I just did W4R2 and had a little sneaky peak at next week. Can't believe it's 20 mins running on day 3. Is this do-able?? Panicking!!
20 minutes??: I just did W4R2 and had a little... - Couch to 5K
20 minutes??

I remember feeling scared of that run too, it is totally do-able - take it easy, if it feels hard then go slower. You will surprise yourself!
Yes it is!
And you don't half feel chuffed when you've done it i can tell you. Trust in yourself and trust in the program. You will get through it.
Let us know how you get on.

Definitely doable, however slow!
My friend and I are running together and she said to me today, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone run as slow as this". Seriously we couldn't run any slower!

Panic not. You did W4R2, so you know that you can do W4R3, cos it's the same. Week 5 works the same way, slowly building. What you don't know and obviously can't believe, is that each run is preparing you for the next one. If you complete it, then you are ready to move on. If you can't complete it, no worries, repeat it till you can. The structure is brilliant and is based on the philosophy that making people grin from ear to ear with smug satisfaction at their own unexpected physical achievements, is incredibly motivating.
As the others say, trust the programme, believe in yourself and take a steady pace throughout. You will do it. It is worth preparing by doing some facial stretches to prepare your face for that grin.
Good luck and tell us how you get on.
Don't look ahead !!!! You have got three more runs preparing you for W5R3, and you will be prepared. Take it slowly and you will be able to do it, and you will feel very pleased with yourself. Good Luck !
I know I know!!! Can't help myself....but seriously though, I just watched the Laura video, and she's running at quite a pace. I feel like my warm up walk is faster than my "runs". Is that normal??
Thank you everyone. I just have to keep reminding myself how bad I felt after W1 R1!!!

You will be ready no doubt! Take it nice and steady!

It sounds mad but the 20 minutes was my favourite and most memorable run of the whole programme. You dread it, you do it, and then you feel wonderful for days, that's how it goes

Totally do-able. I did it yesterday. I actually punched the air when I finished it felt so good. And I run slower than a slow thing in treacle.
Just completed it last week take it nice and slow

Just completed it 3 days ago and it was the best run, except for Week 6 Run 1. I felt do good after the 20 min run that I felt like taking a victory lap.

As everyone has said, it is so do-able. Once you've completed the runs up to that point, you'll be ready.
And as many have also said, that run is simply the best of the lot. You'll very definitely grin from ear to ear.. and may even shed a tear.
Good luck and let us know how you get on
I'll definitely be shedding tears....