for the first time! I'm really pleased, especially as only a few weeks ago I struggled to run for 60 seconds! Week 5 day 3 seemed an impossibility, a mountain to climb, and now I've done it!
Today I ran for 20 minutes : for the first time... - Couch to 5K
Today I ran for 20 minutes

Hi John, it's brilliant isn't it! Such a good programme and such a supportive forum here. Well done on your achievements. You've got many more to look forward to

Well done! Perseverance really pays off with this programme. The first day I really thought I might have a heart attack by the time I finished and now, only a few months later, I run 5k 3 or 4 times a week. Though I will never be a record breaker (except perhaps at being the slowest!) at 51 it is the best thing I have ever done for my health and wellbeing. Good luck with your own journey!

Way to go John! Finishing week 5 is a huge deal and a great mental boost. Congrats.

Thanks for your encouragement, guys! I plotted my route and time for the first time, on walkjogrun, and it tells me I ran at 4.5mph. I always thought that 4mph was a walking pace, so I'm not very fast, am I? At that rate it would take me over 40 minutes to do 5k! Is that really, really bad?

Well done john. That's the run I'm really dreading at the end of next week for me. Scared!
So lovely to read when someone has managed it. The rest of the weeks look more manageable now I bet

Don't dread it, Barbara. I looked askance at it, before, but I promise you, you can do it! You just get into a stride pattern, and keep going! Remember when you gave up smoking? You told everyone, so that you just HAD to give up, or you'd be the subject of ridicule! lol Do the same with the 20 minute run, if you really need more impetus! But I know you can do it, because I did too!

Well done on that run, and don't worry about the speed getting there is the most important thing

It's amazing, isn't it? You've come so far, and looking back, I bet it wasn't half as hard as you thought it was going to be. Congratulations with the progress so far, and happy running!
great stuff john, well done ,that 1st 20min run is a reallt big acheivenment onwards always john keep at it

Thanks, guys! What I don't understand is why Laura then starts week 6 with shorter distances? Logic decrees a few more 20 minute runs before progressing.
So good to hear this! I'm coming to the end of week 2, and I've been wondering whether I'll manage (in a few days!) to suddenly start running for twice as long...

Well done!
I'm about to start week 3 and that seems such a mountain to climb, so I can see why you are so pleased with yourself!
From what I've seen on here, the speed will take care of itself. You just concentrate on running to start with and once you've done it, you can gradually speed up.

It's such a milestone and a great achievement. Well done xxx

Thanks, guys! I ran again tonight, and each time I run my stride seems to become a bit more sure. I get into a regular pace, and on occasion feel I could run for a long way! Still taking silly little steps, and slow, but I'm gaining confidence, and can actually believe that in time I'll achieve 5k. And if I can do it, aged 69 and overweight and underfit, so can you.
Well done, that 20 minrun is the biggy! Take care with week 6 it can be a bit tricky and catches a lot of people out, me included. No your time is not really really bad, I'm still about that speed and I graduated 3 months ago. I enjoy my running and that's the main thing. Good luck with the rest of the programme, not long now.