Saving my sanity: i've suffered on and off for... - Couch to 5K

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Saving my sanity

suel18 profile image
29 Replies

i've suffered on and off for depression for the last few years and decided that to prevent a re occurrence of another episode I would try and excercise regularly and get fit at the same time.

I gave up smoking on Sept. 10th and started C25k on Oct 3rd. Week 6 run 1 and I'm. Soo proud of my self. I've even signed up for a 5K at Xmas. Chase the pudding along the beach front.

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suel18 profile image
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29 Replies
Ullyrunner profile image

That's brilliant Sue. We all benefit in so many ways from this running lark! Good luck with the rest of the programme.

hilbean profile image

Fantastic! Really hope that this will help keep the depression at bay for you. Good luck with the rest of the programme. And with the pudding chase. Sounds like fun :)

runner56 profile image

Great news Sue!! Keep up the good work.

Good luck

GoogleMe profile image

Wonderful.... that's the thing about the C25K...completing it is an achievement no-one can ever take away from you. It's a great springboard to all sorts of things.

Not long now to that graduation run. Enjoy!

Good for you Suel18! Go get that pudding! I find running helps me stave off the depression but particularly when there is a purpose and goal (then another!!) I had a eureka moment recently when I was honest with myself and realised that it was because I had let myself go and I don't like being overweight that I was feeling so blue. I'm trying to change that and I feel fantastic!

Keep going, it's not all plain sailing, but a punch of acceptance with your pinch of grit will take you a long way!

Toonlou24 profile image

That's great. Well done. Good luck with rest of it! You will continue to feel amazing!!!!

Rockette profile image

Sounds a great plan sue .well done on your achievement

caj62 profile image

Well done Sue! Good luck with the rest of the programme! x

NickyUk profile image

Hi Sue. is the running helping your depression? I was hit by it last xmas really bad and I'm on mirtazapine. I was still getting bouts of it once a month. I decided seven weeks ago to start the couch to 5k because I heard running is really good for depression. I must say, I've really seen a difference. It's given me something to focus on too.

suel18 profile image
suel18Graduate in reply to NickyUk

Hi NickyUk

yes it definitely helps. This time last year I was in a very dark place and with the help of practising Mindfulness and exercise I have managed to get off the pills and have a more positive outlook on life. The running plan helps as I don't have anyone I can go running with and so its like having a running buddy encouraging you on. By signing up to the Chase the pudding run I also have a goal, which I find is a must or else I wander aimlessly through life with no focus.

Keep up the good work! :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to suel18

Really glad you are doing so well sue, well done on all your achievements, fantastic work ! I can totally identify with you, depression is a horrible thing but you're making great leaps in your mental and physical wellbeing :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to NickyUk

Hi Nicky , i was on mirtazipine too after being hit by depression in 2011, and off work for 6 months, I started c25k in jan 14 and came off the pills ( low dose by then) around April time and have managed to survive without them :) This plan really does give you a great focus, and I did my1st 10k race in October. ... not long to graduation now for you, all the best to you, keep on going! :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to NickyUk

Glad to hear youre feeling better Nicky, and I hope you continue to improve. Keep going, youre doing great ! :-) xxx

FlyingScot profile image

I have found that the C25K and my subsequent continued running has hugely improved my mental health. So keep going! I am sure you will find similar benefit. I am loving the image of chasing the pudding along the beach!!!

pinkangel16 profile image

Hiya, I understand that running is definitely a great aid to depression. One of my brothers suffers with it and thankfully with the help of running, he is currently coping.

It's a great programme and you're doing so well, and giving up the fags too.

Really hope you finish this program and you begin an easier life without the beast of depression.

So good luck and well done so far - you are right to feel proud :-) xx

suel18 profile image

Thank you to every one who took the time to read and reply to my post. The plan has certainly given me a goal to focus on and I find that the energy i get from running, well sloth like jogging atm, sustains me through the day. I have such a feel good factor that I can run for 20 minutes now ! Lookout Xmas Pudding!

russelllett profile image

Well done, I gave up smoking 6 years ago, best thing I ever did, bought a campervan with the savings. Finished the C25K a few weeks and just did a 5k parkrun this morning, feel as Im going through another positive change in my life. Keep it up and good luck, if you don't know about the parkruns look them up lots of nice positive people.

MarlyParly profile image

It sounds like you are making leaps & bounds both mentally & physically, really lovely to read your positive post. That race sounds great fun!!!

well done sue keep it up. great job. u should feel proud of yourself. sorry reply is a wee bit late.

AncientMum profile image

Congratulations Sue, you're another fine advertisement for this amazing programme. Enjoy your running, especially chase the pudding on the beach. That sounds fab!

Gary-S profile image

Well done !!

ju-ju- profile image

fantastic, what an inspiring are doing brilliantly and I bet you feel so much better in yourself too?

suel18 profile image
suel18Graduate in reply to ju-ju-

Yes Juicyju I do thanks much better xx

I want to chase a pudding down a beach too....!!!! So pleased you are finding the running helps with your depression. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks which have been greatly helped by the regular exercise. I find a progressive approach like this definitely does help with achievement and that in turn helps with self worth issues. Hope you continue to benefit from the programme and don't forget we are your virtual running buddies and want you to succeed. Let us know how you get on.

poppypug profile image

Big hugs for you Kitty ((( ))) you are an amazing lady, fab post xxx

poppypug profile image

Well done Sue, I can relate so much to your post, I too have the "Black Dog " nipping at my ankles and have done for many years on and off.

I stopped smoking just over 2 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made along with starting this programme. The difference has been amazing. I am doing a 10k training plan, I run 3 times a week, I have a purpose and a goal and finally I feel as if I have some sense of control in my life.

I still suffer with it and I don't think I will ever be completely free of it but I am getting there . This forum is brilliant, I couldn't have completed the programme without the fantastic , supportive people on here.

Good luck and keep going ! Oh and please keep posting, it really helps ! :-) xxx

suel18 profile image
suel18Graduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you PoppyPug and we'll done to you too. I find the stories on here so inspiring. You have done amazing

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to suel18

Thankyou, that is very kind of you xxx

mariabelinchon profile image


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