truly believe I can do it. This is your moment though, so bravo! Steve x

AncientMum profile image

Well done Zoe. W5r3 is the biggie, the psychological milestone. So very well done for getting out there and giving it a great big kick! Ain't no stopping you now :)

tanyag_163 profile image

Congratulations Zoe, that's fantastic. Well done for getting this far, and good luck with the rest of the programme.

Well Zoe, that's fantastic! I'm on W5R2 next so the big one is looming and those gremlins are getting in my head already. No doubt there will be a big emotional outpouring from me when I get to the end.

Have a great week 6!

MarlyParly profile image

Oh what a lovely post, I have cried those happy tears too, what an amazing sense of achievement isn't it?! There's no stopping you now, I found once I'd done that 20 mins, mentally I knew I could finish c25k. You'll do it this time girl, well done! x

the_tea_fairy profile image
the_tea_fairyGraduate in reply to MarlyParly

I'd second this. The mental battle is won. You'll get that little "can't do it" voice from time to time but you KNOW you can beat it now and there's huge power in that knowledge.

Also, I used the following ridiculous quote from some impossibly airbrushed personal trainer to get through the last weeks: "unless you puke, faint, or die, KEEP GOING!" I kind of hate it, but it works - the proof being that I used it again on my run yesterday night. In the dark. Up a hill. 6 miles into a 7 miler. That I really enjoyed. All those sentences would've been unthinkable this time last year. The programme really works and it sounds like you're doing fab!

runner56 profile image

Fantastic Zoe. Fanstastic.

You have come so far. 20 minutes is no mean feat. Keep up the good work and keep on posting.

Good luck with week 6. Slow and steady will see you through it.

Juliejam profile image

Hey Zoe

I graduated last week and also shared you fears on this run. All I can say is when I completed this I realised , like you that this is all in the mind. Be very confident with your runs from here on in. It just a matter of time till you hit that graduation run.

Conrgratulations. You did it, celebrate in style

Barbarajs profile image

Well done Zoe. So happy for you! I was so glad I'd got that run out of the way too. I'm just 2 runs ahead. Got another biggie on Friday. No more walking...arghhhhh!! Anyway you've done amazing....keep going. Such an achievement

barefootrunner profile image

Well done Zoe, I'm welling up just reading your post! It is amazing what we have all achieved (I'm just behind you and have 1 more run before the big 20) and it's not surprising we get emotional about it all.

Hat's off to you and thanks for the encouragement! All the best for week 6!!!


Enaj51 profile image

Be proud!

Keep going!

You can do it!

ju-ju- profile image

thats brilliant, you have made a fantastic achievement by doing this....you are so nearly there now, well done :)

Oh my the support on here is amazing. Thank you ALL for your lovely comments :)

poppypug profile image

Hi Zoe, just wanted to wish you all the best, you have overcome a major milestone on this programme !

Keep going, youre doing great !!

Onwards always xxx

hilbean profile image

Well done! Chuffed to bits for you! :D Just done that one this morning and it really does give you a buzz doesn't it :D

helingmic profile image

Zoe. I am so f;ad you did it! It's so wonderful. Oh just cry and sing to your victory because you can really be proud of your magnificent achievement. that is so, so good! Big brownie point there. Do celbrate and have a hot chocolate! All the best Mic XXX

pinkangel16 profile image

Oh Zoe, just well done! The whole programme is brilliant and a real life changer - and w5r3 is one of the real highlights :-) :-)

There's some toughies to come but you are so ready.

I just loved this post, took me right back.. changed my life and I'm still amazed at how great this running business is - looking forward to a lush cold run tomorrow morning.

Good luck wiy the rest :-) xx

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