Why do we run? : Yesterday I found myself out on... - Couch to 5K

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Why do we run?

Realfoodieclub profile image
17 Replies

Yesterday I found myself out on my run asking myself "why am I running"

This wasn't a negative question I just wanted to work out the answer.

Up until yesterday my runs have a had a focus. When I started it was to graduate, and then when I graduated I went straight into my training for the triathlon, so yesterday was the first time I went out without a so called purpose.

I have been telling myself I have got into bad running habits while getting myself ready for my triathlon. When I graduated I was running for 30 min but then had to cope with health issues.

I am not and never will be a natural runner. I am beetroot faced and puffy. I tire very easily and find long stretches of running very hard. I tend to take a 30 sec walk break after every 1km. I can do this quite easily for 5km. I can do a park run at 38.06 min.

So here I was out yesterday after pushing myself for a constant 2km taking my 30 sec walk break thinking what a bad run it was when I asked myself the question why am I doing this.

The answer I got was

I love it.

I would like to lose a little more weight without dieting

I want to be healthy

My runtime is ME time and It's good for me.

So I came to the conclusion for now, until my body gets more comfortable I will stick with my little routine and not beat myself up over it. I have always known I am a slow burner and will never be a Mo Farrah or Dame Kelly Holmes, but if I just relax into this my body will get there in the end.

So the reason for the post, we should never forget why we are out there and always remember every run is worth it. For some of us it will be a longer harder journey than others but it is always worth it.

Why do you run?

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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17 Replies
grannyjudes profile image

I started C25K back in April at 67 years of age and a life time of being sport phobic, to support my grand daughter who was fighting cancer, I wanted to do a 5k RFL. THEN I became hooked, I have days when I think WHY but then I remember how amazing I feel after, and how my Mum was once told if you dont use it you will lose it ( mobility ) and she has, I do not want that to happen to me, so thats why I run

Next Please !

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

This is much the same for me. There is nobody I know of around my age who could run 100 yards and I know LOTS of people in their 60s and 70's. Of course, I do come across some in that age group in Parkrun who are incredible athletes - but I don't really know them. So it is possible to keep what we now have and improve upon it.

mossy1 profile image

I am much like the others - just turned 55 and felt very unfit. Ran back in the late 80's and loved it and was fit and as slim as I have ever been but I stopped. Have always thought I should start again as I do not want to get older and more unfit than I already was so found NHSC25K and here I am. I am not going to be covering great distances but always fell chuffed when I come back after a run. I am fitter - can't say I have lost much weight but that is because I need to watch what I eat which I haven't been doing this last while. I did lose a bit of focus after I completed my goals but with this forum have got back on track - just running for me at the moment.

You are right Rfc - every run is worth it and what I sometimes forget is that if I can't run then I can always walk.

mossy1 profile image
mossy1Graduate in reply to mossy1

That should be feel chuffed not fell - don't want to be falling about!!

Net68 profile image

The reason I started the C25k was health :( my OH has ran in the past but he went to uni as a mature student. He put everything into his studies and gained weight. We both changed doctors and had to have a health MOT. While we both knew we were over weight none of us realised how it was effecting our health! So OH went back to running and he found me the C25K :) the rest they said is history!

Why I continue to run is because I love it! I have never ever ran before, not even for the bus! Don't get me wrong, I have so many bad runs that is hard to remember I love it lol I enjoy the feeling while out running, the feeling when I finish and how much more healthier I feel all the time :) I like being out doors and trying new routes, but also watch the time and km tick away on the treadmill. At the moment I am running both out doors and at the gym to prepare for my race in October :)

I also like the change to my body :) not so much the weight, which is great, but my new shape. :)

Happy running :)

Markee profile image

I have some of the same health issues as you rfc, plus a few more. My parkrun pb is exactly the same as yours!

I run because I love the euphoric feeling after a good run, but also because I now feel so much better healthwise and do not want to go back to my pre-c25k life. It has also helped me lose 5 stones!

I'm slow and a bit ungainly, not a bit stylish running-wise, but don't care. 10k is my current goal (and has been for a long while). I might get there eventually, but meanwhile I'm enjoying myself.

LadyP33 profile image

My motivation is a bit weird: a combination of wanting to be healthy and pure vanity- I saw a picture of an American celeb showing off a bikini body at 50, and thought that can be me next year!

I also know I need a goal, so I have entered 3 Triathlons next year so have to run, and finally I actually enjoy it, really enjoy it!

Runon profile image

So the Taxman can't catch me :) I took running up to get fitter but also as a distraction. I gave up smoking some 12 weeks ago and thought 'this is a new start for me' - I am going to be healthier so why not do something healthy - like running. I have never been a runner - not of any distance anyway - as a person I am more of a sprinter. I was not totally un-fit when I started C25K - nor overweight and I do sword fencing as a sport. Fencing is a little like badminton or squash - short sharp bursts of energy and very different to the requirements of distance running. I am thoroughly enjoying my running and see it as a real personal challenge as well. It is very difficult to think of having a cigarette after a run, and whilst I feel I will never start smoking again, running gives me an added incentive. :) I used to be able to run faster than the taxman and now I can run further than him :)

PS. I am only 4 runs away from graduating and wondered if you would be really really kind and start gently polishing my badge so it is all super shiney and sparkly for the awards ceremony - I am writing my acceptance speech as we speak. :)

no-excuse profile image

I started because I didn't think the C25K app would work for me! I wanted to be healthier and reduce my cholesterol and blood pressure without pills. It all worked!!! I have carried on because I want to maintain as good health as possible. But mostly because I just get so much satisfaction from running, alone or at parkrun, and seeing small improvements along the way, physically and mentally x :-D

I am 56, stopped smoking nearly 8 months ago , as for running the thought never ever entered my nicotine frazzled brain healthier and be fitter for my son who is 10 ,... I want be so I can be around as long as I can to see hime grow up and be there for him :D

Someone told me about C25K so after a few months of walking thought F*** it i can at least try it :) I would like to lose a few inches of my waist line if i can ,I can see and feel a difference already :D Running is so dam addictive ,Blimey I can run for 90 seconds now after Week2 lol 9 months ago i couldnt walk upsatirs without oxygen and sherpa's.

Belindauk profile image

I started running to prove a couple of points to myself.

1. You can do anything if you want it or put your mind to it. Tick

2. I wanted to quit smoking, without putting weight on. Non smoker now for 28 days. ;-) tick

3. I wanted to eat healthier and become fitter. Tick

4. Set a good example to the people I support with learning difficulties. Tick

5. To raise money for charities. Tick

I love running and it's thanks to the c25k program and this fabulous running community here on the forum ;-)

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Belindauk

Well done yesterday Belinda - brilliant - you are a star - stick at the non-smoking - it really does get easier.

Belindauk profile image
BelindaukGraduate in reply to Runon

Thank you Runon. ;-)

I have always been active, I live in UK and France half and half, and have been swimming around 2KM 3 or 4 times a week for quite a few years. That's only in UK though, as the pool in France is only open July and August when it's full of kids dive bombing, and no gym nearby either, so I needed something to do while I am here. A friend of mine who is a journalist did C25K recently, he wrote a brilliant blog about his journey, and I thought if he can do it, I could! Running is something that can be done anywhere, that's what appealed to me. Strangely, I don't like it much when I'm doing it, but want to go again as soon as I get home!

poppypug profile image

Oh I love posts like these cos they always get loads of positive replies and It gives us an insight into everyones personal stories, which is great for me , with me being dead nosy :-D

Running is always something I watched other people do, it was something I didn't think I would be able to do. I did have an half arsed attempt at it some years ago, when I was a smoker. I thought my lungs would explode , my knees were so painful and I developed a stitch within the first couple of minutes !

Finally stopped smoking two years ago tomorrow- yay ! I found this programme in April this year and have never looked back. I have had no problems at all with my knees, although have suffered discomfort with my ankle on and off. I am doing Jillian Michaels Shred to build up my overall strength and now my ankle only feels a bit twingy just the day after I have ran thats it , it has improved immensely.

I have accepted that I am never going to break any records for speed, I am a tortoise but a very determined, stubborn tortoise and when I get out there I will give it my all.

I feel fitter , I love my bum and running sorts my head out when I am having a bad day and the black dog is sitting on my shoulder .

Oh and I haven't had one single stitch whilst running, uh uh not one ! :-D xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

You are a star Poppy - congratulations on your non-smoking anniversary. Now you mention it I haven't had a single stitch either - but then I'm not trying to knit while I run. It is weird as I used to have them when I was a teenager - ha, some things do get better with age :)

poppypug profile image

Thank you Runon, you are so kind.

Crocheting is my thang . I used to do those little squares and make them up into blankets many moons ago. Rock n' Roll :-)

Have a Happy Sunday :-D xxx

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