Time to change ...: So its day 1 for me. The... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Time to change ...

laura_1987 profile image
37 Replies

So its day 1 for me. The only form of running I have done for the last 5/6 years is running a bath so a bit nervous about this. I don't want to start with the wrong attitude though so I am trying not to tell myself I will fail half way through .. although i can not help the negative thoughts creeping in. Anyone else have these problems when they started?

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laura_1987 profile image
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37 Replies
SexyBexy profile image

Welcome Laura! And congratulations, you've made the first, hardest step but as many of the others on this forum will say, trust the program, it works. I'm in the middle of week 5 and its hard but worth it. Keep posting on here. You'll get loads of support. Happy running. SB x

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to SexyBexy

Week 5 .. that's awesome! well done! hopefully I will be saying the same in 5 weeks :) x

Maysie1 profile image

Don't worry, you will be fine. Thoughts like that are totally natural, as it can seem like quite a daunting prospect. Stick with the programme though and you will be fine.

You are already off to a flying start with your name anyway!

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Maysie1

I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

My name??

Maysie1 profile image
Maysie1Graduate in reply to laura_1987

Laura is the lovely lady who nags us (or should that be encourages us?!) on the podcasts.

Sorry - that was a bit cryptic!

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Maysie1

Ah ok .. Maybe it will be me 1 day ;)

dottiemay profile image

First things first - welcome!! You've joined a fab group of 'I never thought I could's who did and have!

Second - we do not allow the 'F' word here. No-one fails. We all stutter and have setbacks and feel rubbish and have negative thoughts and...and.... But WE DO NOT FAIL!! We only ever succeed in making the effort, trying so hard, not quite making it, bouncing back, doing things we never thought or imagined we could and very importantly - supporting each other.

So, get out, start running - very slowly but slow is good, and share your adventures with everyone here.

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to dottiemay

Amazing advice and can't wait to be a part of the "I did it" group :)

Thank you :)

useitorloseit profile image

Just take it slow -don't try and run like you did when you were a kid or you're likely to strain those underused muscles and joints. You'll be fine and you're likely to get addicted like so many of us on here!

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to useitorloseit

I am really hoping so, when I see other people running they look like they are enjoying it and leaving loads of stress behind at the same time!

runningknitter profile image

I think we all start of wondering whether it is something we are able to do, but follow the programme, take it nice and slow, make sure you have your rest days and come on here and tell us how you are getting on. There is so much support and advice from the lovely people on here, so lots of us virtually running along beside you :0)

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to runningknitter

Ah that's an amazing way of thinking about it ... 1000's of running buddies :) .. Thank you :)

Tomas profile image

Welcome Laura. You can do this, don't worry :)

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Tomas

I hope so Tomas .. :)

spoonierunning profile image

Welcome. It's very doable and you won't fail. Just keep going out each week and before you know it you will be boring your nearest and dearest about running.

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to spoonierunning

LOL .. I would love to be an inspiration for someone 8 weeks from now .. :)

spoonierunning profile image
spoonierunningGraduate in reply to laura_1987

And you will be. My husband gets bored of my running talk but is very proud of me and it's motivated him to be more proactive and do more physical activity.

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to spoonierunning

That's awesome :) .. going to treat myself to a nice pair of running trainers are an incentive I think :)

carole52 profile image

Hi, ive just fi ished 1st ever session, look like a beetroot but survived x good luck

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to carole52

lol, well done!! I am going to go tonight, running track out the back of my house so no excuses!!

Ejbirdy profile image
EjbirdyGraduate in reply to carole52

Well done !

paul2014 profile image

Welcome aboard :) You will be fine, just keep us all updated on your progress :)

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to paul2014

I will Paul :) .. thank you!

Hi and well done for starting laura , i am only at week 2 and have similar thoughts to you but after completing W1 and start W2 i am getting hooked :D and anything seems possible . I was like you hadnt done anything for years and i am 56 :D keep going and enjoy :D

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to

That's brilliant :) and love the screen name! How far have you got up to so far? Has it been hard?

in reply to laura_1987

thanks Laura :) i am W2 R2 tomorrow in some ways it hasn't been to bad , it really is the thought is worse than the deed but have definitely needed the recovery days lol on teh other sid ei do miss the walk/run on the off days ,dam it is addictive :)

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to

You have hit the nail on the head .. I am already concerned about how tired i am going to get! just keep telling myself "suck it up woman and get on with it" .. here's to hoping i get the running bug before to long!!

in reply to laura_1987

Not that tired just time for your body

To recover and get stronger . You can fo it :-)

Miles_Yonder profile image

Hi Laura and welcome to the community! :-) Don't worry, those thoughts are perfectly normal; you'll get little nagging voices telling you to stop or that you can't do this, but it's really important to ignore them and tell them to sod off because you can - and will- do it. Take it nice and easy, take it one run at a time and don't get concerned with speed/distance for now. That can all come when you complete the programme.

C25K is excellent, truly, and really works. I imagine all of us here, myself included, were worrying about seeing the insides of an ambulance on that very first run, but the programme is so well designed that it gets you through it nicely; the weeks will fly by and you'll graduate before you know it.

I started C25K at the very start of April, struggling along with even the first week. Fast forward to now and I've ran three 10K races, more on the horizon, including Half Marathons and Marathons and Saturday just gone I ran Half Marathon distance. Amazing things are possible with C25K; it's truly life-changing as so many here will attest to. You can do this. :-)

A word of warning though: running - and races- are hugely addictive. You take it up to get fit and before you know it your wardrobe is overflowing with running gear and you have a collection of shiny shiny medals and a marathon on the way. Your Web browser will have fifteen tabs open: all of them concerning races and associated accommodation, and general running-related info. Prepare to become a running addict.

Good luck, enjoy the forum and keep us updated! :-)

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Miles_Yonder

Wow I hope one day I will have your enthusiasm! This is one addiction I am hoping i get .. :)

Vixchile profile image

I couldn't agree more with all the above. Take it nice and slow and don't listen to those negative thoughts, they don't go away they just easier to ignore. I use to love the gym years ago but I love running outside more. It's additive my partner has just finished the programme and now when he gets in "I did my fastest km", "look at my graphs", " I ran to....., then to......" So it can change your life but I think there is far worse things to be addicted to.

laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Vixchile

I really want to run outside but I am concerned about my breathing if its cold .. does that make a difference?

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to laura_1987

Hi Laura, I started the programme way back in jan 2014 in uk. We had a pretty mild winter, the wind was the biggest problem but easily sorted with a storm jacket and you just have to breathe through it. I didn't experience any problems with breathing but I don't have any medical conditions like asthma. Anyway when I moved to chile I started the c25k again. I found I was back running in "winter" But haven't experienced any issues with breathing apart from one day when the pollution was very bad. do what's best for you that might be running indoors on a treadmill or it might be outside. I love outside, seeing the wildlife in uk it was foxes etc, in S.America it's been some very colourful and big birds. plus the landscape changes constantly.

Mamma_Mia profile image

Hi Laura and welcome! We all have our reasons as to why we start C25k, but the important thing is we started, we believed in ourselves, and believed that the programme would get us through. Take each run as it comes (don't look ahead as you'll only overthink things!), run slow and steady, and I would recommend that you go to a running shop and get your gait analysed for proper trainers so as to avoid possible injury. Make sure you take your rest days and keep posting to let us know how you're getting on!


laura_1987 profile image
laura_1987 in reply to Mamma_Mia

Wow that a brilliant idea, I didn't even know that this was something that they offered! I will get googling to find my local running shop :)

Mamma_Mia profile image
Mamma_MiaGraduate in reply to laura_1987

I'm sure some of the guys on here have more advice about this than me, but I think the general gist is to avoid the generic sports stores like the plague! I'm based in Hampshire and used a shop called Up and Running - no hard sell and went out of their way to make sure I had a pair of trainers I was happy with. The other way to use it is to find out your gait (neutral or pronating, either over or under) and then go to one of the large stores and pick the right trainers where they'll probably be cheaper.

Good luck!

Ejbirdy profile image

Welcome - this is the best programme and the best forum to help you succeed - trust the podcasts (avoid the app!) and talk to us when you have ups and if you have downs.

I did no exercise before this and in 10 weeks I'm transformed :)

Good luck :)

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