I had planned on doing parkrun on Saturday with battle dog but I chickened out, it was pissing it down, light rain I am fine with but parkrun means standing around at the start getting cold. I was also really tired. I have been struggling to wake up for early morning runs. I miss early morning runs but I have to listen to my body and if it's tired it gets rest.
I am trying to teach myself to embrace the later in the day runs - late afternoon/early evenings - sort of heading out between 4 - 5.30pm. There is no way I could do after dinner so inevitably I am encountering heat.
So 5.30 and it's time to head out:
Lycra wonder outfit and battle dog - check
Start off on our normal 10 minutes or so warm up and head into Derbyshire. Ferd does dog stuff and we're off. I was hunting someone down who had stolen some very valuable information from the base.
I start off in the glorious shade, it's not so bad.
Battle dog and I evade the attack. Now we move to open ground we have a better view of potential threats but it means we have lost our shade. It's hot. We go on.
Puddle. Now thus far I have resumed running around puddles - my shoes are pretty - but my feet were hot, it was far too tempting. Splosh through them I go - ooooh how lovely and delicious and cool. My pretty foot clouds are now dirty oh well it was going to have to happen sooner or later.
I race past battle dog as he is cooling down in the River Erewash, he catches up and once again they are evaded.
We hear some distressing news about our target she is heading to some hidden motor bikes, if she gets there first then we will have lost her, we have to keep going.
Embankment in sight to get up to canal side. Time to slow to a walk, 'Ferd come', time for battle dog to be tethered.
On we go. Really feeling the heat now, it's hard going, but we have stretches of shade now.
Sunlight, shade, sunlight, shade this is how it goes on.
Lots of teenagers about. Urgh I hate running pass teenagers they are the ones that laugh. Run on, think to myself does it matter? You can run 3 miles they probably would struggle for a km.
Mission complete we got to the girl before she got to the bikes, meaning we get to ride back to base - if only, my run is not yet complete.
You know that canal is looking really inviting cool and I am sure the water would be really tasty..... Hot, I need a drink.
On we go. Hot. almost at the second lock, it's no good I am going to have to walk for a bit. Pick those feet back up. Attempting to complete the zombie chases has gone out the window, I am getting dyhydrated. Pick those feet back up we can do this, slow the pace.
Now the trouble with the distance checks on the zombie app is they are way off, 5k check has been sounds but I know it's wrong, the only way to guarantee 5k is to go over so I continue till I get the 6k check aaaaaannnnnnnd done.
Home, water, water, cold shower, water, dinner.
I am slowly learning that I can run later in the day, but it is harder work for me and unlike morning runs I definitely become more dehydrated so I think a water bottle will have to be experimented with.
5.41km - runkeeper tell me this is my furthest distance so far
47.27 minutes
8.46 min/km
4 zombie chases (2 completed)
Sunday - Jeeves (giant house rabbit) decided that my earphones were very nommy. I've lost count the number they have eaten through, expensive, cheap, they don't care. always because Mr Mouse has left them in tempting place. I put them in a laundry basket waiting to be carried upstairs but apparently this was not safe from Jeeves he hopped in and chomped before I could shoo him away.