Since my run on Friday I've noticed niggling pain in my left knee. It's not constant or unbearable, but it feels like it's behind the kneecap when I put the weight on that foot. I was going to run tonight but should I wait to be on the safe side?
Knee Pain : Since my run on Friday I've noticed... - Couch to 5K
Knee Pain

Definitely definitely wait. I've had loads and loads of knee trouble caused by not taking sufficient rest when I experienced knee niggles. A couple of weeks ago I posted some essential quad strengthening exercises that my physio said all runners should do to protect their knees. Please take some time to allow your knee to recover and to get to grips with the exercises. You really don't want 2months of limping and a load of physio bills because you ran when you should have rested. Good luck with the exercises
No way, someone else said quad stretches might help. I took a walk earlier and that does seem to have helped, plus the niggles have moved upwards, although they're very much faded. Do you have that link for those exercises? That'd be great.

From my experience you are better off waiting until the symptoms clear, which they probably will. Running on an injury can be asking for trouble.

I agree with the other comments here. I've come back too early from knee injury before (and it was pretty much the same as you described) and all I did was aggravate the injury, forcing myself to wait longer before running again.
It's frustrating, but waiting is the best answer.
Wait, most definitely. Have you changed your shoes recently; or have you had a gait analysis done? How old/how many miles have your shoes done?
You can try and mask the pain with ibuprofen, but you may well make it worse if you do and carry on. Get it better, and then resume running VERY CAREFULLY.
I'm a great believer in 'listening to your body'. Pain/discomfort is there for a reason, and don't ignore it.
Got gait analysis done and correct trainers after doing week 1 in the wrong ones. Everything was fine until I did the 20 minute run.
It's niggling still today, it's only sore (and even then only a little) when I walk, and it does seem to get better as the day goes on. It's frustrating because I won't be able to get out until Friday at the earliest now, assuming it's back to 100% which means a full week between runs.