I am amazed to have completed Week 5. Being a 48 year old mum with wobbly bits I always said I don't do running, but this program is ideal for me. I wasn't sure if I would complete 20 minutes jogging, but I've done it and am really pleased with myself. I'm not at all fast and have dubbed my jogging 'plogging' (plod+jog) but it works for me. I think the dog took longer to recover than me! Roll on Wk6 ... now can actually imagine being able to jog for 30 minutes.
Week 5 completed!: I am amazed to have completed... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 completed!
Well done. Lots more non-runners here too! Now all running thanks to C25k
I never used to exercise at all, cept for swimming in my youth, and now I never stop moving thanks to Weightwatchers and C25k. Good innit
Week 6 is a bit harder but when it's done the sense of achievement is immense.
Good luck with it. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Good nutrition is key to happy running so get some good eats lined up to fuel you through the runs. Enjoy them too as the 9 weeks will soon be over, so it's good to take it all in while you're doing it as it will be over before you know it
Well done - that's a big run out of the way. Watch out for week 6 A lot of people find it tricky! Nice and slow is the best way.
Well done on the 20minutes, it's definitely the point where I believed I could run too. Enjoy the next few weeks of the programme.